Chapter 12

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Knockout's POV

I slowly open my optics. My head hurts and the last thing I remember is being at some stupid human school or whatever it is that they call it. As my optics open a bright light shines in my face and I'm surrounded by 5 blurry figures. As they slowly come in to focus, I remember what happened and realize where I am. I try to get up to find I'm strapped to a berth. My optics are completely focused and I see to my left, Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Bulkhead. To my right I've got Arcee and Bumblebee. So, they weren't as oblivious as I had thought they would be... Scrap. "You guys really haven't been standing there all day, have you?" I ask slightly annoyed that I'm stuck in this situation. Lord Megatron will not be happy. Ratchet merely laughs and Bumblebee smirks a little. Well, isn't this gonna be fun. "Arcee, Bumblebee." Optimus says. They nod and both move next to my head, one in each side. "Prepared to ruffle, if needed Optimus." Arcee says. Prepared to ruffle? Wait. They're standing at the back of my head, where my hair is. No, no no no! Not the hair! Anything but the hair! "Do not touch my hair you little glitches! Why, if I weren't strapped down here, you'd all be begging for mercy!" I yell at them. Bulkhead snorts. "As if!" He says. Ugh, if only Breakdown were here to take care of that big lug... "Knockout," Optimus begins. Okay, bring on the questions. "Do you have any idea why we are like this?" He asks. Hmmm, how to answer a question like this... What if I just said no to every question asked like Bumblebee did? Would someone come and remove my voice too? Nah, they aren't strong enough to do something like that. They are weak. "Well, I mean, I do but... I don't really feel like telling you why." I say a smirk on my face. Optimus just gives a slight nod and I can feel Bumblebee and Arcee's hands ruffling my hair. "Aack! Okay, okay, I'll tell you... But stop messing with my hair!" I say before I actually think about what I'm doing. The ruffling stops. They all just stare at me. I sigh. "I... Created a chemical formula that would turn us into humans. Or at least, you into humans. It wasn't supposed to happen to us too." I say as quickly as I can. "The liquid we fell into the other day." Well, duh, Bulkhead. Anyone could've guessed that. "Okay, well then. If you weren't supposed to come in contact with it or even turn into humans in general, then why are you humans?" Arcee asks. Great. That was the one question I was actually trying to avoid. "Is that really important?" I ask. They all give me this look and it sends chills down my spine. "Well, if you must know, we thoughts as the liquid didn't work on you guys so we thought it was defective and just another useless addition to our experiments list. Starscream, being the idiot he is decided it would be a great idea to just jump in! Basically after that he kinda dragged everyone else in or at least managed to splash them with it. I'm surprised Megatron was yelling at me yesterday rather than yelling at Starscream." I say a little exasperated. Someone snorts. Well, they think this predicament is funny eh? Just wait till I spill the one thing that will actually go against what they're looking for. The scout and 2nd in command are in love! But then again, they probably all know. Oh well. Too bad for them. I'll say it anyways. "You know Optimus, I have some very interesting news about your scout and 2nd in command-" I start but am cut off by said bots ruffling my head very hard and fast this time. Hmmm, maybe Optimus doesn't know after all... "Arcee, Bumblebee. He didn't do anything wrong." Optimus tries to make them stop.  I don't think they care because the ruffling gets a lot more painful (they're using their fists) and a lot faster. Suddenly a voice enters my mind 'You say one thing about what you know to them, and I will personally rip out your spark.' And then it ends.

Bumblebee's POV

I am ruffling Knockout's hair for my life right now. If he doesn't shut up, deceptions won't be the end of me. Optimus will. He's attempting to tell Optimus about Arcee and I. Except, we would rather not have that happen. Optimus is very confused along with the others who don't already know... Which is basically just Optimus. I need to scare him out of doing this. I wonder if I can speak to someone with mind in private. So no one else can hear me other than the one I'd like to speak with. Well, there's only one way to find out. 'You say one thing about what you know to them, and I will personally rip out your spark' I growl in my mind. And trust me, I make myself sound scary. I know it sounds harsh but it's really only just to scare him. I wouldn't actually rip out his spark. No one deserves to die that cruelly. Either way I think it worked because he looks like he's seen a ghost. Also, no one seemed to notice that I entered his mind so, that's a plus. 'Who is this?' He asks. Even though he is thinking, I can still hear that he's slightly scared. I smile evilly and say 'you're worst nightmare...'

Knockout's POV

'You're worst nightmare...' I hear the voice say. Okay, this is seriously creepy. I don't even recognize the voice. It isn't Optimus, Ratchet, Arcee or Bulkhead. It couldn't be Bumblebee cause he can't speak. Right? And it is for sure not Megatron. This voice is even creepier than Megatron's. "What were you going to say Knockout?" Optimus presses. I freeze. Do I tell or just say that I forgot or something... "Uh.... I don't remember what I was going to say, it probably wasn't important anyways." I say. Optimus nods his head and says, "Alright then, where were we? Ah yes, do you have a solution to this problem? Something that will allow us to change back?" Ha, Optimus is crazy if he thinks I'm going to share that with them. Why would I? I'll escape, turn the decepticons back into cybertronians, and then we can just squish the autobots. Duh! "No there is not a solution." I say to them. Of course I'm lying though. Then I hear the voice again. 'Why don't you tell the nice autobots what they'd like to know? And maybe, just maybe, I won't rip out your spark...' Okay, that voice was about 10x as menacing as Megatron. I sigh and begin to explain what they'd like to know. Megatron won't be happy with me...

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