Chapter 1-Meeting me

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Hi. My name is Samantha and Im not your average teenage high school girl. I dont do clubs like all the other kids do. I sit alone at lunch, keep to my self in the hallways and sit in the back of the class. I dont like working with people and dont talk to anyone. The rest of the cheer squad doesnt talk to me. I really need friends. My brown eyes get covered with my long black hair. Thats how I like it. My mom always tells me that Im beautiful and that I should show my beauty more but I dont listen. My parents are divorced. That really changed me. I live with my mom, brother and sister. We dont see my dad often but sometimes we see him on the weekends. Anyway, enough about me. Lets get to the actual story. I was at the park with Marcel and Clarissa when this guy started staring at me. "Sammy!! Sammy!!! Push me on the swing"!! Marcel called from under the slide. I glanced at the guy and he winked at me. "No!! Push me"!! Clarissa whined. I groaned. "How about I push you both on the swing"?? I asked nicely. Clarissa giggled happily and Marcel ran to the swing. I had just put Marcel in the swing when the guy came over. "Hey cute thing". He said while flirting. I didnt look at him. "Whats your name"?? He asked. "Leave Sammy alone"!! Clarissa shouted. The guy yelled at her and she cried. "Dont yell at my sister and I wont wont yell at you". I threatened. Nobody yells at my sister. "My name is Chris". The guy said while changing the subject. I took Marcel and Clarissa out of the swing and dragged them home. Chris followed. "Dude, leave me alone". I said angry. We reached home and I quickly locked the door. "Whats going on"?? Mom asked while looking up from her book. I didnt answer her. I looked out the window and saw Chris writing something. It was probably my address. "Sam, are you ok"?? Mom asked while getting up. "Sammy has girl problems"!! Clarissa giggled. I shook my head. Typical 4 year olds. "Clarissa!! Dont talk like that"!! Mom scolded. I went upstairs to my room and looked at my phone. "I need friends". I said outloud. Just then, my phone rang. It was an unknown number. I shrugged and picked up. "Hello". The caller said into the phone. I knew the voice. "Why are you calling me"?? I asked angrily. "I know you want me". Chris replied full of pride. "Ew. Im capitan of the cheer team. I dont need you to ruin my reputation". I growled. "Harsh". Chris said sounding offended. I laughed a little and hung up. (Lets jump to chris). Chris was laying on the floor in his room. He sighed deeply and looked at the fan. "I have got to get her number". Chris said while thinking. He picked up his phone and saved Sams number into his phone. Chris got up and searched Sam online. He found out about her. "I basically know everything about her now". Chris said happily. "Chris, what are you doing in there"?? His mom asked while knocking. Chris quickly ran to his bed. Chris's mom looked at his computer. "Are you stalking another person"?? She asked. Chris looked really embarrassed. "Ive told you to stop doing this. Remember what happened last time"?? She asked. Chris nodded and sighed. "Lets not talk about last time". He begged. "Shes a pretty girl. Dont you dare stalk her". Chris's mom warned. (Back to Sam). I called my dad but he didnt pick up. Hes always busy with work. "Sammy, Sammy"!! Marcel called. "What"??? I yelled. "Somebody is here for you". Clarissa screamed. I walked out of my room and saw dad at the door. "Mommy, mommy"!! Clarissa shouted. Mom came out to see what she wanted and froze. She immediately got angry. There was yelling, screaming and cursing. I had to take Marcel and Clarissa out of the room because mom didn't want them hearing thoes words. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE"?!?! Mom screamed. "I came to see my children". Dad replied calmly. "They are not your children anymore. They are mine". Mom said angrily. "LET ME SEE MY CHILDREN"!!! Dad shouted. "NO"!!! Mom scolded. Then it happened. I heard a bang. I peeked out to see what it was and I saw it. Mom on the floor. Dad hit mom. It was her fault for making him really mad and it was his fault that mom was hurt. Possibly dead. "Why did you hit mommy"?!? Marcel asked while crying. Dad looked really guilty and angry. "I didnt mean to. Honey, please wake up". Dad begged. "If you think shes going to forgive you, think again. She hates you enough already". I growled. "Stop being a brat and call the ambulance". Dad demanded. 10 minutes later, the ambulance came. "Will my mommy be ok"?? Clarissa asked scared. "She will be fine. Nothing serious happened". One man said. "How did she fall"?? The other man asked. "This man hit her". I answered while pointing at Dad. He gave me a glare and I shrugged. "Sir, you are under arrest for hitting this women". A police officer said as he walked in. Dad looked at me really angry. He looked like he wanted to punch me. I shrugged and looked down at mom. She was on the floor, laying there with no emotion. Marcel and Clarissa were crying and I was trying to fight my tears. I took deep breaths and helped mom up because she moved. "What made her fall"?? I asked. "After she got hit, her body went into some sort of shock". The ambulance man explained. I nodded and glared at Dad. He had no expression on his face. Dad sighed deeply and looked at mom. She was ok but not happy with him. "Why did you hit me"?? She asked madly. Dad was going to say something but I heard a noise in my room. I walked in and saw things moving around. I know it sounds crazy, but it was happening. "W-Whos there"?? I asked nervously. "Hello. My name is Ashley". Some random voice said. "Umm ok. But why are you haunting me"?? I asked. "I needed somebody else to haunt. My other person got boring". Ashley replied. "Why cant I see you"?? I asked curiously. "Because silly. You cant see ghosts". Ashley laughed. "Can anybody else here you"?? I asked while looking down. Ashley shook her head. So, this is my life now. I have a cute guy stalking me for no reason and a ghost haunting me because she got bored of her other victim. On top of that, I have to deal with two 4 year olds and divorced parents. Can my life get any worse?? Well, Im gonna find out sooner or later.

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