Narry: Runway twins part 2

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Request sent in by @Anime1Dlover1396 I hope you like this part and it is okay the way you want it

Niall and Harry decided after the boys were born to get married and start their lives with their kids. Becca was a cute flower girl for the ceremony and it was short and sweet since Niall was showing and they were going to do a different ceremony after the baby was born. Once the boys came life was crazy for Niall and Harry they were adjusting to life with twins and a two year old that was very different then any other two year old, and on Becca's birthday they found out that they are going to have another little girl to love so both Harry and Niall were over the moon about having two girls and two boys so their life was complete  

"Becca can you come here please?" Niall calls to her since Harry was busy with the boys at the moment 

Becca toddles to papa with her walker 

"Sweetie do you want to help papa with sissy clothes?" he asks as he looks down at Becca since Niall had his newest fashion show that week and he was going to keep the clothes for little Nora Isabelle 

Becca nods as she looks at papa 

"Okay and once we get done you can help me with her room since she will be here before we know it" he says as he helps Becca with the nursery 

Niall was excited to be having a little girl and Becca was excited to have a baby sister that she could play with 

"Thank you Becca now you can go and play" Niall says to her after they had finished up the nursery for little Nora  

Becca went to play with her toys

"I hope she talks soon" Niall says as he looks at the little girl as she was heading to the playroom to play with her toys happily while she waited on her sister to come into the world cause it was going to be a while until Nora came into the picture and Becca gets to be with her baby sister 

Niall was going to see if she was going to be deaf or if she did not want to talk at all, and what they can do to get her to talk

"Niall she will talk she is a shy girl is all" Harry says as he comes in with Nick

"I hope so soon too" Niall says as he looks down at his bump where Nora was growing at 

"Niall don't stress yourself out you might go into labor" Harry says to Niall as he came over to make it all better for Niall

"Your right I want to focus on Nora right now but I can't seem to get the fact that Becca might be deaf" Niall says to him

"I know she will pull through okay" Harry says as he kisses Niall 

(Couple of days later)

Niall was making Becca some lunch since Harry took the boys to work for a while when he was hit by a pain in his middle

"That was a strong one" he says as he got the stopwatch out just in case this was the real thing and little Nora was going to be coming into the world that night or the next day cause this was going to be the first time that he was going be going through this and he didn't know what to expect 

Niall texts Harry to let him know that he might be labor and Nora will be coming into the picture soon 

"Daddy will be coming home soon cause papa might be having your baby sister" Niall says as he serves Becca her lunch that day 

Becca was excited to meet her baby sister 

"You will be the first one to meet her once she is all cleaned up" he says as he sits with her as she was eating her lunch 

Becca was smiling up a storm at daddy as she was eating her lunch


"Niall sweetie where are you?" Harry asks as he came in with the boys 

"Bedroom" Niall says to Harry as he was trying to remain calm

Harry went running up the stairs to be with Niall

"Harry I love you so much" Niall says as he takes his mind off the pain of the contraction

"I love you too Niall come you can be in the shower while i get the tub ready for you to deliver" Harry says to Niall as he 

"I love you Harry" Niall says to Harry as they were heading to the bathroom

"I love you more Niall" Harry says to him 

"I love Becca" Niall says to Harry

"She loves you Niall" Harry says to him

"I love our boys" Niall says to Harry

"I know you do and they love you right back" Harry says to Niall as Niall steps into the shower while Harry was getting the water ready for the birth

After the water was ready Harry helps Niall into the tub while Harry went to get everything that they needed for the birth

"Harry I love our little family" Niall says to him as he was getting ready to bring little Nora into the world

"I love you too Niall" Harry says as they kiss since Becca and her brothers were napping right now and they were going to be able to bond with Nora once she was born 

"I mean it Harry I truly love you" Niall says as he started to push Nora out and into the world  

"I love you Niall keep going our little girl is almost here" Harry says as he keeps Niall focus on bringing Nora into the world 

Niall continued to push until he felt Nora leave his body

"She's here Niall our second princess is here" Harry says as he reaches into the water for little Nora Isabelle 

Niall loved her oh so much

"Becca needs to see her wake her so they can meet" Niall says to Harry 

Harry goes and gets the two year old so she could meet her sister

V & C

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