Ziall: The one that stuck

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Request sent in by @parkhaae1807I hope it is okay

Zayn has been sick for a few weeks now, and he went to the doctor to see what was going on with him, and he was over the moon when he found out what was wrong with him

"Zayn what is up with all things pregnancy related?" Niall asks as he comes home

"You will see soon babe" Zayn says as he goes and gets supper that he had made to surprise Niall and tell him the great news that he had found out at the doctor's office that morning

"Okay" Niall says as he goes and gets his guitars and bring them into the house, so no one steals them

"Zayn are you pregnant?" Niall asks when he sees baby theme food at the table that night

"Yes Niall I'm pregnant and we are going to be parents" Zayn says to him

"Oh Zayn I'm so happy" Niall says as he spins Zayn around cause he was very happy about having a baby around cause they have been trying so long and now they were going to get their miracle baby that they have been longing for for the longest time

"Me too I can't wait to see what we are having" Zayn says as he looks down at his belly cause it was going to grow

"Me either this is so exciting for us" Niall says as he eats supper happily that night cause he was starved

(Five months later)

"Well peanut this is going to to be your room that daddy is working on" Zayn says as he talks to his tummy that had his and Niall's baby

Soon Zayn had a cramp and blood came out of him

"This can't be good" he says as he calls Niall to see if he can take Zayn to the hospital


Niall was waiting in the waiting room cause he wasn't allowed back there to be with Zayn during the c-section, and was glad when the nurse came out to talk to him and tell him what had happened to Zayn

"I'm so sorry Mr. Horan but the baby didn't make it" the nurse says to him

Niall was at a lost for word cause Zayn lost the baby and he knew that they have lost the baby that they have been longing for

"I'm sorry Niall" Zayn says after he was released to go home

"Zayn it's okay we can adopt" Niall says as they leave the hospital to go home and lock the nursery that Niall had done for the baby

"It was a boy we were going to have a son" Zayn says as he tries to fight the tears that were forming in his eyes

"Well we can keep him at the house, so he is always with us" Niall says as he thinks of how they were going to keep the baby at the house cause Zayn didn't want to bury him at all

"Thanks Niall" Zayn says as he hugs him

"You are quite welcome Zayn cause I want to keep him with us cause he was part of us" Niall says as they leave the hospital to go home

After Zayn lost the baby him and Niall grew apart and Zayn started to do drugs and drink to forget the pain of their son that he had lost

(Few months later)

"Well little man do you want to see your nursery that daddy had done for you?" Zayn asks as he goes into the nursery cause he felt if he had put baby X in his room

Zayn put the ashes of the baby that he had on a shelf in a room, so he could see his room

"What do you think I knew you would love it" Zayn says before he was hot with a strong cramp in his stomach so he calls Liam and the boys to take him to the hospital to see what is going on with him cause something wasn't right and he needed to see what was going on with him

"Niall you need to get tot he hospital now cause Zayn isn't feeling well he is having strong cramps" Harry says to him as he talks to Niall

"Okay I'm on my way" Niall says as he leave the office to go to the hospital to see about Zayn and if he was okay

On the way to the hospital Niall was hit by strong cramps as well, and they were so bad he got into an accident


"Where's Niall?" Zayn asks as he was hit by strong pains in his stomach

"He is coming Zayn just breathe" Liam says as he holds his hand and keeps him calm

"I'm sorry we need to close the curtain cause we don't have enough rooms" the nurse says as she closes the curtain to separate Zayn from the patient that was coming into the room

Louis was on that side and was shock when he sees Niall come into the room in a lot of pain

"Niall are you okay?" Louis asks him

"No I'm in labor" Niall says as he fights the contractions that he was having cause he was close to delivering one of the babies that he was carrying and he didn't know about

"I'm going to be right here" Louis says as he stands by Niall as he was getting prepared for delivery cause one of the babies was crowing and wasn't going to wait around much longer to be born

Soon Niall heard that cry

"It's a girl" the nurse says as she hands the first baby off to be cleaned

"Niall she is beautiful" Louis says to him

"I know she is and I love her already" Niall says when he was able to relax cause he was between contractions right now and was glad

"Okay Zayn push cause the baby is crowning" the nurse says to him

"Wait I lost a baby how did i get pregnant so fast?" Zayn asks her

"Well this twin stayed in after you lost the one baby" the nurse says to him

Zayn was happy that he still had one of the babies in him and he couldn't wait to meet it

"Okay good pushes like that you will have a baby in no time" the nurse says to him

Zayn pushed until the baby had slipped from him

"It's a boy" the nurse says as she holds the baby up, so Zayn could see it

"Hey buddy I'm glad to meet you" Zayn says as she holds his son in his arms

"Okay Mr. Horan the second baby is ready to be born" the nurse says to Niall as Niall got ready to push again

"Niall you got this" Louis says as he holds Niall's hand as he pushed

"It sounds like the person next to me is having more then one baby" Zayn says as he holds the baby boy who was nestled on mommy's chest

"It sounds like it" Harry says as he takes the baby cause Zayn had to deliver the after birth which wasn't pretty but he had to get it delivered

Zayn was able to hold his son once he was cleaned up

"Hey buddy" Zayn says as he hold his baby in his arms

"He looks like you" Liam says as he looks at the baby

"Yes he does" Zayn says to Liam

"Okay Mr. Horan one more push and the baby will be here" the nurse says to him

Niall pushed until the second baby was out

"It's a girl" the nurse says as she hands the baby to Niall

"Hey sweetie" he says as he sees his second daughter

(Much later)

"Niall" Zayn says when he sees his husband in the bed next to him

"Zayn are you okay?" Niall asks him

"Yeah it seems that this little guy stayed in me, so the nursery will go to good use" Zayn says to Niall

"We need to do another nursery for these three princesses" Niall says as he refers to the girls that he had in his arms

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