Chapter 22-This isn't goodbye

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"Oh my god". I cried. I was crying at that point because I might have killed someone. Or so I thought. Suvarna was on the ground, motionless. She didn't move. Just then, Chris appeared. "Woah, what happened"?? Chris asked with a shocked tone in his voice. I was speechless. I didn't say anything. Harshini got a happy look on her face. "Now that she's gone, you two can finally kiss"!!!! She exclaimed. My face turned red and Chris smiled. I don't think Chris wants to kiss me. Or does he?? "Should we do it"?? I asked. Chris nodded and right when we were about to kiss, Suvarna jumped up out of nowhere and knocked me down. "What the hell is your problem"?!?! Chris yelled. Everyone froze. Suvarna looked at him confused. "You think your so tough. You think that your some bad girl just because you know how to beat people up. Well listen. Sam did nothing wrong. Why do you hate her so much?? She's the most nicest, funniest, prettiest girl I've ever met. My mom was right. I shouldn't be stalking her. Sam is just a girl who wanted to fit in. And I ruined it. Im sorry". Chris went on. He was crying by the time he finished. When Chris called me pretty, I blushed. Harshini was cheering, Suvarna was furious. She was raging with anger. "And you know what Im going to do now"?? Chris asked with that smirk on his face. "What"?? Suvarna asked while raging. "This". Chris replied. And right then and there, he kissed me. Harshini was smiling so big that it could light up the sky. Then, Chris started shaking. I just stood there with my mouth open because I didn't know what was happening. Nobody did. Chris disappeared then reappeared shortly after. He looked different. "Chris"?? I asked. He smiled. Chris was back. He was human again. It was my kiss all along that would bring him back to life. I was crying. I had missed him. "Hey, it's ok. Don't cry". Chris whispered while holding me. Harshini joined in and Suvarna looked like she wanted to kill herself. She was furious. "This will not stand"!!!! She yelled. Harshini, Chris, and I all looked at her. Suvarna ran far away. She didn't stop until she reached my house. Chris, Harshini, and I, all ran after her. When we got there, I saw my family. They were all waiting for me, in a line. They each had signs that said:"Hug me and watch what happens". So first, I hugged Marcel. He did the same thing that Chris did then came back to life. Next, came Clarissa. Then mom. Then dad. I was so happy to have my family back but what would Suvarna want to do with Ashley?? "Happy to see me"?? Ashley asked. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want"?? Chris snarled. While Chris was talking to Ashley, I found something on my table that said:"Don't press me". Of course, I had to press it. After I pressed it, the thing started opening up and making noise. Everybody, at that point, was looking at me. Everyone, except Ashley. She was freaking out. She was shaking and fading. Then, Ashley disappeared. Forever. Harshini, Chris and I all cheered because we just got rid of her. But, something else happened at that moment. Suvarna started doing the same thing. She also disappeared. Everyone froze. Nobody was saying anything. Nobody was moving. Until Chris said,"Awww yeah"!!!!! Then everyone started dancing and having a great time. I got rid of my enemies for good. But something tells me that this won't be the end of my crazy adventures.

Will you find me??Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora