Chapter 16

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Optimus's POV

Ratchet runs into the room, grabs my wrist and pulls me to his lab. "Ratchet what are you doing?" I say, exasperated. He looks at me with a determined face. "An experiment." He responds. An experiment that involves me? Have I become a lab rat? We walk over to where the dagger is in his lab and to where... Arcee is laying. We haven't gotten the chance to bury her yet... Ratchet snaps me out of my thoughts by handing me the dagger. "Take it." He says. I hesitantly take the dagger and it immediately starts glowing. "Do you see or feel anything?" Ratchet asks. I focus. The glowing of the dagger has become bigger and it's like there's "options" on how I can use it... I tell that to Ratchet. He nods, smiling. "Do you see any healing options?" He asks. I look through what it is I can use the dagger for and spot something that I'm assuming is healing. "Yes." I say. His smile widens. At this point Bumblebee had made himself noticeable. 'Optimus, Ratchet wants you to try it on Arcee.' He says. I sigh, what if it doesn't work? Bee's spark will be absolutely broken and Jack will no longer have a guardian. But, we might as well try. I figure out how to select the healing option. Suddenly there's a gold glowing dust around the dagger. 'Wave it over the injury.' I hear something say. It wasn't Bee or Ratchet. But I do it anyway. I wave the dagger over her throat and the dust falls to the wound and cleans and heals it. Whether or not she wakes up or not, I don't know. We all wait a few minutes, but nothing happens. I sigh and look down. I hear the sound of a wrench hitting the wall and someone walk away. At least we tried...

Arcee's POV

I'm in the allspark. I was with Tailgate and Cliff but all of a sudden, the room went dark. I see what the others who are living are doing. They're... Healing me? Am I going back? But then nothing happens. Ratchet throws a wrench, Optimus lowers his head and Bee... He just walks away. Suddenly I feel a pulling sensation in my legs and I realize I'm fading away. I'm being pulled back to my body. Suddenly everything goes black. I open my eyes, realizing they'd been closed. There's a light above me and I realize I'm back in our base. I'm back to my body! "R-Ratchet? Optimus?" I say weakly. They look at me, shock then happiness showing on their faces. "Welcome back Arcee." Is all Optimus says before I get up and watch someone leaving. "Bee!" I call. He freezes at the sound of his name. No, at the sound of my voice.

Bumblebee's POV

"Bee!" I hear someone call. Wait, that voice is feminine! Arcee. I freeze in my place, a little afraid to turn around incase it's just my mind playing tricks on me. But I do. Slowly. And then I see her. She's smiling and walking towards me. I walk over to her and we meet in the middle of the room and I swear if I had hugged her any tighter, she'd be with the Allspark again. We break apart and I look at her. 'Cee, you had me scared to death! I thought you were gone for good...' I tell her. She sighs and kisses me. But I don't push away or anything. And now that Optimus knows, I couldn't care less if he sees. We both pull away and hug again. Just then Bulkhead, Jack and Miko walk in the room. Bulkhead sees Arcee and faints. He looked like he saw a ghost. Jack walks closer. "Arcee?" He asks. She smiles. "Yes." She says. He comes up and hugs her. "I thought you were dead." He says. She laughs a bit. "Well, with a powerful weapon, determined doctor and a Prime, it's easy to be brought back." She says. I'm so glad she's back.
~~a few days later~~

Arcee and I are sitting at the top of our base when Optimus comes up. He's probably going to talk to us about what Megatron told him. He sits down next Arcee. "Nice night." He says. Yup, definitely talking to us about it. "So, uh... You two are happy together?" He asks. Arcee's head snaps up and she looks at him. "You know?" She asks slightly startled. He nods his head. "Bee, did you tell him?" She asks. I frown. 'No, Megatron did though.' I reply. She frowns. "Oh." We all sit in silence for a few minutes. I start messing with my fingers. Is that all he's going to say? "You both know the rules. But, I had kind of already guessed you two liked each other. It was obvious the way you two looked at each other sometimes." He says. Okay, so he's a lot more observant than he let on... 'So, what are the consequences?' I ask. He just smiles and shakes his head. "I believe you've both suffered enough with our past events. But, next time, try to be a bit more careful." He says. We nod our heads. He stands up and takes his leave, leaving us alone once again. I feel Arcee lean her head against my shoulder. So I put my head on hers. "Hopefully Ratchet will figure out how to turn us back soon." She says. I respond with a nod. 'Arcee?' I ask. "Yes?" She responds. I take a deep breath. 'I was thinking, maybe when we turn back to normal, if you wanted to go out with me... Like, we could bridge ourselves somewhere and hang out or something?' I ask. She sits up straight, causing me to copy. She looks at me and smiles. "Of course." She says before leaning in and kissing me. When we break away, I say 'you have no idea how much I missed you.' She smiles and leans back. As our lips brush, she says "at least I'm here now." I smile. 'I love you Arcee.' I say. She smiles. "I love you too." She responds. We spend the rest of our night cuddling together, looking at the stars and talking. I won't ever forget this moment.

A/N: Hey guys, I don't think I've ever made and authors note in this book yet but there's a first for everything. Okay, so everyone who is reading this probably hates me for the last two chapters but it's okay. Arcee is alive again and now her and Bumblebee's relationship is stronger. And hey, they've got the relic too so that's a plus. Please don't be mad. 😁 *Backs away slowly from growing mob of angry readers*

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