Chapter16-Excuse me??

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Did Chris really just say that to me??? Im rude to him??? "Did you really just say that to me"?? I asked. Chris nodded. "I cant tell you because your rude to me". Chris replied. I rolled my eyes. He can't tell me why he hates Suvarna because I'm rude to him. I know how I can find out. I can ask for Harshini. I just need to find her. I started to look everywhere. I couldnt find her. I went outside. She wasn't there. Where did she go? I decided to travel to the park. But when I got there, I saw this women. She was pushing her son on the swing. I walked up to her very slowly. "Your son is cute". I said nicely. The women didnt do anything. She didnt even look at me. She just kept pushing her son. "Um hello"?? I asked. I tried to talk to her to make sure she's ok. I walked away from the women to go home because it was getting dark out. (Morning). The next morning, I went outside to see if I can find Harshini. I still didn't see her. "Chris"?? I called. "You miss me"?? Chris asked trying to flirt. "Ew". I answered. Chris smirked and stared at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and walked away. He's so immature sometimes. "Harshini"?? I called. Where was she?? "Harshini"?? I called again. "Stop calling her name". Chris shouted. "No. I will not stop till I find my bestfriend". I yelled back. "I bet Suvarna has her. She's evil". Chris suggested. I laughed because Suvarna is a nice girl. She wouldn't do that. "She wouldn't do that". I laughed. Chris nodded. "Yea she will. She hates me". Chris went on. I groaned. All I've been hearing from him is that she hates him and she's evil and blah blah blah. She's a nice girl. Shes not evil. So she hates him, who cares?? Well, I kind of do because I need to know why. "Chris, why do you hate Suvarna"?? I asked him. I asked him that because he won't tell me why she hates him so I thought that maybe he would tell me why he hates her. "I hate her because of what she did to me". He answered while sighing. I could tell it still bothered him. "What did she do to you"?? I asked. "We dated for a while. And she said that I will never hurt you and I'll always be by your side. Few days later, she betrayed me. She was with someone else and she was never by my side. Thats why she's evil and I hate her". Chris cried. I could tell he was crying. Chris never cries. "Soo, why does she hate you"?? I asked still confused. Chris sighed. "She hates me because I talked crap about her online and said I wouldn't ever take it back". Chris answered finally. I nodded. A few minutes later, Suvarna came in. She looked at me, glared at Chris and sat down. "Well, isn't this nice"?? She said with sarcasm in her voice. "What is nice"?? I asked. "You, chatting with the enemy". She replied while standing. I took a few steps away from Chris. "I, was, um, telling him, how much, um, I hate him". I lied. Suvarna must have known I was lying because she laughed. "Your a really bad liar, Sam". Suvarna giggled. I put my head down in shame. "Now Chris, leave my bestfriend alone or I'll have to kill you". Suvarna threatened. I gasped. So did Chris. Nobody has ever said that to anyone. "You'll kill me"?? Chris asked sounding like he doesnt care or isn't afraid which I really know he is. Suvarna nodded. "Guys, stop"!!! I yelled and ran outside. I couldn't take the fighting anymore so I ran to the park. Sure enough, I saw the lady and her son again. Its been two days. The lady was there pushing her son in the swing still. But this time, the son didnt look right. He was drooped to the side. "Is he alive"?? I thought. I went over to him and put my hand on him. The son was dead. But the mom kept pushing him. "Ma'am, your son is dead". I told her. She looked at me. "Leave him alone"!!!!!! She hissed. I ran. What was wrong with her?? Is she ok?? Does she need help?? I ran to a bench and watched her. She kept pushing her son. She must have saw me staring because she threw a pair of scissors at me. I moved out of the way so she wouldn't hit me. Then I saw someone familiar. It looked like Suvarna. "Hello. Whos in the bushes"?? I called. Suvarna popped out of the bush. "What are you doing in there"?? I asked. "Im just testing out my new machine. This is how we will get rid of Chris". She explained. I looked at the machine(which was the creepy lady) and thought it was pretty cool. "So how will this get rid of Chris"?? I asked. Suvarna didn't say anything. She just waited for Chris to come near the machine and pushed me down behind the bush. I gave her a dirty look and looked at Chris going to the machine. He was pretty dumb for falling for a fake lady. As Chris got to the lady, it picked him up by the neck, swung him around and threw him into the slide. I gasped and covered my eyes. Suvarna cheered and laughed. The machine then, took Chris by his hair, threw him over my head and into the swings. I couldn't watch this. Chris, who was laying down on the ground bleeding, tried to beg for the machine to stop. But it didn't listen. "Isnt this a little too harsh"?? I asked. Suvarna shook her head and cheered on the machine. The machine got turned off and I ran to Chris. "I hate you". He whispered. It was official. Chris was out of my life. Forever.

Will you find me??Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora