Zianourry: Everyone is pregnant part 1

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This request as sent in by @Bouncerokoas sorry if it is late I wanted to save it for last. This is going to be a two part series since I have no requests

The boys of one direction were in the Netherlands for the concert for their fans, and they wanted to be healthy this entire tour so they decided to drink the water in that country to see if it was different then the other countries that they have been at

"This water tastes funny" Zayn says as he was drinking the water

"How Zayn?" Harry asks as he was drinking the water as well before they went on stage that night to perform

"It has a different taste is all like something is in the water" Zayn says to him as he drinks it still

The rest drink it cause it was the only water that was in the country

"Let's get ready boys" Liam says to the others

All of the boys got ready to go on stage for their fans in the Netherlands

"Hopefully there wasn't nothing n that water that will make us sick" Niall says as he got ready to go on stage that night

"Hopefully it was just bad water" Liam says as they went out on stage that night for the fans

"Yes and we don't get sick from it" Harry says as they went on stage when the first song started

(Weeks later)

The boys were in Japan performing for the Japanese directioner's when all five of them came down with the same problem

"Why can't we get better?" Liam asks after he had thrown up again for the two hundredth time that day

"I don't know all of us are taking turns throwing up while the others suffer it out" Harry says to the guys

"Can we go to the hospital to see what is wrong with us?" Louis asks as him and Niall were cuddling each other since the both of them w

"I second that cause I can't perform like this" Niall says as he looks up from being on Louis's shoulder

"Okay we will all go and Zayn you have to take care of everything since you ain't throwing up" Liam says as he has management put the concert on hold for now while the boys went to see what was so wrong with them and why they were so sick all of a sudden

"Fine by me cause I only get sick at night" Zayn says as he was helping his band mates to a cab to head to the hospital so they could all get checked out to see what was wrong with them


All of the boys of one direction were in a private hospital room and were dry heaving what they had in their stomachs

"I hope we get seen soon" Harry says as he was relaxing in the hospital bed and looking at the ceiling up above them

"Me too Harry" Louis says as he was tweeting about being in the hospital and how they might not make the concert

All of the boys had to have their blood drawn for testing to see what was wrong with them and why they were sick

"I hope we will have the results soon" Zayn says as Perrie came in to be with Zayn while he was sick and make him feel better

Sophia came in to be with Liam. Ellie came to be with Louis. Taylor came to be with Harry and Niall had no one to keep him company as he waited for the results

(Much later)

The girlfriends decided to go get something to eat while the boys were in the hospital waiting on the results

"Finally" Zayn says as the doctor comes in with the translator to translate what the doctor was going to tell the boys what they had

The doctor tells the boys that they are pregnant and they will be going for an ultrasound to see how many babies that they were having

"It looks like I am going first" Zayn says as he was taken to ultrasound

Zayn found out that he is going to be having twins

"Zayn why the shock expression?" Liam asks as he was on his way to ultrasound

"I found out that I am having twins" Zayn says to him

"Congrats bud" Liam says to him

Liam found out that he was having twins as well

"Liam why do you look like you seen a ghost?" Harry asks as he was heading to ultrasound

"I am having twins so far that's four babies" Liam says to Harry

Harry found out that he was having twins too

"Let me guess you are having twins too Harry?" Louis asks him

"Yes and you better hope that you ain't having twins Louis" Harry tells him

"If I am I am" Louis says as he went to ultrasound to see if he was having one baby or twins like Harry, Zayn and Liam

Louis was having twins as well

"You are having twins too Louis?" Niall asks as he was heading to ultrasound too

"Yeah I am and I can't wait to see my two little miracles" Louis says as he was talking to his stomach to let the twins know that they were already loved by their mommy

"I hope I am just having one baby so far that is 8 babies between the five of us" Niall says as he was heading to ultrasound

Niall found out that he was having twins too

"Guys I'm having" Niall says as he was brought back into the room

"Twins" the others say at the same time

"That makes 10 babies total between the five of us" Liam says as the others were looking at pictures that they got from ultrasound

"This is going to be a wild ride" Harry says to the guys

All of the guys agreed that this was going to be a wild pregnancy

V & C

One direction mpreg stories or one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin