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"Louis what are you doing?" Niall asks him

"I'm making something to eat cause the girls are hungry" Louis says as he rubs his bump where the girls

"No you don't stay off your feet we don't want you to overdo it with the girls. Now go sit down and we will take care of you especially me since I am the one that knocked you up in the first place" Niall says to him as he goes in the kitchen to make Louis something to eat

"Louis come on I'll give you a foot massage" Liam says to him as he helps Louis into the room where he had the massage chair all ready for him

"Liam can i have the massage chair?" Harry asks as he comes down

"Why Harry?" Liam asks as Harry sits in the massage chair

"My back hurts a lot" Harry says as he sits in the chair, so his back can feel better

"Well Louis is carrying twins and you are only carrying one baby, so go lay down and we can tend to you later" Liam says to Harry as he helps Louis into the chair, so he could take some weight off of him

Harry goes into the kitchen to see if he can get something to eat

"Niall is it okay if i have some of that too?" Harry asks him as he gets a plate cause he was hungry

"Harry this is for Louis since he is eating for three" Niall says as he takes the plate into the room

"Liam can you get my slippers for me please?" Louis asks him

"Sure anything for you Lou be back in a jif" Liam says as he leave

"Niall can you get your guitar and play some music for the girls since they are restless?" Louis asks him

"Yeah of course I can" Niall says as he goes and gets his guitar to play for Louis and the girls since the twin wanted to hear some music

"Harry you can have some one of the girls is telling me that she is full" Louis says as he gives Harry some food cause he had ate enough

"Thanks Lou" Harry says as he digs in

Soon Harry feel a strong pain in his stomach

"Harry get up" Niall says to him

Harry gets up and leave to go to his room to lay down

"Baby are you okay in there?" Harry asks as he rubs his bump cause he has been feeling pains all day and he doesn't know what is going on with him

Soon Harry pants get wet

"Baby not now I'm not ready for you and I don't think daddy is ready for you either" Harry says as he heads to the bathroom, so he could have the baby there

Harry knew he was in labor

"Baby can you stay in a little longer for me please?" he asks his bump as he runs the water cause he knew he was going to be having the baby soon

A contraction cause Harry to double over in pain

"Well baby I hope you are okay with coming this early" he says as he gets into the water cause he had to deliver the baby himself

Harry pushed silently as the others were tending to Louis downstairs

"Harry we're going to the hospital Louis is in labor" Niall calls to him

Harry didn't care at this point he needed to go to the hospital and if he went with them they would kick him out of the car first since Louis was having the girls quick

"Oh baby why did you come this early?" Harry asks as he continues to deliver the baby by himself cause the others were at the hospital with Louis and helping him have the twins

Harry started to cry cause he knew the baby was going to be dead when it was born cause he could care for it properly

"Oh baby what did i do to lose you?" he asks as he continues to push the rest of the baby out and into the world

Harry was going to have a broken heart that he was losing the baby cause it was going to be born way before it was supposed to be born

"I wish you could of waited to come baby instead of coming now" he says as he fights the contractions now cause he did not want to see baby at all

Harry knew he had to deliver the baby and see what it was

"Hey cutie pie" Harry says as he pulls the baby up from the water, so it doesn't drown

Harry checked to see if the cord was wrapped it's neck and it wasn't

"Aren't you adorable" he says as he holds the third girl of the bunch in his arms as she squirmed around

"Mommy is going to get you warm a little bit" he says as he gets out of the water to get a towel to wrap her up in cause she was so small and fragile and he didn't want to hurt her

The baby girl squirmed in the towel and gurgled cry

"Mommy is glad that you are okay love" he says as he holds her close cause he had to feed her cause she was probably getting hungry

As soon as the baby latches on she fell limp in Harry's arms

"No baby eat for mommy please" he says as he tries to get the baby to eat a little bit cause he needed to go to the hospital to get her checked out somehow

He tried everything and the baby laid there lifeless in his arms

"No" he says as he cries cause it was his fault that the baby girl had dies

Harry decided it was best if he leaves and leaves the baby there covered up

"Bye baby I love you" he says as he kisses her as he covers her up as he finishes packing to leave cause he couldn't stay there anymore

Harry looked back before leaving to go downstairs and to his car

"I won't need this" he says as he takes the car seat out of the car

Harry gets in and drives away from where his daughter died

V & C

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