Chapter 4

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Bumblebee's POV

The teacher walks up to me. She is really pretty. Her hair is brown and she has brown eyes too. "Well hello there. Welcome to health and careers. My name is ms. Neeris. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" She says in a sweet voice. Um, how about no? I don't- can't introduce myself. "Bee, you could write your name on the board?" Rad suggests. Ugh, fine. I stand up and go over to the board. I write "hi my name is Blaze. I can't talk so don't ask me any questions. Have a nice day." I go to sit back down when I remember something. "Also if anyone dares to hurt Raf, the pain you will feel would be inexplicable." I glare at everyone in the room and then sit back down with Raf. Ms. Neeris and the class read what I've written and the students start snickering. "Blaze? What a stupid name!" Laughs one kid. "Oh what's he gonna do? Give us a wedgie? As if!" Another sneers. Oh for primus sake maybe I should teach them all a lesson now! Raf can see I'm getting annoyed with them. No wonder Raf told me he was always lonely until he met me. These guys are all a big group of fragging slags! "Don't let them get to you Bee." Rad whispers. I just look at him with an expression asking how he could possibly survive an entire day with these kids! Seriously I don't understand him or any of them. "Bee?" Raf asks, "did you just say something?" What? No I didn't! Raf why would you think that I said- 'Bee can you hear me?' I stare at Raf. He spoke but he didn't speak! I'm sorry that must sound confusing. He spoke but his lips didn't move! 'Bee, we can hear each other's thoughts!' Says Raf. Okay, what now? Each other's thoughts? It's official, Raf has gone over the edge. He's gone crazy! 'I haven't gone crazy!' Oh Jeez we really can hear each other's thoughts! Cool. The teacher begins to play a video and we both turn our heads to watch. On the screen it shows "Sexual Education Video". Sexual what?! Please tell me my optics are functioning properly. 'Oh sorry, forgot to warn you Bee. Health and Careers class is working on the topic of sex Ed. Sorry...' Okay... Um, I'm just gonna ignore the screen... You know, pretend I didn't see that. The teacher hands out a blank piece of paper and a pencil to everyone. She wants us all to write or draw what we notice or learn. I reluctantly look up at the screen for a moment and during that moment, something- no, someone flashes through my mind. I sigh as I picture her in my head. I've loved her for as long as I can remember. The moment I laid my eyes on her, I knew she was perfect... I look down at the page and begin to draw. I don't care if it has to do with this class or not. I'm not here to stay so, it doesn't matter. I draw a nicely shaped face with the most beautiful optics I've ever seen. I give her lips and a body. Raf looks at me and giggles slightly. Aw jeez Raf, bad timing. 'You love her, don't you?' He says/thinks to me. 'We do not speak of this. Ever' I think with a warning tone. He then laughs out loud and I think my face grew red with embarrassment. Something that as a bot, I wouldn't normally be able to do. The teacher looks at us and tells us to be quiet and pay attention. 'Man Bee. I didn't know you had a love life! I thought you were all battle!' He giggles. 'Raf...' I childishly whine. 'You're embarrassing me...' He just laughs even harder at that. 'Oh man Bee. I had no idea you were crushing on Arcee! Why didn't you tell me?' He keeps on laughing. 'Seriously Raf, it's not funny! I'm pretty sure if you had a crush on someone, you wouldn't want anyone to know either!' As hard as I try not to, I start laughing too. Mostly because the situation is embarrassing but also watching Raf die of laughter at this is kinda funny too. The teacher glares at us and we stop laughing and watch the rest of the video. After about 5 minutes of that video, I wanted to puke. I never realized that that was how humans mated. Just... Eeeewwwww. I'm too young for this. At least, on Cybertron I would be. Apparently not here though. Suddenly the bell rings and Raf and I grab our things and head out of the classroom. 'Well, that was... Interesting...' I think say to Raf. He just laughs. We head for the next class when that stupid Vince kid stops us again. I try to push my way past him with Raf but here interferes. "Ha, you are not getting away so easily this time punk! In fact, if you dare take one more step, I will personally give Raf a new face." He's threatening Raf! I mean he's threatening me too but, he's using Raf to do it! Okay, that does it. I give him a very low growl. And the nastiest look. I very quickly write "You know, I don't think Raf is the one in need of a new face. But have you checked the mirror lately?". He scowls as he reads it and my mouth curves up into a smirk. His head snaps up and he glares at me as if, if we had been anywhere else, I'd be lying on the ground, dead. Highly unlikely because I still have my regular strength which consists of me also being about twenty feet bigger than him so, he'd be dead. Not me. As he's distracted with his anger, I quickly and, very hardly might I add, shove him (again) and Raf and I run for it. (Again). We turn the corner and I look behind me. Vince is chasing us and he's actually fast. 'Raf, what room number is your next class?' I ask. '235. We have to go upstairs.' He replies. I grab hold of him and start running at my full speed. Honestly, I was running as fast as Raf was and that was jogging for me,while he was sprinting. Like I said, I've still got my normal strength which would also mean that I'm about 5 times faster than a normal human. But then again, I'm not a normal human. I find the room and slow to a stop before entering the class. 'Holy pit Bee, you're really fast!' Raf exclaims. 'Raf! Where did you hear that word?!' I yell. 'And why are you saying it?!' He chuckles slightly. 'Um, Bee? I learned it from you.' He answers. Oh. Well then... I uh... For once I'm actually at a loss for words. Oh wait. I've always been at a loss for words. The teacher walks up to us. "Why are you two panting? Class doesn't start for another 4 minutes. You're nowhere near being late." He asks. I didn't realize it but I am actually panting. I haven't done that in a while... Raf was about to answer when Vince bolts through the door. "That punk stole my money!" He yells and points at us. What?! Oh you have got to be kidding me! The teacher snaps his head towards us. "You what?!" He yells. Oh scrap, he sounds really angry... I don't think anyone has ever gotten mad at me before. Sure, Optimus has gotten disappointed in me but, that's the worst of it. And unless we're talking about Megatron, no one has ever really yelled at me before... Raf looks horrified too. "No sir, we didn't! He's lying, he was chasing us cause Blaze can't respond to him and that annoys him!" Raf attempts at explaining. I'm not so sure the teacher is buying it though. "Can't respond? Why not?" He questions. Oh Primus I feel like I'm back with Megatron the day I lost my voice. All the questions. I feel like I being interrogated and I hate it. Too many painful memories come back with it. Apparently the teacher noticed my expression as I thought about that day. I look him dead in the eyes and Raf says "He lost his voice when he was younger. An injury to his throat. He's never been able to speak since then..." I could tell Raf chose his words carefully. He didn't want to give anything away or hurt me anymore than I already was. 'Thanks Raf, you're a lifesaver' I think to him. 'Anything to help you Bee. Just cause you're my guardian, doesn't mean I can't look out for you too.' He replies. The teacher then looks at Vince. "Is this true young man? Were you harassing yet another student at this school?" He begins to interrogate him. "Uh... Um, well I... I thought he was ignoring me!" He defensively says. "Yeah sure, save it for detention Vince. Now get to your next class or you'll be late." The teacher says in a threatening tone. Vince shoots us both a nasty glare before reluctantly leaving the room to head to his next class. Rad and I take our seats and the teacher introduces me knowing I can't speak for myself. I give a small wave to everyone. I hear some whispers here and there and the girl in front of me turns around. "Hey, hot stuff nice name. Welcome to Jasper high by the way." She says and turns back around. Hot stuff? I hear Raf giggle next to me and I shoot him a warning glare. The class drags on for an hour and ten minutes and suddenly, the lunch bell rings. Raf and I gather our stuff and head out of the room.

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