Chapter 10-One Way Or Another

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Chris had already left the place before I could catch him. Hes lucky I was still scared to run. Why would he do that to me?? I walked out of the place thinking why he would do such a thing. I saw Chris standing by a tree kicking dirt. He looked upset so I walked over to him. He didnt look up at me. He kept kicking the dirt. I stopped him. He looked up at me and giggled. I looked at him curiously and he kept laughing. "Um why are you laughing"??? I asked while brushing dirt off me. Chris didnt say anything. He kept laughing then left. "Im not done with you"!!!! I called after him. He kept walking. I ran until I caught him. He looked at me seriously. He looked me in the eyes and grabbed my face. I blushed. Does he like me?? Does he want to kiss me??? And thats just what he did. He kissed me. I was speechless. I froze. I couldnt believe he kissed me. "Im sorry. I didnt mean to do that". Chris said quickly. He walked away. I just stood there looking at him walk away. Eventually, I walked home. When I got there, I saw Marcel and Clarissa jumping on the couch. When I walked in, they sat down. "What are you doing"?? I asked. They knew they were in trouble. Clarissa gave me her sweet little girl look. "Nothing". Marcel answered quietly. I groaned and told them to go to their rooms. I sighed in relief because they were behaving. I layed on the couch and started to fall asleep when someone interrupted me by knocking on the door. I walked to the door and looked out of it. It was Chris. I opened the door and Chris looked at me like he was gonna laugh again. "What"?? I greeted him. He smirked at me and walked in. "I didnt say come in". I pointed out. He laughed a little and turned on the TV. "Yo, this isnt your house. Either tell me what you want or leave". I ordered. I was getting annoyed. Chris smirked again and got up. "Your fun". Chris finally said to me. I tilted my head in confusion. "Your fun to annoy". He went on. "Your fun to call names". I replied while laughing. What made me laugh was the fact that Chris being serious about something. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Sam, Im serious. Your fun to annoy". Chris said seriously. I stopped laughing. He was actually being serious. I apologized for laughing at him and he didnt care. I walked away for a few minutes and when I came back, Chris was gone and the only thing I saw was an ambulance go by. That made me wonder. If Marcel and Clarissa are in their rooms, then Chris had to be in that ambulance. Maybe he left because I heard the door slam. I dont know whats going on. But one way or another, Im going to get you Chris. (Authors note: Hey guys, sorry if this chapter is a bit boring. I have ideas but they aren't out yet. So I hope you liked this chapter. Please leave a like and comment. Also feedback. Byeee!!!!!!)

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