Chapter 13

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Megatron's POV

"Where is he?!" I demand. Soundwave walks over to the computer and tries to track Knockout. He's been gone 5 hours longer than he should've been. He won't respond to his comm-link either. And I am getting extremely impatient... Soundwave comes to me and motions to the screen. I walk over and look at what he found. I take it back. He found nothing. "Soundwave, why are you showing me that you've found nothing?!" I snarl. He shakes his head and points to the corner of the screen. I look closer to find a signal. It may not be Knockout's but it is far more valuable. "So, you've pinpointed one of the iacon relics? Well done Soundwave." I applaud his work. He smiles ever so slightly. I turn to face my troops. "Decepticons, we have a relic to unearth." I say, an evil grin appearing on my face. "Soundwave, prepare the groundbridge I say as I go to grab the dark star saber.

Bumblebee's POV

I hear Ratchet and Optimus talking about something while I play a racing game with Raf. I am currently beating him (as usual) when Optimus calls us over. "Autobots, we have discovered the location of another one of the iacon relics. We must retrieve it before Megatron does." We all look at each other. "Um Optimus, is this not the best time considering our... State?" Arcee points out. Optimus just sighs. "I am afraid, that unless we want Megatron to retrieve the relic himself, we don't have much of a choice." He says. I look over towards Knockout. 'What'll we do with Knockout? I'm not sure I trust leaving Ratchet alone with him without one of us.' I ask. Ratchet looks at Optimus questioningly, as if he was wondering the same thing. Optimus thinks for a moment. "Bulkhead, you will stay here with Ratchet." He simply says. Bulkhead nods and walks towards Ratchet. "Bulkhead, I swear to Primus if you break anything, you will be answering to the wrench that'll end up in your skull." Ratchet says. Bulkhead nods quickly, backing away from the tools. I chuckle in my head. Ah classic Ratchet. "Autobots, roll out!" Optimus orders as the groundbridge powers up. We walk through and when we exit the other side, there are cons everywhere. Megatron didn't seem to notice us walk through. Luckily for us, Knockout didn't lie to us and the other cons were human too. Arcee and I look to Optimus for instructions. "Autobots, divide and conquer. Try not to get spotted until we have enough information on what Megatron has found." He says. We nod and quietly separate. I move stealthily through the trees, and hide behind a large rock. I poke my head up and try to listen to what the cons are saying but, I'm not close enough... Scrap. Suddenly, I see a decepticon approaching my area. As he walks past me, I stand up and follow him a few metres out of the decepticon zone. Then I tap his shoulder and punch him square in the nose. He stumbles back but quickly regains his balance. He throws a punch at me but I grab his fist and twist his arm. I pull out a gun and blast him in the head. He falls limp to the ground. I rip off his uniform and put it over top of mine. I then walk back to where the cons are and just act as if I'm one of them. I pretend to work on unearthing this relic but as I do so, I listen to what Megatron is saying and so far, even he doesn't know what the relic is. I decide it would be best for me to turn on my comm link so the others can hear what I'm hearing. ::Bumblebee, where are you?:: I hear Optimus ask through the comm link. 'I'm dressed as a con, pretending to help with unearthing the relic. Where are you?' I respond through my thoughts. I hope it can work with great distances... I then hear him sigh. Yep, it works with distances. Suddenly the con next to me frees the relic. I catch a glimpse at it and gasp. It's- Oh my primus, it's- The golden dagger of Sentinel Prime?! This is bad... 'Optimus, can you see what they just got from your position?!' I all but scream in my head. ::No, why?:: he asks through the comm. Scrap! Okay, you need to think straight. 'It's the golden dagger of Sentinel Prime!' I respond. ::That's one of the deadliest weapons of the Prime's in the whole collection of them!:: Says Arcee. Good, she heard too. 'So, what do we do about it?!' I ask. I see Optimus begin to emerge from his hiding place and as he walks he says :: Autobots, keep the relic from Megatron's grasp!::. I walk up behind the con who has the relic. He's making his way towards Megatron right now. I grab his shoulder and spin him around. I snatch the dagger from his grasp and begin to run in the opposite direction. I spot Optimus who's busy keeping Megatron from coming after me. Arcee begins shooting the cons chasing me and I shove past the ones who won't move. Suddenly I ram right into Starscream. Oh boy. He turns around and seems prepared to yell at some "stupid" droid when he notices my uniform is kind of falling off. He sees the Autobot insignia and he snarls. I hook the dagger to my belt and put my fists up, prepared for a fight. He immediately swings a fist towards me. I dodge with ease and bail him in the gut. He doubles over but regains his balance quickly. By that point I have my gun out again, and it's locked and loaded. I aim it at him and when he stands up straight again, I pull the trigger. I hit him in the shoulder and he cries out in pain. I smirk and go to shoot again to find I'm out of ammo. Scrap I forgot to check if my gun was full! I put it away and quickly run for it. Arcee appears next to me. I then notice Optimus ahead of us. He's calling for a bridge. We both start to run faster when the ground beneath us blows up. We both go flying. I feel myself get slammed into a tree. "Arcee, Bumblebee!" I hear Optimus call. I slowly lift my head to see the dagger fell off of my waist when I went flying. Then I notice Arcee, not too far from the dagger lying unconscious on the ground. I scramble to get up and go help her. I can hear Optimus running behind me. He helps me to my feet and I begin to run as fast as I can at the moment. Ahead of me I can see Megatron moving towards the dagger and Starscream... Moving towards Arcee!! Scrap!! I pick up the pace a bit, trying to reach Arcee before Starscream does. I see Optimus move for the dagger, but Megatron gets it first. Starscream picks up Arcee and I chase after him. Both Megatron and Starscream move towards the groundbridge and proceed to walk through. Just as I'm about to step inside the bridge, it closes. I hear Optimus yelling and I drop to my knees. Megatron has Arcee! That fragging son of a glitch!!! I stand up and storm past Optimus. I punch the first tree I see and it cracks slightly. I hear Optimus call for a bridge and when it appears before me, I step inside with a single tear sliding down my face.

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