Chapter 4-I Miss You

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There before my eyes was my mom dead in the bathtub. "Omg Mom"!!! I screamed. I didnt know what to do and how to help her. "Whats going on"?? Clarissa asked. I showed her what happened and she started to cry. "Its ok. Im sad too". I whispered while hugging her. "Whats wrong"?? Marcel asked scared. He looked over my shoulder and cried. It breaks my heart to see them cry. "Hello"?? Dad asked as he walked into the house. He must have heard the crying because he came straight to the bathroom. "What happened to her"??? Dad asked worried while running to where mom was. "I dont know. I came home and saw a few puddles of blood. Then I found a trail. I followed it and it lead me to mom". I explained. Dad called the ambulance and the cops. 10 minutes later, they showed up and I had to answer questions. When that was finished, the ambulance took mom away and the cops were going to investigate who killed Mom. "Sir, who killed my mommy"?? Marcel asked one cop. "I dont know little boy. But when we find out, that bad person would be gone". The cop reliped while trying to cheer him up. I went into my room and I heard Ashley laughing. "Why are you laughing at a time like this"?? I asked. "Do I have to tell you"?? Ashley replied. "I want an answer now". I demanded. Ashley sighed and came to me. "I killed your mom". She confessed. I gasped and got mad. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT"?!?!?! I screamed. "I told you. I want something of yours and I wont stop until I get it". She answered. I ran out the door and into the night. I was running to the graveyard. I had to see Harshini. Maybe she knows what to do. I finally got there and saw Chris. What was he doing here?? "Chris, what are you doing here"??? I asked as I walked up to him. He didn't look at me. He just shrugged and kept looking at the sky. I tapped him. He turned away. I walked over to Harshinis grave. "Harshini, please come back". I said quietly. I saw Chris look at me finally. He smiled slightly and walked away. This time, instead of bringing her sprit, she came next to me. But she is still a ghost and nobody but me and Ashley can see her. "Hi Harshini". I said while waving. She smiled and took me to my house. When we arrived, Ashley wasnt a sprit either. They were both next to me. "What did my mom ever do to you"?? I asked madly. Ashley shook her head. "Why did you bring her"?? She growled. Harshini went away and so did Ashley. I threw something against my wall because I was full of anger. What do Ashley and Chris want from me?? I never did anything to them. I had no choice but to do something about this. "Dad, Im going out"!!! I called from the bottom of the stairs. "Ok. Be careful"!!! He called back. I ran to Chris's house. He was outside laying on the grass. "What are you doing"??? I asked while standing over him. He knocked me down so I would lay next to him. "Was that necessary"??? I asked with attitude. He nodded and smiled. I kicked him and laughed at his reaction. "Why are you kicking me"?!?! He yelled. I shrugged, laughed and ran in his house. "Whats wrong?? Thats a fake smile". Chris's mom said as she looked at me with a worried look on her face. Then it all came back to me. The moment when I found my mom dead in the bathtub. The moment seeing Clarissa and Marcel crying in front of me. The moment the cops took her away. I cried and sobbed into Chris's moms arms. She hugged me and told me it was going to be ok. "What happened?? Did I do something wrong"??? Chris asked while coming in. "She found her mom dead". His mom explained. Chris gasped and hugged me. I said goodbye to them and went back to the graveyard. It was late at night so I couldnt see anything. Then it happened. I saw a shadow move. I jumped. I walked to a random grave and read the name. I felt the shadow move with me. I saw the shadow run past a tree. As I started to walk home, the shadow followed me. It got closer and closer and closer. So close that I started to run. But it got even closer. I tripped and the shadow stood above me raising its hand like it was going to do something. "AHHHH"!!! I screamed. There I lay on the dirty ground, covering myself with a shadow above me.

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