Chapter 8

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Knockout's POV

My eyes slowly open to find Megatron staring down at me with that evil grin of his. I'm scrapped. "Agh! Megatron, what are you doing in here?!" I scream. He laughs evilly. "Wakey wakey Doctor, it's time for school." He says. Of course. How could I forget? I groan and get up from my berth. We walk out to the command room and Soundwave opened a ground bridge. Before I get a chance to walk through the bridge myself, Megatron grabs the collar of my, what humans would call, shirt, and throws me through the bridge. I guess he's still mad... I land on a field of grass and just across from me I see a huge building and a bunch of humans... Ew. I look around to see three familiar humans and three who seem to wear the same colours as our foes. That must be them... I'd go up to them and attack now but, if I failed my cover would be blown much too soon. I'll make sure it's them first anyway. You never know, it could be someone else... Highly unlikely though. I walk a bit closer to get a better look at them. I can also hear their conversation better from here. "So, would you two mind explaining why you had to tell Optimus that Miko made Arcee try a blue lipstick?" I hear who I'm assuming is Bulkhead ask the other two who I'm also assuming are Arcee and Bumblebee, based on their colours, gender and the question being asked. Interesting... I hadn't noticed it before but Arcee's lips are tainted blue... Arcee looks at Bumblebee and he unzips his sweater slightly. His lips are the same colour. How interesting indeed... Megatron will be glad to know this... Suddenly some sort of dinging noise can be heard and all the humans and Autobots begin to enter the building. I guess I should follow, shouldn't I? I walk into the building and I find the Autobots again. I'll just follow them to their class and stalk them from there. I notice they all split up and walk in different directions. Scrap do they not all stay together throughout the day? I groan and follow Arcee. I figured that based on what went down between her and Bumblebee her class should be entertaining. Maybe I'll follow Bumblebee later... Arcee and her pet, Jack, I think is his name, turn a corner and enter a classroom. I find an empty seat behind her so I can watch her. "What's this class called again Jack?" I hear her ask. "Art." He responds simply. She nods her head. Art? What the frag is art? Humans are quite strange. A tall human femme enters the room with an apron covered in multiple colours enters the room just as another one of those dinging noises can be heard. "Welcome back everyone today we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself. I see Arcee stand up. Did they register themselves for this thing or what? Why not just sneak in like I did? She does some silly little introduction that involves something about kicking our asses if we try to hurt her friends. She's hilarious. The teacher looks a little stunned but just smiles and goes on with the class. "Today we're starting a new project. If you're in a you're going to draw your best friend in the whole world. Remember our lesson on shading last class. Try to use that technique in your drawing." She says as she hands us all a blank sheet of paper. What if I don't have a best friend? Wait, I guess Breakdown could count as a friend... Well, if I'm going to be here, I'll have to abide by the humans rules. I grab a pencil and start attempting to draw Breakdown all the while keeping an eye on Arcee and her pet. I hate this...

Arcee's POV

"So, Arcee. Who are you going to draw?" Jack says in a tone that says 'why don't you draw your new boyfriend?' I glare at him. "I'm not drawing Bumblebee if that's what you're asking." I state. He cocks an eyebrow up at me. "So what? You're resorting to drawing Bulkhead? Let's face it Arcee, just cause you're my guardian doesn't mean I'm automatically your best friend." He says. Okay come on Jack, you're my best friend. Bee doesn't count and I find you more bearable than Bulkhead at most times. "Jack I'm drawing you. You're my best friend okay? Boyfriends don't count. What if I had a best friend who was a girl and as soon as I got a boyfriend she became unworthy of being my best friend? I'd be doing the same thing to you if I told you Bee was my best friend. Boyfriends and best friends are much different." I say. He seems a little down that he didn't get to watch me draw Bumblebee. Well, too bad for him. I grab my pencil and look at Jack and commence my drawing.

Raf's POV

Although Bee had his sweater zipped up, I could tell he had a huge smile on his face. "Why are you smiling so big?" I ask. He just looks at me with gleaming eyes full of joy. 'I don't know. I just smile when I haven't any other face to be using.' He says. Even though he's thinking, I can still hear a hint of excitement in his "speech". "Bee, seriously. You're not fooling anyone here. Something is making you happy and it's not the fact that Optimus wasn't mad at you anymore this morning. What's up?" I try again. He's so good with deception and tricking people when needed though, I doubt I'll ever get the truth out of him. 'Fine.' He mentally sighs, 'look ahead of you.' I look ahead of me to see Vince in a wheelchair, all his friends making jokes about him. I smile slightly at the sight. After all, he deserves every last bit of what he's gotten from Bee. "You know, it might not be a good idea to let him see you." I say. We're walking down the hallway to my/our first class for today. 'Psh, what's he gonna do? Roll into me? Please Raf he's been handicapped I highly doubt he can do slag to me.' He responds. I laugh a bit at that but I am still worried that Vince has some sort of trick up his sleeve. I look up at Bee. He's still smiling like a big oaf, I doubt what he pointed,out to me is why he's really smiling like this but like I said before, I'll never really get it out of him. We walk past Vince and just as I had suspected, he had some sort of trick up his sleeve. He pulls out a switch blade and jabs Bee in the leg with it. 'Ow, frag!' I hear him mentally scream. He instinctively snapped his head around and gave Vince a look that could kill. Vince slowly started to back away but not before Bee shoved him up against a locker. He pulled the knife out of his leg and threw it on the ground, out of Vince's reach. And then he stormed off. I followed him. "Bee, are you okay?" I ask worriedly. He looks me dead in the eye and I can see his leg really hurts but he just smiles and responds 'Yes Raf, I'm fine. Just a cut.' Just a cut? "Bee, that's not just a cut, your leg is dripping with blood. You need to get that cleaned. Come on, I'm taking you to the nurse's office. I just need to let my teacher know. Stay here and wait for me. Please, don't move okay?" I say to him. He nods once and leans up against the wall. I run to my classroom and get there just before the bell rings. "Mr. Moores, my friend is hurt really bad and I need to take him to the nurse's office. Hopefully I'll be able to make it back to class with him before class is over." I blurt out to my teacher. He looks slightly overwhelmed. "I'm sure he can get there himself" Mr. Moores responds. What? No I have to go with Bee. "Mr. Moores, please. He's new here and his leg is bleeding badly. He doesn't know where her office is and at the rate he's bleeding at he might not make it there either without me. Please." I plead. Bee isn't bleeding quite that bad but he's still bleeding and I need to get him to the nurse now. "Mr. Esquivel, if he's really that bad, why don't you take me to him." He says. He's trying to stay stern but I can hear an edge of worry in his voice. I take him to Bee who's still leaning against the wall. At this point, his pants are soaked in blood and a small pool of it is forming on the floor. My teacher looks like he's at a loss for words. Bee looks up and smiles at us. He waves to the teacher with a slightly confused look on his face. 'Whys your teacher here? Am I really that bad?' He asks. 'He made me take him to you.' I respond. 'Oh... Okay.' Is all he says back. "What happened to you?" He asks Bee sternly. He flinches slightly at his tone and I can see Mr. Moores' face soften a little. "He's not mad at you, he's worried." I tell him. Bee lightens up a bit and nods at me to explain. I nod back and take a deep breath. "Well, we were walking down the hallway this morning..." I begin to explain what happened.

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