SWS Preference

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You're on your Period:

Justin: Justin would always kind of stay away from you a little, let you do your thang, but would constantly ask you if you needed anything. Whenever he would go out he would always ask what you wanted and would never ask questions or argue.

Jesse: Jesse would keep an eye on you the entire week. If he ever saw you lying down and noticed you were in pain, he'd always kneel next to you and kiss you softly and play with your hands and talk to you until the pain went away, then he would go and get you whatever food you wanted.

Nick: Nick would be the guy to get you what you needed before you realized you needed it. He always had this sixth sense of when you were about to have a bad day and would make sure you had a shit ton of female supplies and he was always ready to start a hot shower for you.

Kellin: Kellin would always be ready for the worst. It was like he was going to war. He'd wear black sweatpants and a black shirt because he never wanted to let you go, and that usually ended in you falling asleep and bleeding out- but he never cared because you wouldn't be in pain. Just serious embarrassment.

Gabe: Gabe made a joke out of the entire situation, and would always make stupid puns and jokes the entire time. If you were in serious pain he would knock it off and help you out, but if it was just small cramps he wouldn't hold back the jokes.

Jack: Jack would be at your command the entire week. He would constantly check in on you and make sure you were okay. He'd stay away for the most part in fear of pissing you off, but he would be at your will via text and call

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