nature : chapter fifteen

Start from the beginning

"It reminds me of Cory," Luke said softly, glancing down at Reece's stomach then the screen again.

"Your first child?" Fran questioned, rolling back on her chair and grabbing a tissue. Luke nodded, still looking at the screen.

Reece looked up at Luke and he saw the adoration in his eyes, Luke already loved the baby, proving that Luke was only in it for the baby, he only cared for the baby.

"What's the due date?" Luke then questioned.

"I'm going to say May sixteenth." She said, handing a tissue to Reece to clean up before she went to put the machine away.

"Could I have a photo?" Luke asked, releasing Reece's hand and gesturing to the machine.

"Sure." She smiled, before printing it from the machine. "Your next appointment is at eighteen weeks, so two and a half months time. We can get a gender by then." She smiled.

"Thank you," Luke smiled, glancing at Reece who balled up the tissue and pulled down his shirt.

Fran went to her computer to make the appointment before printing off the photo. She handed the prescription and the photo to Luke. "This is a prescription of vitamins for Reece, to help keep the baby healthy, you'll get the instructions at the pharmacist." Then she smiled. "That's it till the next scan."

"Thank you." Reece said, jumping off the bed. He took the scan from Luke and smiled down at it. "They will be cute." He said.

"I'm telling you, you'll have an adorable baby when it's born." Fran said, walking them to the door and opening it for them. "I'll see you soon and we can talk about the labour day then."

The two said goodbye, the door shutting behind them.

Luke took the photo again, smiling as they walked back to the waiting room. "I love babies so much." He said.

Reece smiled before smirking a little, "still regret hooking up with me?"

Luke sent him a glare, "don't get cocky."

They got outside the open waiting room, "I'll get the kids in the car, you get your vitamins okay?" Luke said, handing Reece the prescription.

Reece nodded and walked away to the pharmacist. Luke went in to the waiting room, Cory looking up and smiling. "Are we going home?" He asked eagerly.

"We are, Reece is getting something but I'm taking you to the car." Luke said and the kids stood up, Cory grabbing Luke's outstretched hand, the other holding the sonogram.

They got to Luke's car, the four of them fitting snugly in the back. "What's the baby gonna be?" Cory asked as soon as Luke was in the drivers seat.

Luke chuckled, "I don't know yet Cor, we have to wait and find out." Luke then looked at the photo again, remembering how he'd cried when he first saw Cory's sonogram, seven years ago when he'd been just a kid. He fought back the tears and turned in his seat, looking at the four kids. Then he held the scan out to them, "this is the baby."

Declan took the photo, the four of them crowding around to look at it, Luke waiting for a reaction.

"Where is it?" Declan asked, looking up at Luke.

The blond laughed, pointing to the blob in the middle of the photo. "There."

"It's so small!" Cory groaned, "it can't stay that small forever!"

"In a few months it'll be bigger, and so will Reece's tummy." Luke explained, deciding Cory might need the baby talk earlier than expected due to this situation.

The passenger door opened, Reece climbing in with a white paper bag in hand. He smiled at the kids as he put his seat belt on. He then looked at the vitamins, "I got like six different kinds." Reece said.

Luke took the bag, opening it up and seeing a few different boxes and taking one out, he opened it up seeing they were pastel pink. "Do they all look like smarties that my child can kill himself with?" Luke scoffed before handing them back to Reece.

"They're all for different things, half I don't know about while ones for my morning sickness." Reece sighed, "which is terrible." He added quietly, knowing Luke wouldn't particularly care that he was puking his guts up at four every morning.

Luke had said before he only cared about the baby, and it was obviously plain in the doctors office when Luke looked so in love with his unborn baby.

Reece knew Luke would never love him the way Luke loved that baby. He was gonna deal with it though, because the baby deserved both its parents. Even if it hurt Reece.


we having cute lil babies I cry


The scan? Do y'all like Fran?

The kids seeing the scan?

Luke's feelings to the baby being stronger than to Reece? Honestly when I have a baby I'm gonna adore that child more than the dad lmao

Predictions? I have a cute name already for the baby I'm so. Thoughts?

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now