Chapter 11

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Ratchet's POV

Although Bumblebee's idea of going to school with their charges wasn't really a good plan, it has been nice to have some peace and quiet around here. I am actually making progress with finding out why this has happened,and a solution to the problem. From what I understand so far is that Megatron had Knockout create some sort of liquid that would change us to humans. That's what the bots were covered in when they got back to base... Some of it must have landed on me by accident when I was scanning them. Now, how to turn us back... Based on the fact that it was a mix of Chemicals that caused this, like any other... Poison, I guess you could put it, it will eventually leave our systems. It's just a matter of how long it will take and how dangerous it actually is to wait. Oh well, we'll just have to find on by trying it I guess... "Ratchet, we need a bridge back to base immediately!" Arcee's voice crackles through the com-link. It sounds urgent I guess I should open a bridge. I walk to the controls, enter their coordinates and pull the lever. They run through with an unconscious human with red hair and a plaid dress shirt on. "What the frag did you guys do this time?!" I yell at them. 'Get him strapped down on one of your medical berths, now!' Bumblebee yells. "Watch your tone." I warn but strap the boy down anyways. "Okay, now that I've done what you guys asked, what in the Allspark's name are you doing with an unconscious human?! You all know the rules very well. What is wrong with you?!" I scold quite loudly. Bulkhead winces slightly. "Um, Ratch. That's no ordinary human..." He says. I raise an eyebrow, as if to tell the, to continue. "Whatever turned us human affected the cons too. This is Knockout. He was following us around at the kids school. He learned some stuff about us that could... Jeopardize our team, so we needed to make sure he didn't make it back to Megatron. So, after a bit of struggling and a lot of him complaining about us ruining his shirt or hair, we finally got him here." Arcee finishes for Bulkhead. My eyes widen as they finish explaining and I realize what exactly they've done. "You three are geniuses! Now I might be able to come up with an antidote to our problem!" I exclaim happily. And it's rare that I'll ever exclaim something happily... Optimus walks in and sees Knockout. He asks for a report so they start explaining. As they explain, I notice Bumblebee has a bandage wrapped around his leg. I frown. What exactly could he have done this time? "Bumblebee I need you over here please." I say. He excuses himself from the group as they finish explaining and he comes over to me. 'Yes?' He asks. I noticed when he walked over he was limping slightly. "Sit down on the berth." I say. He does as asked and I begin to unwrap his bandage. "What exactly happened?" I ask, not sure what type of response I'd like to hear. 'Um, that kid who was messing with me yesterday was at the school today and he was mad about what had happened. As I walked passed him, he pulled out a little switchblade and stabbed my leg with it. The gash was surprisingly big for the size of the blade and I think it hit a main, I guess vein, which is why it was bleeding so much. It looks worse than it is though. The stupid school nurse didn't seem to know what she was doing and actually made the wound worse rather than better.' He finishes explaining just as I finally finish unwrapping it. "Wow, Bumblebee, I didn't realize you were that smart. You actually seemed to know what you were talking about there with the vein and stuff. I'm shocked." I say slightly sarcastic and slightly literally. 'Aw thanks Ratch.' He responds, pretending to shoo me away. I just roll my eyes. I guess it's a good thing he's got such a good sense of humour and he does manage to make me laugh every now and then but it's also very annoying most of the time. Oh well, that's just who he is. And I have to live with it. Yippee! I look at the wound and I'm not even sure if words can even describe what it looked like. "Bumblebee, what exactly did this nurse do to help?" I make quotations with my fingers when I say the word 'help'. 'Um... She shoved a decontamination wipe into the wound and then took a huge aft needle and shoved it right through the centre of the wound, and she started wiggling it around. That's when I ripped it out and grabbed a roll of bandage, wrapping my leg myself, and I stormed out of the room. The end.' He says. I am speechless. A hopefully qualified nurse, did that? To an open wound that was already bad enough as it was, in an attempt to make it better?! I am so confused. I examine his leg. "Did the wipe actually do anything?" I ask. 'Um, I don't think so. She kind of just shoved it in my leg, moved it around making it as painful as possible and then pulling it back out. And then she said "Okay, it's clean enough though it might still get infected" so I don't think she actually bothered cleaning it properly.' He states. Well, that would explain why it looks really bad. This nurse lady didn't clean it properly and now it's infected. Not good. "Your leg is infected. I'll call nurse Darby, I'm not a human Doctor, I'm a Cybertronian doctor. I won't know what to do." I say as I pull out a phone. I dial her number and explain what has happened. She agrees to come help out. "She'll be here in a few minutes." I tell Bumblebee. Poor kid.

Bumblebee's POV

Mrs. Darby arrives not too long after and comes over to where I'm sitting. "Alright, let's take a look at what we have here..." She says in a much kinder tone than Ratchet or that crazy school nurse. She takes one look at my leg and gasps. "Oh dear... That's not good." She says in a more worried tone this time. Okay I know, I am tough but, she's kind of freaking me out here. I don't know what human infections could do to me... I officially hate that stupid fragger Vince now and that terrible nurse... Mrs. Darby grabs a few things and comes back over. She looks me directly in the eyes before saying, "I'm going to try to clean out your cut. I'm not going to lie to you but, because it's infected, it's really going to hurt. I'm also going to have to make sure that when the other nurse was working on you, she didn't damage anything vital. So, I'm apologizing in advance. I'm sorry." Oh jeez. Okay... This'll be fun, right? I nod my head and at that she gently takes the cloth and tries to clean it out. As soon as the wound and the cloth come in contact, I feel a white hot searing pain. I grit my teeth together and squeeze my eyes shut. Holy Primus if I wasn't having trouble walking normally before, I most certainly will now. After a few excruciating moments, the pain eased down a bit. "There, it's as clean as it can get now. I'm just gonna check to see if she damaged anything and then I'll wrap up the bandage. Okay?" She says to me. I nod my head and she grabs some sort of really thin pokey stick thing. She goes to very gently poke around with it (btw I don't know if this kind of thing actually exists but it does in my story) and I wince slightly when she does so. It really fragging hurts. It's a piece of scrap son of a glitch fragger and I wish it would go die in a pit. Pardon my Cybertronian. She finished her poking when she was satisfied and wrapped my leg up. "Try not to put too much pressure on it, don't do anything strenuous with it and take two of these pills each day for the rest of the week. Okay?" She tells me. I nod ,y head. Again. For the third time. "Okay, you're good to go. Take it easy." The last part was a warning. I get up and go join Raf and the others and we play video games for the rest of the afternoon. Knockout didn't wake up until later that evening. But when he did, we were all ready to bombard him with questions.

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