I'd probably have to worry about those later but at the moment I was just trying not to freak out about Akio and the other girl, Aleeza. Akio especially since it was my fault we were in this mess. Both Charlee and Lavender will kill me. That is, if I don't wind up dead first.

Outside of my room was a white hallway, bare of any doors or windows for as far as the eye could see. The only other things in the desolate passageway were Akio and Aleeza strapped down to similar wheelchairs with their own annoyingly perky nurses smiling behind them.

Aleeza look annoyed and distressed while Akio just looked blankly at the walls. His eyes were sunken deep into his face, shades of purple under his eyes.

"It has been ordered for them to be given the tour," the nurse who had been visiting me said, a voice of authority, unbeknown to me, rang out as she gave the command to the two other nurses, one a brunette and one a red head.

"Ordered by whom?" Aleeaza asked. Neither her nurse nor Akio's replied.

"By people you don't need to worry about," the blonde one assured her.

"We've already been given the grande tour of your marvelous establishment," I reminded her and she nodded her head.

"Yes, of the parts we wanted to you to see, now you must understand why you are really here. Your purpose, your use. We don't just torture people for fun, although don't trick yourself into thinking you're not disposable. You'll soon learn that you are exactly that," she smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder tenderly.

I didn't hesitate to violently shrug it off.

We were pushed down the hallway, or labyrinth really. We took lefts and rights and turned around and took elevators until I wasn't even sure we were in the same building anymore. It was much much colder and more doors started to appear, each with more security measures than the last.

"Nico is truly a brilliant man, he has devised all of this right under the nose of Dr. Lorelei herself. She didn't like his plan, you see, didn't trust him-"

"What a shocker, she didn't like a plan that involved holding people hostage. Horrible woman, truly," Aleeza interrupted her. The blonde nurse glared at her and the redheaded nurse who had been pushing Aleeza stopped her wheelchair and came around to face her.

She bent down and adjusted the silver shackle like bonds trapping her wrists. Aleeza did not shout or scream or show any other sign of pain except for a twitch of her foot and a tear that streamed down her face before she could stop it.

"As I was saying, Nico, truly brilliant man, is the heart of the operation. He, better than anyone, understands the risks that you honorable government officials go through every day. The government uses you all like soldiers for their master plans. Sending you out to battle while they stay behind enjoying political immunity. You all lay down your lives, you are all used up and then whats left of you?

One mission gone wrong and all that's left of you is a private funeral with your nation's flag and a classified file that won't ever be seen by anyone. Do you really think you're making a difference?" she shook her head sadly.

"It's our job, we know what we're getting into when we sign up for it," I retorted.

"Do you? Well let me show you what you're signed up for now," she smiled as she pushed us toward yet another sliding glass door, this one with more security than any of the doors we had passed before. Five guards stood before a large glass panel where put in a pin code, scanned her hand, and her eyes before it lit up.

The guards stepped aside and the glass door slid away allowing her entrance. She turned back around to push my wheel chair, the others behind us like a train.

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