Like a Tidal wave.

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Kellin's Pov

"No vic dont leave me! stay please. please I won't do it again!" I cried and cried till I felt my body being shaken.  

I opened my eyes to see Gerard standing over me with a worried expression. "Are you okay buddy?" He asks scooting closer to me. 

  I nodded wiping the tears from my eyes. "What was that about? Did that have to do with why you're here?" Gerard asks cautiously. I nod again.  We sit in a comfortable silence for about five minutes. "So what happened with him?" He asks. "What?" I replied quickly.  Its obvious this is a touchy subject for me but he doesn't seem to care. "I mean why are you here?"He elaborated. "Oh right.... Well I had a black out where I couldn't really control my actions so I tried to kill myself. I failed and woke up to the news that my boyfriend was sending me here." I explained deadpanned. "Oh." He said and nodded slightly.

 " what time is it?" I ask as he shifts to see the clock near his bed. "Its 5:59....whatever you do dont panic cus they'll sedate you." He said looking at me. "what?" I asked in confusion.  "you'll find out in 3....2.....1..." He said staring at the clock. Just as he reached the number one, two nurses came bustling in. They both had two cups in there hands. One nurse with bright orange hair went and stopped in front of Gerard's bed while the nurse with blonde hair stopped in front of my bed.  "Take this." she said handing me a cup with two white pills in it. I eyed it suspiciously. "what are these for?" I ask curiously jiggling the pills around in the mini cup. "Mr. bostwick I-" "It's Quinn I Interrupted her. "Mr. Quinn I dont have all day just take the meds." The nurse sighed. I was about to protest when the nurse took the cup from me and forcefully put the pills in my mouth. she handed me the second cup which had water in it. This time I immediately swallowed the water without question. "Open your mouth I need to make sure you swallowed your meds." She informed. I did as she said. she pulled out a clip board and proceeded to ask me the same questions I heard the nurse with the orange hair ask Gerard.

"Did you have any nightmares last night?"  She asked this was the last question but I didn't know what to say. I looked over at Gerard who was finished with his nurse and was slowly shaking his head no. He wanted me to lie. So that's exactly what I did. 

  "No I was nightmare free, I haven't had a nightmare since I was really young." I lied through my teeth. she nodded wrote something down on her clipboard and left. 

   I turned to Gerard to see him grinning like an idiot. "what?" I ask picking up a smile of my own. "I just saved you from electrotherapy." My smile drops along with my jaw. "You just saved me from electrowhat?" I asked. "Electrotherapy." He reiterated. "why would they do that just because of a bad dream?" I ask clearly dumbfounded. "They say It shocks the bad thoughts and dreams away, but let me tell you from personal experience that shit hurts like hell." I shiver at the thought. 

      I slid on some white skinnies that I begged to get approved and a white t-shirt. Bleh there is so much white in this place. There is no other color. Its supposed to be calming but its just fucking annoying if you ask me. After me and Gerard got dressed we went downstairs to the main office where they hold our tooth brushes. We can't have them ourselves because they believe you can harm yourself with anything in here. We grab our white tooth brushes and add some white toothpaste to the bristles. We finish and Gerard grabs my hand and pulls me excitedly to the area where we have breakfast. I smile as I remember when Victor used to hold my hand and drag me along excitedly to show me things that made him happy. I felt my smile slowly fade as I remembered how Victor threw me away. He has no idea what he has done to me. I hold back tears at the thought.

   "Guys  meet my new friend Kellin!" Gerard said excitedly. I gave a small wave and they all waved back. "Hi Kellin Im Alan and this Is Austin." Alan said with a wink." Oh my gosh guys why are you here!?" I asked hugging them. "What about us Kells?" I hear two voices say in unison. I turn around to see Jack and Alex. "Oh my fuck who else from clairemont Is here?" I ask sarcastically as I hug Alex and Jack. 

 "Suprise Suprise look what the cat dragged In battle of the band winner Kellin Quinn." I turn around to see Andy. "woah brother."I laugh and pull him in for a hug. 

    "Since you know everyone no need to introduce." Gerard Muttered looking dejected. "Awee cheer up me and you are gonna be the best of friends." I said mimicking his growing smile. I stood there in conversation for about 25 five minutes. 

      "what the fuck are you following me?" I hear someone scoff from behind me. I turn around to see im face to face with my bully Ronnie.....As the realization sets in that this is gonna be just like highschool only no Victor to protect me. "you just better stay out of my fucking way if you know what good for you." He sneered walking away from me. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding In.

 I turn back around to everyone staring at me. I just want to curl up In a ball and die. I slowly start walking away back to my room. 

 "Phone call for Kellin Bostwick!" I hear the staff member call just as im about to leave. I switch directions and head for the other door where the staff sits. 

  A middle aged man named Ron handed me the phone and I put It to my ear and hear heavy sobbing.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey kell how you hanging in there." The person I recognize as Vic sniffles.

"I'm sorry who is this?" I mumble knowing that it's vic.

"Its victor." He replies.

"Oh you." I sigh in annoyance.

"Yeah babe, how are you?" He asked.

"Look Vic. I get It you hate me but you didn't have to send me to this hell hole. I'm sorry that I meant nothing to you. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you. I'm just sorry okay. It's just so scary here and I want to go home." I said breaking down In a fit of sobs.

"Babe I-"  "Don't call me that... you're not my boyfriend....boyfriends dont throw you away." I said wiping my face. 

   "No...dont br-brake up with me. I need you." He stuttered and his voice broke.

 "I needed you too Vic." I whispered.

"I'm sorry please dont break up with me." He sobbed.

 My heart split in half at the sound.

"Okay....Just let me serve my sentence, see you In four months." I said. Before he could say anything I hung up. 

Man, this is gonna be a long four months.

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