Telling Me To Cave In

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Vic's pov!

"Are you just gonna sit there and sulk all day?" My head whipped around to match a voice to a face but there was no one there. "I'm over here." The voice whispered. I looked around desperately searching for someone...anyone but I was alone. "why do you look so sad? Do you feel sorry for yourself?" The voice interrogated me. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I shout at the voice. "Who me? I don't want anything from you I just want what you want." The voice said back to Vic who was only getting angrier. "The only thing I want right now is for you to go away!" I shouted into the darkness of the room. "Me? Go away? There is only one way for you to make that happen." The voice laughed. "How?" I Questioned. "Kill yourself." The voice said into the silence that sent shivers down my spine. "N-Now?" I ask. "Yes now you worthless piece of shit if you want me gone then end it now!" The voice demanded. My hands shook as I gripped the bed frame to help myself stand. "Faster you idiot! You want me gone right?" The voice screamed. It was as if every time the voice screamed it was louder and I can't take it anymore. I grabbed a knife and held it to my wrist, I dug it in deep and dragged it up vertically. "Is this fucking good enough for you?" I screamed into the air through my tears. Blood Flow came fast from my arm like a river. "Huh? Is this what you wanted?" I scream louder cutting again the pain becoming numb. "Fucking say something!" I screamed when the voice didn't answer. "Help! Mom! Dad! Anyone!" I screamed realizing that I was alone. I started to feel dizzy. Light filled the dark room. I seen footprints in my blood. I hear faint sobbing. Everything seems so far away. So distant. Like this is a dream. I close my heavy eyelids three times and on the fourth time I didn't open them again.  

{A/N: So this is like really freaking short but dont worry the next one with be longer I swear! Vic called Kellin crazy but after that one incident Kellins been fine....Who looks fucking cray cray now Vic? Thanks for reading. Talk to you next part <3 }

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