Chapter 14

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Jack's POV

The groundbridge opens and two figures come through. Wait, two? Where's the third? "Um, where's Arcee?" I ask. Bumblebee looks up at me. His eyes narrow and I can tell something is wrong. 'She's gone' he responds with a hard... Voice, I guess you could say. Then he storms off. He wouldn't even let Ratchet look at his injuries. Optimus sighs. "Jack, Arcee was taken by the decepticons. Along with the relic. But, I promise you we will get her back in one piece." He explains to me. Wait, the cons have Arcee?! No wonder Bee looked pissed... What'll they do to her? Will she be okay? How will the bots find her if the decepticon's ship is cloaked? This is bad...

Arcee's POV

I slowly open my eyes to find a bright light above my head. This doesn't look like our base to me... What happened? I sit up and look around to find I'm in, what looks like a... Cell? Am I on the decepticon's ship? Just then, the door opens and a figure steps in. Megatron. "Ah, I see you've finally awoken. Perfect. You see, I was looking through Knockout's files and what not and I stumbled across an entry he'd managed to upload just before he went missing today. Would you like to know what it said?" He asks with a voice that sounds too sweet to be his own. Instead of answering, I glare daggers at him. He just smiles. "Well, it said that the Autobot scout, that little bug... Was in love with someone. And do you know who that someone is? Well, based on the very faint blue that remains on your lips, I'm guessing you already know." He sneers. I literally feel my spark sink to my toes right now. He knows. Megatron knows. If I wasn't still too sore from that explosion, I'd kick his head off. He walks a bit closer to me. "Now, I know you Autobots have Knockout and I would like to have him back. And you're going to help me. Or I'll test my new dagger on your throat." He laughs as he walks out the door. Scrap. I'm fragging screwed! I sit in the dark cell room and attempt to contact base but no such luck... The shielding on the Nemesis is overpowering my signal. Looks like I'll be waiting until Megatron's next encounter with Optimus...

Bumblebee's POV

"I'VE GOT IT!" I hear Ratchet yell excitedly. I groan. I have a serious headache right now. I've been dealing with Knockout taunting me about Arcee and of course, the frustration of knowing that Megatron has her in his grasp right now. Who knows what he's done to her?! "Hey Bumblebee, want to hear a joke?" Knockout asks. I narrow my eyes and glare at him. I'm sorry but when you've been given the job on watching Knockout while the others are out, you'd be wanting to murder him too. In fact, on that note, I pull out my gun and start polishing it to see I that'll shut him up. Luckily for him it worked. I hear Ratchet walking over to me and I look up. 'What?' I ask. He just smiles. "Well, Bumblebee, I have some exciting news." He says. I give him a look telling him to continue. "I figured out how to turn us back to Cybertronians." He states. I blink once. Twice. And then I process what he says. I jump up from my seat and fist pump the air. 'Yes!' I all but scream in my head. Finally, we can go back to normal. Then I realize that Ratchet only figured out how to turn us back but doesn't have whatever it is made yet. So we can't turn back right away. Dammit. Optimus says something on the computer and Ratchet tells me that they need backup and that he's sending me out. The groundbridge opens and I walk through. On the other side of the bridge I walk into a clearing. I can see Optimus and Bulkhead battling it out with the cons so I start running to join them. I reach Optimus to find out that Megatron isn't here. That's unusual. It's not just an energon mine, it's a dark energon mine. You'd think he'd be here... Oh well. I join in the fight and kill a few cons. Then I realized a lot of my fighting right now was based off of anger and that's probably not very good. Pretty soon, all the cons are laying on the ground. I'm pretty sure they're all dead. We're about to call for a bridge when we hear a laugh coming from behind us. We all turn around to see Megatron standing in the middle of the field with... Arcee! But, he's holding the golden dagger to her neck! We begin to move towards them when Megatron says "Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't come too close, or we'll discover what this dagger can really do." I can hear the smirk on his voice. Voice. Oh how I wish I had mine right now... I'd be saying so many things to that fragging glitch head.... I'm ripped out of my thoughts at what he says next. "Listen, Optimus, you and I both have something we want from each other. I want Knockout back so he can cure me from this...state. And of course I'm sure you'd like her back." He says. "So, I'll tell you what. You give me Knockout and I'll give you the femme. But, if you do not comply, I will not hesitate to slit this warriors throat but not before I also share a secret of hers." He says. Optimus raises an optic ridge but doesn't argue. "Ratchet, I need you to bridge Knockout here." Optimus says. A few moments of agonizing silence passes before he responds. ::Why? I'm a little busy.::. Optimus sighs. And then makes the mistake of asking what he's so busy with. ::Well, you see Optimus, I've figured out the formula to turn us back to normal and I'm trying to work on constructing the formula so we can actually physically use it.::. Is what he responds. And guess who heard? Megatron. And all he does is smile and say something into his commlink. Optimus tells Ratchet about our situation and a groundbridge is immediately followed with Knockout and Ratchet coming through. This exchange should be interesting. "Alright Megatron, we have what you want. Now return Arcee to us." Optimus says. I glare daggers at Megatron. If he pulls any "funny" business, I will murder his face! He smirks and suddenly a groundbridge appears behind us. Knockout walks through and I'm guessing is now in the safety of his base. My eyes widen and I look over to where Megatron is just in time to see him slit Arcee's throat. She drops to ground, totally limp. Then Megatron speaks up. "By the way, did I ever mention that your scout was in love with her? In fact, I think they had a thing going on behind your back Optimus." He smiles and begins to walk away. I feel my rage boil inside of me and I decide that I'm not going to let Megatron win. Not this time...

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