Chapter 13-Can We Go Back??

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Just as I thought that they were gone, I felt things. I felt a cold gust of wind blow past me. "What was that"?? I asked out loud. I took a deep breath. Im just imaging things. Chris and Ashley are gone. They aren't here. I felt the wind again. I heard rustling in my room. "Hello, who's there"??? I called while walking in. "Hello Sam". A voice greeted. I froze. "Welcome to your room". The voice went on. "Who are you. Why are you here"???? I asked. "Im here for you". The voice said as it faded away. Just then, something grabbed me from me behind and I screamed. "What is happening"?!?! I yelled. The voice laughed. "Let me go"!!! I yelled while trying to get out of the strong grip. "Your mine now". The voice laughed. "Wait, can I ask a question"?? I asked while trying to make my plan work. (Btw guys, Sam's plan is to distract the voice so she can run away) The voice growled under its breath. "Fine whats your question"?? They asked. "How you get your voice like that?? Its so nice". I complimented. Just then, I fell to the floor so I guess that means the voice or someone dropped me. "Sam dont cry. Its me Chris". The voice said. I looked up. "Chris"? I asked. I really needed him right now. Even though he was a little creepy. Chris showed up as a spirit. He was right next to me. "Now tell me why your crying". He said. "Can we go back"?? I asked. Chris tilted his head in confusion. "Can we go back to the things were"??? I asked again while crying. "Its ok Sam. Im here". Chris reassured. "No, you dont understand"!! I yelled. "Sam, tell me what you want to go back too". Chris begged. "I want to go back to the way things were. When mom was here, and Marcel and Clarissa were screaming my name, and when dad wasnt an idiot". I explained. "But Sam. They are all with me". Chris replied. I looked at him. Chris summoned mom, Marcel and Clarissa. I cried in happiness. I thought I was dreaming. I couldn't believe I had my family with me again. "Sammy, Sammy"!! Clarissa shouted. "We missed you"!!! Marcel joined in. I kept crying. I couldn't help it. I gave them all a big hug while Chris sat on my bed and watched the happy moment. I turned to him. "Thank you. For bringing my family to me again". I said breaking the happy moment. Chris didn't say anything. He just smiled at me. He looked like he had to tell me something. "Sam, I don't know how to tell you this, but your family can't stay forever". Chris gently said while trying not to kill my mood. Well, after telling me that, he did. I went from this: :D to this: :'(. I broke in tears then heard laughing. I knew that laugh anywhere. It was Ashley. "The reason they can't stay is because they work for me now". Ashley said while coming down from my ceiling. "Why are you doing this"?? I growled. She laughed. "I told you, I won't stop until I get what I want". Ashley answered. I got so mad, I threw a chair and it hit Ashley. "Ow"!!! She yelled. I laughed so hard. I dont know how it hit her but it was so funny. "Why do you want me"??? I asked. "Because dummy, this is my territory. And whoever moves in this house, regrets it". Ashley explained. "I growled. "Chris, why do you want me"??? I asked him". "Well, similar to what Ashley said, this is my town and this my street. Anyone who moves on my street or in my town, regrets it and would want to leave". Chris explained. What does that mean??? Chris never liked me???? He wants me away from here???? Why was he pretending to care about me??? I have so many questions in my head. What is going on here............ (Hey guys. Sorry its been long. I got busy and injured. Well, I got injured a while ago. I just had to go to the doctor for the injury. Anyway, sorry if the beginning of the chapter is a bit boring. I like didnt have any ideas. What do you think of the characters?? Should I add anyone?? Should I get rid of anyone?? The main reason for this authors note is to ask you guys a question. What do YOU want to see happen at the end of the story??? Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, leave a like and comment. LEAVE FEEDBACK!!!! Hehe. Byeeeeeee :p)

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