Not a chest Infection

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Okay this on came from Niall tweet when he said that he was sick

"Ugh" Niall says after he let out a hard cough once again

"Niall are you okay?" Harry asks him

"I think I am getting sick" Niall says as he coughs again

"Niall I am taking you to the hospital to see what is going on with you" Louis says as he takes Niall to the bus that the lad were sharing for the journey as they were going across the country on their tour, and they will have another tour bus when they hit the states in a couple of months

"It feels like i have a cold from that cold weather" Niall says as he went back to coughing up a lung

"When you vomit something tells me other wise" Louis says as the bus heads to the hospital with Niall who was coughing and throwing up at the same time as well

Harry was rubbing Niall back as Liam went to go to his bunk, so he could go to sleep cause he was tired from the show that night and he didn't want to be apart of Niall's health


Niall was leaning onto Louis and Harry as he walked into the hospital to be checked out

"Niall you sit here, and I will check you in" Harry says as he goes to the window to get Niall checked in, so he could be seen by the doctor that was on call that night

Niall nods as he goes back to coughing

"Man my stomach hurts" Niall says after he coughed that time

"Don't cough so hard Niall" Louis says to him as he waits to take Niall in to be examined

"I'll try" Niall says as he breathes slowly

The receptionist let's Louis bring Niall into the room, so he could go through triage and put into an exam room

"Put this gown on" the nurse says handing Niall a gown

Niall stood up and put the gown, and Harry helped him tie the back

"Thanks Harry" Niall says as he gets into the bed in question

"Welcome Niall me and Louis are going to be here for the long run buddy" Harry says as he sits next to Niall

Niall was grateful that his best friends were going to be there as he was getting treated, so he won't have to go through it alone

"Mr. Horan we are taking you down for an x-ray to see what is going on with you" the nurse says as she comes in to get him and take him down to x-ray

"That sounds good to me" Niall says as he relaxes and thinks of what is wrong with him

Niall was able to get some sleep cause all that coughing made him tired as could be


"How was he?" Louis asks the nurse

"He slept right trough it" the nurse says as she brings Niall back to the room to sleep while they wait on the results

Louis decided to take his contacts out and put his glasses on

(Yes Louis wear glasses)

When Louis returned Niall was still asleep

"I hope you feel better soon buddy" Louis says as he sits next to Niall while he checks his tweets and Niall's tweets as well to tell the fans what is going on with Niall

After a while Niall woke up from his slumber

"Morning sleeping beauty" Louis says to him

"How long was i out?" Niall asks as he rubs his eyes

"A good hour are you feeling better?" Louis asks him

"A little but I still feel like I have been hit by a freight train though" Niall says to him

"I hope you feel better soon" Louis says as a nurse brings in a Popsicle for Niall to have and he was quite happy when he had his Popsicle to suck on

"That's good that" Niall says as he continues to suck on his Popsicle that the nurse brought in for him

After a while Niall was taken down for ultrasound cause the doctor found something on his X-ray and wanted to double check to make sure her eyes weren't playing games with her

"Why am i in ultrasound?" Niall asks the tech when they reached the room

"The doctor wants to check something is all Mr. Horan" the tech says to him as he transfer to the bed to see what was going on with him

Niall did what he was told and moved over to the table, so the tech could do the ultrasound

"This is going to be cold to the touch" the tech warns Niall

"That's fine" he says as she puts the gel on his stomach

The tech puts the wand on his stomach to find what the doctor wanted to see

"Perfect there's the little trouble maker" the tech says to Niall

"What trouble maker?" Niall asks her

"You will find out soon Mr. Horan" the tech says to him as he moves back over to his bed to head back to the emergency room

"Niall where have you been?" Louis asks him

"Had to go down to ultrasound for something" Niall says to Louis as they wait on the doctor to come into the room to see what he had

"I hope it isn't nothing serious" Louis says to him

"I hope not" Niall says as he gets on twitter and checks his tweets

(An hour later)

"Mr. Horan" the doctor says as he comes into Niall's room

"Yes doctor what is going on with me?" Niall asks as he fights back the cough that was coming on right about now

"Well one thing you have a chest infection and you will have to be on antibiotics for a while to knock it out of your system, but there is another piece of info that you need to know" the doctor says to Niall

"What is it?" Louis asks him

"Well Niall in a couple of months you will have a little one running around" the doctor says to him

When Niall hears that his mouths drops and he is in shock

"That is impossible he is a male and he can't get pregnant" Louis says to the doctor

"The test don't lie" the doctor says to the two gentlemen

"Of course they don't" Niall says as he gets up, so they could head back to the tour bus, so they could continue the tour

"How will this affect you playing your guitar?" Louis asks him

"A lot" Niall says as Harry cuts his hospital bracelet off

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