Larry: I'm always here

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Request sent in by @Zichael425 I hope it is okay the way i wrote it

Louis was pregnant with his and Harry's first baby which was going to be a girl who they have not decided on a name for her just yet cause they wanted to meet her first before deciding on a name for her

"Harry" Louis calls to him

"What is it love?" Harry asks him

"I can reached the bowls for my ice cream that I want" Louis says to him

Since Louis had his belly he has been having a hard time lately with it

"Oh love it's okay I can get it for you and you can make your sundae for our little princess" Harry says as he kisses Louis bump

"Thanks Harry" Louis says to him

"Remember to watch your sugar and your blood pressure too love I don't want to come early" Harry says as he gets the bowl for Louis so he could make his sundae

"I will" Louis says as he gets the ice cream for his sundae that he was craving so bad

Louis gets to work on cutting the banana for the sundae while Harry helps him with it cause it was going to be a big sundae they could share it cause Harry has been working on the nursery for their baby girl

"Will she like me?" Louis asks him

"Louis she will like you cause you are her mommy or papa" Harry says as he hugs Louis close to him to make him feel more loved cause Louis was on the verge of crying right about now

"What happens if she has something wrong with her?" Louis asks as he eats his sundae still

"Nothing is wrong with her she is perfectly healthy and I can' wait to meet her" Harry says as he eats his sundae as well

"I think she wants to meet us" Louis says as he looks down at his wet trousers

"Okay keep calm i got everything under control" Harry says as he gets up to go and get his and Louis coat and shoes to head for the hospital so they could meet their little girl

"Where's my bag?" Louis asks him as he eats his sundae still cause he didn't want it to go to waster at all

"Already in the car love as well as the car seat and everything for her" Harry says as he helps Louis up so they could head for the hospital

"Can i still bring my sundae with me?" Louis asks Harry

'Sure you can love" Harry says as eh helps Louis to the car while he has his sundae still


"How we doing huh?" Harry asks as he helps Louis into the hospital so they could welcome their little girl into the world that night or the next day sometime

"In a bit of pain I think she is ready to come" Louis says as they continue to head into the hospital to have the baby

"That's good I can't wait to meet her" Harry says as they enter the hospital to have the baby

"I can't wait either this has been a long time coming for the two of us and now we will be parents" Louis says as they get registered so they could have their little girl

"Yeah we will and she will be absolutely perfect in every way" Harry says as he reassures Louis that the baby is going to be okay when she is born

(Louis room)

"Can we walk the halls a little bit to help speed labor up a little bit cause I don't want to be in labor a long time with her cause i want to make sure she is okay and hold her in my arms" Louis says after they have gotten into their room

"Sure we can Lou and I can put your mind at ease with this labor cause I am your rock" Harry says as they start to walk the halls a little bit to help bring labor on a little stronger then what it was

As Louis labored Harry held Louis in his arms and rocked him to help him with the contractions

"Louis you are doing so good" Harry says as he holds Louis close to him as he continued to labor 

"I want to hold her really bad" Louis says to him

"I know you do Louis and you will as soon as you can push you will be able to hold her as you deliver her" Harry says as he comes up with a different birth plan since their plan one went out the window cause Louis wanted to hold their baby girl as she was being born 

Louis was happy that he was going to be able to hold their baby girl  once she was out

"We have to keep going so we can see her" Harry says as he walks with him up and down the hallway cause Louis wanted to stay in his large shirt as he labored

The nurses had Louis get into a gown and check him

"Louis get some sleep sweetie cause it looks like you need it, and I need to get some sleep and I am pretty sure our little princess would like to rest before she meets us" Harry says to Louis

"Your right my legs are getting tired from walking so much" Louis says as they head back to his room cause it was getting really late and Louis wanted to get some medicine to help with the labor cause he wanted to have it or walk the halls to help deal with the pain if Harry was going to be sleeping

(Next morning)

"Okay Louis the head is out would you like to hold the baby?" the doctor asks him

Louis nods cause he did want to hold the baby as he was delivering her

"Harry she has your curls" Louis says when he feels her hair for the first time

"Babe she is almost here" Harry tells Louis

Louis went back to push until her shoulders were out so he could pull her up as soon as she was born

"Hi baby" Louis says as he pulls the little baby girl onto his chest to hold for the first time

"She is perfect you did so well" Harry says as he kisses Louis as he admires the baby girl who was not happy that she was ripped from her home

"I am never letting her go" Louis says as he holds the baby girl close to him

"Babe  you have to so we can see how much she weighs and how long she is" Harry says as he helps cleans the baby off still as she was starting to settle down on her own 

"Never going to happen" Louis says with a chuckle as he holds the baby close to him

V & C

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