Nouis: High school baby part two

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Okay @thekoalapanda here is part of the story I hope it is okay

Louis and Niall were able to find a cute little place that they could call their own, and they made almost enough every month to get by with the bills and put food on the table for the two of them. Niall was able to work on the nursery when he didn't work he did ducks for the nursery since him and Louis were having a baby girl

"Hey Niall" Louis says after he had come home from a long day at the doctor's office and flipping signs

"Hey Louis how is our baby girl doing?" Niall asks as he props Louis feet up, so they won't swell as much cause Louis was taking on water now 

"She is doing okay right now. She is a little hungry cause mommy didn't eat all day" Louis says as he rubs his bump

"Okay I'll go make her something to eat" Niall says as he heads for the kitchen, so he could make Louis and their baby girl something to eat, so she could continue to grow and develop as she should

"Baby girl daddy is going t make you something to eat" Louis says as he strokes his bump cause their little girl was getting a little angry that she didn't have no food in her little system

Louis talked to her as Niall continued to cook

"Here we go precious" Niall says as he gives Louis some food, so their daughter was happy

"Well she is a happy girl now that mommy has food in her system" Louis says as he continues to eat what Niall had prepared for him that night

"That's good" Niall says as he rubs Louis bump to get the baby to settle down cause it is almost bedtime for her, and Niall wants to get some sleep that night cause Louis was getting close to his due date

"I'm on maternity leave now" Louis says as he continues to eat the feast that Niall had made him cause he knew that Louis was craving something extra good and Louis found what it was

"That's good all we have to do is wait for her to make her appearance" Niall says as he plays his guitar for Louis

"Yeah i hope i don't go into labor at school" Louis says as he continues to eat

"Don't worry I"m going to be with you every step of the way" Niall says as he kisses Louis

Louis loved that and wanted to do it with Niall in the bedroom that night

"Can we continue this in the bedroom?" Louis ask him

"Yeah and then it's this one bedtime" Niall says as he helps Louis up

"Yeah it's getting close to her bedtime" Louis says as he feels their little girl move from with in him

Once in the bedroom Niall and Louis do a quick one and then they did their bedtime routine with their little angel

"Night angel we love you" Louis and Niall say to the baby

"She kicked" Louis says when he felt the baby kick him

"Night baby" Niall says to Louis stomach

"She loves her daddy" Louis tells Niall

"I say she does" Niall says when he sees Louis belly move

(Couple of weeks later)

"Niall i think we need to go to the hospital" Louis says when they were in the middle of their math test 

"Are you sure?" Niall asks in a whisper

"Yes I am sure" Louis says to him

"Okay let's go" Niall says as he helps Louis up and out of the classroom

The teacher yelled at them cause they didn't finish their test but Niall and Louis didn't care cause Louis was going to have their baby

"Breathe babe just the way we learned in class" Niall says as they leave the school to head to his car so they could head to the hospital to welcome their little girl into the world

Louis copied him as Niall got him in the car, so he could move around the backseat as he continues to labor cause Louis would want to be comfortable for contractions

"You took the passenger seat out?" Louis asks him

"Yeah, so if you want I could massage your back as you continue to labor and rock a little bit in a comfortable spot" Niall says to him

"That sounds great right about now" Louis says as he gets next to Niall

At stoplight Niall massaged Louis back and helped him with his labor that afternoon

"She is our last one for a while" Louis says to Niall

"She is and I can't wait to spoil her rotten" Niall says as he continues to head for the hospital, so Louis can have the baby


"Here we are Lou are you ready to be a mommy?" Niall asks as he helps Louis out of the door and to the entrance of the hospital

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess" Louis says to him as they enter the hospital

Niall had Louis already registered, so all they had to do was go up to maternity, so Louis could have the baby

"Niall" Louis says when he felt another contraction come on

"I'm right here boo" Niall says as he holds Louis as he has the contraction

Niall walks into the room and closes the door cause they wanted privacy as Louis labored, and Louis wanted to have her in the tub

"That was a horrible one" Louis says after the contraction was over

"Yeah it was go change into the gown and we can walk the halls a little bit while we wait on her to come" Niall says to Louis as he gets the room ready for when they return cause Louis would want to be in the bed at some point during his labor

Louis changes into his gown and him and Niall walk the halls to wait on their little one to come into the world

"Louis you are doing so good" Niall says as he rocks Louis in his arms as Louis experiences contractions as they walk the floor a little bit while they wait on the baby to come

Louis moans as he rocks in Niall's arms

"Soon it will be worth it and she will be here" Niall says as they go back to walking the halls as they wait on their little girl to come

"Yeah it will" Louis says as they head for the nursery, so they could picture their little girl in there once she comes into this great big world

Once in the room Louis had the need to push as the contractions came on top of each other

"Okay Lou I will help you into the tub, so we can have out little girl" Niall says as he runs the water for Louis as he sat on the toilet and continued to labor

The water was ready in no time, and Niall helped Louis int the tub

"Her head is literally out, so all that is left are the shoulders" Niall says as he helps Louis 

Louis pushed really good until he felt the baby girl slip from him

"Here she is Lou" Niall says as he holds up the screaming baby girl who was not happy that she had been removed from her home

"It's okay princess" Louis says as he holds her as Niall gets a nurse, so Louis could be moved and cleaned up as well

"She is angelic" Louis says as he rocks the baby in his arms after she was cleaned up

"Just like you" Niall says as he kisses Louis 

V & C 

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