Zionaurry: neglected Niall part 3

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The last part was requested by @dollie543 I hope it is okay the way you wanted it

"I know the girls love their brother a lot" Niall says as he was hot by a cramp a little bit

"Niall are you okay?" Zayn asks a little concerned for Niall a little bit since the girls were getting big and there was not much room for them to grow at all

"Just a cramp is all Zayn" Niall says to him to make it all better for Zayn

"I am staying here just in case you are in labor" Zayn says as he tells the guys that they were staying at the hospital that night to be with Niall just in case he was in labor

Zayn timed each of the cramps to see if it was labor pains or not

"Niall i think you are in labor and these girls are coming" Zayn says when he saw how far apart the cramps were

"Zayn I don't want to be alone when they come" Niall says to Zayn

"You won't" Zayn says to him as he helps him to the bed for labor and see how far he was dilated and if the girls were going to be coming too

"I hope we can think of names for the girls" Niall says as he looks at Zayn

"We will Niall we can brain storm ideas for their names and then go from there and I have an idea for a name" Zayn says as he helps Niall into bed

"What name is that?" Niall asks Zayn

"Zeanna" Zayn says to Niall

'That's a pretty name" Niall says as he was laying in the bed

"Thanks I thought of it" Zayn says as he was going to be besides Niall the whole time and he was going to have the boys be there as well helping him with the delivery since it was going to be special and they need to make it up to Niall some how

"How about Angel for another name" Harry says as he came in to get Zayn

"Harry get the others Niall is in labor and these babies are coming" Zayn says as he started the music to get Niall to relax a little bit as he was going to labor with the babies

Harry went to get the others cause they were going to be daddies and Niall was going to be a mommy


Harry arrived with Liam and Louis who were not excited for the birth cause they did not want to be here

"Guys we have to be here with Niall cause he is going to be having our little girls and I think he is mad at you for not paying attention to him the only one who has paid attention to him was me" Zayn says as he was helping Niall with his labor

The guys were going to be there no matter what for Niall

"One of the girls can be called Sky" Louis says to Niall

"Maybe your little girl can be called sky" Zayn says to him as he was helping Niall cause Niall wanted to be held a little bit while he was in labor

"My girl can be named Marie" Liam says as he was sitting on the couch for a little bit

"Niall you want to walk the halls a little bit?" Zayn asks him

Niall nods as they start to head for the hallways to walk for a little bit

"Harry, Louis you guys are coming with me. Liam go get Niall ice chips" Zayn says to the guys that looked like they did not want to be there

"Why?" Harry and Louis asks him

"Harry you are going to time the contractions and Louis you are going to hold Niall during a contraction" Zayn says as he gives the guys a look that could kill

Harry and Louis just obeyed and listen to Zayn cause it looked liked Zayn was going to be Niall's coach during the delivery


"Mr. Horan would you like some pain medicine cause this is the last call for it" the nurse says after she had checked him to see how far dilated he was

"Yes I would like the pain medicine" Niall says as Zayn was keeping him calm while he bounced on the labor ball to help get labor to speed up a little bit so he could have the babies

"Okay I'll get that set up for you" the nurse says as she left the room

"Well it's a matter of hours now until the girls are born and we see what each of them look like" Zayn says excitedly cause Niall was getting close to having the babies

"Yeah" Niall says as he was looking forward to seeing the girls for the first time and holding all four of them in his arms

"Niall you going to sleep?" Zayn asks him

"Yeah once I get the epidural" Niall says as Liam gave him some ice chips to munch on

"Your going to need all the energy you can to have those babies" Zayn says to him

Once Niall had the epidural he decided to get some sleep for the births cause he was going to be pushing four little girls into the world and he needed his strength. Zayn was going to get some sleep too cause he was going to need it too cause one of the girls might be stuck and she does not want to be born, or if something was wrong with the one of the babies he was going to keep Niall calm and let him know that everything was going to be okay as he was having the girls. The others decided to go home, but Zayn was going to keep them there cause they were going to see their baby girl be born and Niall was going to need his support system, and if Zayn couldn't keep him focused he was going to need the others to help him out

V & C

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