Chapter 5-What Do You Want From Me??

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As I was laying on the ground of the graveyard, the shadow looked at me and smiled. "W-Who are you"?? I asked very scared. The shadow took off its hood and I finally saw who it was. "Ashley"?!!?!? I yelled shocked. "Thats right. Now your coming with me". She answered while grabbing me. I screamed loud and couldnt break free. Until Harshini came. "Put her down"!!! Harshini shouted. "What are you going to do if I dont"?? Ashley asked while smiling an evil smile(just like Kayla would). Harshini blasted her with a power that I never knew she had. I fell to the ground and Ashley screamed with anger. "NOOO"!!! She yelled. I ran to a nearby tree and hid behind it. I watched Harshini and Ashley fight. "Why do you want her so bad"?? Harshini asked. "Thats none of your business". Ashley replied meanly. I ran home and found Chris standing by my door. "Where were you"?? Chris asked while sounding like mom. I started to cry. Chris hugged me. "What did I say"?? He asked worried. "Thats how my mom would say it". I cried. I still missed her alot. I pushed Chris out of the way and ran to my room. Mom meant alot to me. Especially now that shes gone. Chris was standing outside confused like he said something wrong. "What about school"??? I heard Dad tell in to the phone. I listened. "She hasnt been there for a while". Dad shouted. He was talking about me and it was true. I haven't been to school in a while. I don't know when Im gonna go again. "Fine, she will go to tomorrow"!!!! Dad yelled while hanging up. I gasped and ran out of my room. "What do you mean Im going to school tomorrow"??? I asked while shocked. Dad sighed. "Your going to school tomorrow". He said calmly. "What about Marcel and Clarissa??? Dont they go too"??? I asked him. He nodded. I went to my room and fell asleep. (Morning) When I woke up, I felt different. Like something was missing. I shrugged and took a shower. "Sam, hurry up or your gonna be late for your first day"!!! Dad called. I quickly got out of the shower and got dressed. "Bye Dad"!! I called while running to the bus. He smiled and waved. I sat alone on the bus and someone kept poking my head. I moved my seat but the person followed me. "Look, you need to stop touching my head". I said while turning around. "Wow, new girl has attitude". One girl said. "Fight, Fight, Fight"!!!! A few kids cheered. I looked out the window. Im not going to like this. As I walked threw the halls, I saw a girl that looked like Ashley. Then another that looked like Harshini. I shook my head and tried to find my class. "Excuse me. Do you know where room 503 is"??? I asked a girl kindly. "Try to find it yourself. Im no map". She answered rudely. I gave her a dirty look and walked away. "Excuse me. Can you tell me where room 503 is"?? I asked a boy nicely. "Yeah. Its right up there". He answered kindly. I nodded and went to my class. "Eww new girl. Get out of my way". Some girl said while pushing me to the side. She laughed with her friends and walked away. I threw something at her and she turned around. I ran in my classroom so she wouldnt know it was me. The mean girl came into the classroom, looked at me and sat down. I shook my head and payed attention. "Samantha!!!! What year did George Washington become president"?? The teacher asked me. "Umm. 1921"?? I answered quietly. The class laughed. "I wanna hear one of you jerks say the correct answer"!!! I yelled. The teacher kicked me out of the room. I sat in the hallway and looked at teachers go by. "Sam, go down to the principal". The teacher ordered. I nodded and went slowly. "Hello, Sam. Why are you here"?? The principal asked. I told him what happened and he nodded. "Everybody knows that George Washington became president in 1956". He said calmly. I laughed. He looked mad. "I dont think thats right". I said while laughing. "Detention"!!! He demanded. I looked shocked. "Why"?!?! I screamed. "For laughing at the principal"!!! He yelled. The bell rang and it was time for detention. I groaned and went in. I saw Chris. He looked me and smiled. I sat alone in the back and put my head down. Chris came over and looked at me. I looked up and frowned. "Is everything ok, Baby"? He asked while trying to be nice. I got up and moved my seat. He followed. I turned my head to look at him. "Dont call me baby and stop following me. I dont want to talk to you". I growled. Chris looked hurt after I said that. He went back to his seat and looked at the wall. (Chris's point of view). Why was Sam being mean to me?? Well, she always is, but not like this. I want to help her, but she wont let me or anyone. "Sam, let me help you". I said while trying to be nice. "No. Now leave me alone"!! She yelled. She went back to the back of the room and put her head down. This time, she cried. I felt really bad. But stalking her is fun. (Sams point of view). Chris kept on staring me. I stood up and started doing some cheers I had remembered from when I was on the cheer squad. It always calmed me down. I turned around to look away from Chris. When I turned back around to look at him, he was gone. "Chris, where are you"?!?! I shouted. He was nowhere. I ran all over the school, looking in every locker, every classroom. But no Chris. I looked in his house, my house, the graveyard, the park and everywhere he might be. But he didnt show up. "Hahaha". Somebody laughed. I couldnt see them. I was terrified. What if that laugh is after me next?? I have to do something.

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