Chapter 15

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Bumblebee's POV

I run after Megatron as fast as I can. I reach him and tackle him to the ground. I can tell he's surprised that I'm sitting here punching him. I. Will. Beat. The. Scrap. Out. Of. Him! The dagger flies out of his grasp and I grab it. I'm about to use it against him when he kicks me off of his chest. I don't let go of the dagger though. I can't let him get it again. I stand up and go to attack again when I feel someone grab my shoulder. I look up to see Optimus. I look back to Megatron to see him walking through a groundbridge back to his ship. At least this time he's empty handed. I look down. I think about what happened. And as I do that, all the emotions that come with this situation come and hit me, right in the spark. I look over to where Arcee is laying and I can't move. I look up at Optimus to see that he's silently crying and Bulkhead is so shocked it seems he can't move. Ratchet has his back turned to us. Suddenly my senses come back and my hand flies over my mouth as I try to hid a sob. I shakily walk over to where Arcee is laying and I fall to my knees over her body. There's emerging everywhere and her eyes are closed. I'm afraid to touch her. But I do. I take her hand in mine and I squeeze her hand tightly as I begin to bawl my eyes out. I lean over her body and if I could say anything right now, I'd be saying so many things. I don't even know what, but just... A lot. I hear someone's footsteps come behind me but I couldn't care less. I just begin to cry harder. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and see Bulkhead. He's crying too. He helps me up and pulls me into a hug. Not his usual bone crushing hug though. It's gentle and comforting. Suddenly a thought hits me. 'Bulk?' I think. "Yes?" He responds. I pause for a moment. Then I continue. 'How are we supposed to tell Jack?' I ask. I think Optimus and Ratchet hear this too and they both stop what they're doing. I look up from Bulk's chest since I'm still hugging him, and see Optimus slam his fist to the ground. Then I remember the dagger on my waist. I look at the dagger, then back at Arcee and I throw it into the mine. It killed her and I don't want to touch it. Not anymore. I guess the stress and shock of everything lately had been blocking off the pain in my leg where I got stabbed. But at this exact moment the pain decides to come back. I grunt in pain as I put my hand to the wound. Ratchet comes over. "Are you alright?" He asks. 'Yeah, I'm fine. My leg's just a bit sore.' I respond. He gives me such a look that I just want to breakdown all over again. He then spots the dagger in the mine and sighs. "You know we can't leave that here, right?" He asks softly. I turn away from the cave. He sighs again and proceeds to go pick it up. Optimus calls the kids back at base to open the groundbridge to our coordinates. I lift up Arcee and carry her back to base, like I've done many times before. Only this time will be the last... I feel my eyes begin to water again and try my best not to cry again. I'd rather not in front of the kids. It'll just scare them more. We enter the base and Jack looks worried. The lump in my throat just got bigger. It's at times like these where I'm glad I can't speak. "W-what happened?" He asks. I lay her down on Ratchet's medical berth and walk back to the rest of the group. Optimus sighs. "Jack, I'm afraid to inform you that... Arcee, she... She was killed in battle. I'm sorry Jack." He then turns around and walks away. Jack looks absolutely mortified. He looks over at her and begins to cry. I look over to Raf and Miko who are crying as well. I go up to Raf and hug him, which only makes him cry harder. Suddenly, I can't hold it back anymore and I cry again. Really, really hard. Raf and I start talking. I sigh. There's something I want to tell him. 'Hey Raf, remember the other day at your school, when I was smiling. A lot?' I ask him. He nods. 'Well, I didn't tell you the truth about why I was smiling.' I sigh. This is a lot harder to explain than I thought. 'I was actually smiling because I had been planning on asking her out. But I never got the chance to. And now, I never will...' I feel a few tears sliding down my cheeks again and I quickly wipe them away. Then I feel a small body hugging me from the side. So I return the hug. A few hours later I'm sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall over by Arcee's berth. Ratchet is examining the dagger and begins to think out loud. "I wonder if the dagger could- no, that's silly... Never mind." He says. I look up at him to question what it is he thought the dagger might be able to do. He's unsure if he should say but gives in. "Well, you noticed how Megatron could only get the dagger to work as a dagger. Right?" He says. I nod my head and he continues. "Well, maybe it's because he doesn't have to powers of a Prime. We all know the golden dagger of Sentinel Prime could be used in many different ways and turn into different things. Maybe only a Prime can do that. So, my thought was what if Optimus could get the dagger to work in a way that could bring Arcee back." He says. I think about it for a minute. I look to Arcee's body. If there's a chance we can bring her back, I'm willing to try it. 'Ratchet, I think you should go get Optimus. We're going to try it because if there's any possible way to bring her back I'd love to risk it.' I tell him. He nods and goes to look for Optimus. 

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