Chapter 1

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Bumblebee's POV

I wake up with the strangest feeling. And a headache. 'I feel so... Small. And...' I examine my hand. 'HUMAN! MY HAND IS HUMAN!!' I mentally scream. Great. That was probably why I couldn't sleep last night. I look at the clock I have next to my sleeping berth. It isn't even 6:30am yet and I'm grumpy. Boy are the others gonna be pleased. I hop off my bed to find I'm already wearing human "clothes". Well, at least I don't have to worry about that. I step outside of the room into the hallway of our human base and walk into the main control room. Optimus and Ratchet are examining each other. It seems that Bulkhead and Arced are still asleep. And of course Raf, Jack and Miko aren't awake yet... "..." Oh right. I can't talk. And since humans don't beep, I have no way of communicating whatsoever. Now I'm seriously grumpy... Optimus turns around to see me standing in the hallway. "Bumblebee, are you okay?" He asks me. Okay? Am I okay?! I'm a freaking human and he's asking me if I'm okay?! Not cool. And since I can't answer him with words, I glare at him. I move from my spot against the wall and start walking towards them. And I'm quite sure that I looked pissed. "Um Optimus, I don't think Bumblebee can talk like this. Humans don't beep. And his voice wasn't magically fixed over night. He can't answer you. But I'm sure he's fine he's just moody." Optimus nods at that, realizing what he was told. "My apologies Bumblebee. I forgot." You forgot? How can someone forget something like that?! Something so... Horrible. Whatever, I guess I should try to lighten up. Ratchet then hands me a notepad and a pencil. "Write what you'd like to say until I can figure out a better solution." He says. Alright, Ratchet. I take the note pad and the first thing I write is a thank you to him. Suddenly I hear a scream and then a loud crash. Well, from what I've made out of it is that Arcee woke up, scared herself and fell out of the bed. Turns out I was right... She storms down the hallway with the most aggravated expression, Bulkhead close behind. She must've woken him up. "What is going on?!" She hisses. I take my note pad and write 'looks like someone is on her period...' Everyone but Arcee and Optimus laughs. Seriously, Ratchet actually laughed. Arcee looks very unamused. "Bumblebee I swear to prunus if you don't take that back I will rip every last bit of that stupid ugly hair off your head..." She growls. To be quite honest with you, I kinda like the hair so far. Pretty cool. I write an apology on the notepad and put it away. I don't regret writing that. I just said sorry so she'd stop threatening me. But she'll never find out! Ha! I'm a genius. I examine Optimus. His hair is red and blue, he's wearing an army uniform and he's got a lot of little badges and metals. And of course the Autobot marking is on his jacket. His eyes are a deep ocean blue and his skin tone is very pale. He almost resembles a ghost. Oh, he's got a few grey streaks in his hair too. I move on to Ratchet who has grey hair, glasses and a lab coat on. Not too exciting but that's Ratchet for you. His shirt underneath the lab coat is red and white and it contains the Autobot marking too. Ratchets skin tone is pale as well as Optimus' but slightly darker. He also has bright blue eyes. I move on to my next victim. Bulkhead is bald with a very dark skin tone. Like, a dark chocolate skin tone. Hi eyes are a very bright blue that really stand out based on how dark his skin is. His lips are very full and big. He's a bit... Larger than Optimus and Ratchet in width and he's wearing a green hoodie with a huge Autobot marking across the front and a pair of jogging pants. I then move to Arcee. Her hair is blue and pink. A pixie cut with two strands of hair dangling down from each side of her face. She's got sky blue eyes that seem to glow slightly with purple eye shadow and dark eyeliner. Her lips are a beautiful shade of pink. She's wearing a grey top with a blue mini vest over top her mini vest has the Autobot marking on it. She has a pair of half gloves that are blue and pink on each of her hands, a pair of black leggings with a blue mini skirt with cuts up the sides and tall blue and pink boots. She's absolutely gorgeous. Like, I'm not even joking she is on fire. Her skin is around the same tone as Optimus and Ratchet. Somewhere in the middle. Then, I walk into my room and find a mirror. I examine myself. My hair is yellow with some streaks of black here and there. It's wavy, longish and messy on the top and buzzed down the sides. Totally sick. My eyes are probably the brightest and liveliest blue I have ever seen in my life before and I have these little freckles all over my cheeks. I'm wearing a skin tight grey long sleeved very stretchy top with a black and yellow half sweater made of the same material over top. It has two breast pockets outlined with black, a turtle neck style collar that covers my mouth, (how convenient) and the zipper glows blue. I've got the same style half gloves as Arcee only mine are black. I've got on a pair of track pants that are yellow at the top of my thighs and grey the rest of the way down. My shoes are yellow, black and blue. My skin is a more tan colour than everyone else's (other than Bulkhead of course) and I look very ripped. You can see my muscles through my clothing. An Autobot marking is in the top right corner of my sweater. Everyone has a little headset with their personal colour on it. Mine yellow, Arcee light blue, Bulkhead green, Ratchet white and Optimus red. I check the little watch like thing I've got on my wrist and see that it's 7:30am. Jack, Raf and Miko will be here soon to go to school. Boy are they in for a big surprise!

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