Chapter 5

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Arcee's POV

Jack and I found a table in the cafeteria. We were the first two of our group to get here so we thought we'd find a place before it got too busy. Suddenly Bumblebee and Raf walk in spot us. They come and sit down at the table with us. "Guys guess what?" Rad exclaims happily. "What?" Jack asks. "Bee can communicate with us!" Jack and I look at each other. "Yes we know Raf. He has a notepad and pencil." I state the obvious. "No I mean without the notepad" he says, "he communicate through your thoughts!"

Bumblebee's POV

Arcee's expression when Raf tells her that I can talk to her through her thoughts, is priceless. She looks at us both as if we're crazy. Which we are, but still. "Okay," she says, "try me." Alright. I stare her in the yes and focus really hard. 'Arcee? If you can hear me, answer me please' I say. She looks dumbfounded. It must've worked. Sweet. 'Um, Bee. I always knew you were weird it I didn't realize you were this weird.' She thinks. I laugh at that one. A smile spreads across her face and I'm guessing Raf heard too cause he starts laughing too. And then there's Jack. He's just staring at us very confused. Ok I'll try him next. I do the same thing as I did to Arcee and he looks as if he's about to pass out. 'Dude relax, I doubt this will kill you.' I say. He perks up a bit at my comment and we all start laughing again for some unknown reason. Bulkhead and Miko arrive shortly after and sit down. I do the same "ritual" on them and the next thing you know, Miko is squeezing the life out of me cause she's so happy she can understand me. This time everyone but me is laughing cause I can't breathe. I swear to Primus if this is how my lights go out, I will come back and haunt her. Apparently everyone heard that and she immediately releases me as Bulkhead falls to the floor laughing. Suddenly I get a terrible feeling and stop laughing. The others notice it too and I turn around to see Vince storming up to our table. Okay seriously, this guy needs to get a life. "Courtyard, now!" He snarls. What? What is he talking about. Jack, realizing that I'm confused thinks, 'he wants to fight you Bee. I think you should go, teach him a lesson.'  So, he's looking for a fight? Well, little does he know who he's really up against. His glare gets even nastier when I don't budge. "Now!" He snaps. Okay, ya know what? I except your challenge you piece of slag! I have legitimately had enough of this kid. He needs to get his ass kicked. I shoot up from my seat. By this point just about everyone in the room is watching us. "Fight. Fight..." Someone starts chanting. Soon the whole room is chanting it. I hold my head high and look back at my friends. None of them really know what to do so they stand up and follow us out to the courtyard. A crowd has now gathered around us. "There goes another unfortunate soul. Last time someone fought Vince, they wound up in the hospital." I hear someone say. Yeah, well this time will be different. I look over at Arcee and she gives me a nod. I take off my yellow sweater revealing my entire face, grey shirt and of course, muscles. 'For Raf' I think. "Okay, bring it punk!" He yells at me. He runs at me and I smoothly step to the side and allow him to crash into a few people. This just makes him angry. I turn around. He's walking up to me fist raised. He goes to punch me but I duck and come up from underneath him, hitting him square on the chin. He cries out in pain. I take that moment to then punch him really hard in the stomach. I hit him so hard, he puked right next to me. Disgusting! He wipes his mouth on his sleeve as the crowd gasps. What? Has no one ever beaten this kid before? He takes a wobbly step towards me and I swipe my legs under his and he immediately collapses. I kick him really hard and he goes flying across the ground. His head rams into the fountain that sits in the middle of the courtyard and his body goes slightly limp. I check his pulse. He's not dead but he is unconscious. Silence. And then a bunch of people start cheering. Wow, I guess no one really ever has beaten this kid before. Incredible. Suddenly I feel someone's lips pressed against mine. I look down to see its... Arcee?! Holy scrap... She pulls away when she notices the principle coming our way. We look at each other and back in direction. His face is red. Like, tomato red. "YOU TWO IN MY OFFICE, NOW!!!" He yells. Okay that is actually quite terrifying.

The principle shoves us into his office and slams the door shut. Okay, I know that I rage sometimes but this guy just needs to chill. I just realized something. I can't talk. Arcee has to do all the explaining. Oh my Primus I am sooooo sorry... She shouldn't even be in here! I was fighting, not her. Unless... Oh shit. That stupid rule about opposite genders being like, 7 feet away from each other... We weren't even millimetres close... That fragging rule! Now Arcee is in trouble and she didn't even do anything wrong! Ugh, not how I would have wanted our first kiss to go... 'Arcee I'm really sorry.' I say. 'No, I am. I shouldn't have kissed you. You aren't even interested, I know that already.' She thinks back to me. 'Not interested?! Arcee are you crazy?! Ever since I first saw you, I've had a major crush on you! There isn't a single part of me that isn't interested!' I retort. She looks shocked. Before she gets to say anything back, that stupid principle starts talking. "First of all, I want know why Vince was laying on the ground, covered in blood?" Oh jeez, here it comes. I start to search for my notepad when Arcee buts in. "Please, allow me to explain. Vince was bugging Blaze all day and when we were eating lunch, Vince came up to us and challenged him to a fight. He was going to deny but Vince basically forced him to. Unfortunately for Vince, Blaze is much stronger than him, so um, he won the battle, I guess you could say." She explains. 'Thanks.' I say to her. 'You're welcome.' She says back. "So let me get this straight. Vince challenged Blaze to a fight? Which resulted in Vince being rushed to the emergency room at the hospital?" He says. "With all due respect sir, Vince deserves to be in the hospital right now." I write on my notepad. "Really?! He deserves it? Well what else do you think he deserves, death?! You almost killed him!" He yells at me. Wow um, okay cool. I kill people all the time. Or, bots. Deceptions but, still. I don't feel sorry. He was harassing my friends he got what he deserves. I shrug my shoulders at him. He looks even angrier now. He takes a deep breathe before trying to talk to me again. "Do you even realize the damage you've inflicted on him?! He has a concussion, you damaged his intestines and his jaw is broken! You think he deserves that?!" He yells at me. "Yes actually, I do." Write on my notepad. He slams his fist on the desk really, really loudly. Arcee and I jump slightly. "I would expel you but you're a new student here so I understand you don't know the rules as well as the others do. But if it happens again, you are out!" He hisses. "Instead, you'll just have the rest of the year of detention." I scoff in my head. I don't have the rest of the year, I'll probably be gone by the end of the week. "Now, to our other issue." He says. "Why were you two kissing?!" He says, disgusted by what we'd done. "Because, we love each other?" Arcee answers with a bit of a know-it-all tone to her voice since she's pointing out the obvious. I nod my head. "What're your parents phone numbers? I'm calling home." He says. "Why would you do that?" I write on my notepad. "Because, it is against the rules to do something like that at this school, so your parents must be informed." He states, matter of factly. I laugh in my head, a smile spreading across my lips. "Why are you smiling young man?" I take my notepad and write "because, we don't have parents." He stares at me for a second and starts laughing. "Like I haven't heard that one before!" I look at Arcee. 'Well, we're not exactly gonna give him agent fowlers number and we really don't need him calling base. If Optimus ever found out...' Arcee thinks. 'Okay, we could give him fake email addresses or something. And then he'll just be emailing no one.' I say back. 'Good plan' she responds. I write down an email address and hand it him. I then let Arcee write hers and hand it to him too. "Thank you" he says as he takes the papers. "You may leave now." I grab my sweater and put it back on. 'Why'd you do that?' Arcee asks. 'What?' I say. 'Why'd you put your sweater back on? You look much cuter with it off.' She smirks. 'Fiiiinnnee...' I think and take it back off. We wrap our arms around each other and find our human companions.

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