27| Unforgettable

Start from the beginning

"Ms. Crock, I don't believe you should make such a drastic decision." Dr. Wells finally spoke up.

"Dr. Wells, my decisions already been made." I calmly explained when on the inside I was a storm full of emotions. "I have no other business here. I just want to say thank you all for your trust and friendship even though I never deserved it."

I turned around and walked out of the room, although I knew that them finding out meant me walking out of their lives it felt almost refreshing having everything out in the open. I stepped outside of the building when I heard footsteps running behind me. "Diane wait!"

I looked over my shoulder to find Cisco quickly running towards me with Caitlin a few steps behind. Before I could even process anything Cisco engulfed me in a hug. "For the record I think you're a freakin badass!" Cisco exclaimed with a smile on his face, I was completely surprised but I still returned the smile.

"We're really going to miss you." Caitlin stated as she stepped up to also give me a hug. "It won't be the same without you."

"I know you guys will do perfectly fine without me..."

"Look, Barry is just PMSing he'll forgive you." Cisco interrupted, but I found myself shaking my head.

"If anything happened don't hesitate to call." I told them both ignoring Cisco's previous statement. "Seriously, call me any time."

"Trust me we will, you couldn't get rid of me even if you wanted to." Cisco assured and Caitlin nodded in response with a sad smile. "Anyways I'm already thinking of new toys for you, so don't be surprised if I stop by."

"I'll be waiting." I replied and then the three of us hugged each other, a part of me told me that now it would become much more difficult to adjust myself back to my old life at Starling.


After hours of packing up my clothes and other necessities I decided that I would just have to come back to pick up the belonging I wouldn't be able to stuff in my car. This brought me back to when I had to leave Starling to come to Central City and although I told myself back then that all I wanted to do was go back now I felt like I wanted to stay. I picked up my last bag and looked around my apartment and sighed, I couldn't that I once again was going to leave a city that I learned to love.

As I opened the car door and put my last bag inside I felt a gush of wind and someone stop behind me. But unlike the one I'd gotten used to this one felt different. I slowly closed my car door and through the reflection of the window I saw a man in a yellow suit similar to Barry's standing behind me. I quickly reached into the wait line of my jeans to reqch for one of the blades that I alsways xarroed with me. I turned around ready to stab the man but be got a tight hold on my wrist before I could even get my hand fully up. With my left hand I then reached into my boot to attempt the same but it resulted with the same outcome.

Next thing I knew I was getting slammed into the wall of a nearby alley. I looked at the man but I couldn't see his face because of how fast he was moving. "You're the man that killed Barry's mother." I said mostly to myself as I connected the two together.he had a hold of my hand so I put one foot against the wall and used it to lift my self up as I tried to wrap my legs around his next to take him down but I once again found myself being slammed onto the ground. Using my arm I pulled myself up into a sitting position up against the wall as I realized that this man was much faster than Barry. A move that usually would've worked on him had me down on the floor.

Suddenly his hand got a tight grip on my throat as he pulled me back up, my feet barely touching the ground. "What do you want?" I asked as I wrapped my hands around his wrist as an attempt to loosen his grip.

"You're not going to leave Central City." He stated as his grip only tightened until I found myself at a lose of breath.

"And according to you why's that." I choked out.

"I need you to stay here because you're an important asset to my plans." He informed and that only brought up more questions that I knew he wasn't going to answer.

"And if I don't." I said and although I felt completly helpless in this situation I wasn't going to let it show.

He lifted up one of his hands as it began to vibrate even faster than he already was, and he let it hover above my chest. "I end you're life."

"You say that like I'm actually afraid of you." I stated, and he lifted me up higher so the tip of my feet weren't even touching the floor anymore.

"Last time I checked you were the damsel in distress." He said his voice still echoing.

"You're right I'm a damsel, I'm in distress, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid of you." I replied and that seemed to anger him because he lifted me off the wall only to slam me back into it. I groaned from the pain the shot through my shoulder.

"I won't warn you again, next time I see you and your not in this city it will be your last breath." With that he let go of my and I fell on my knees trying to regain my breath. "Now I have an appointment with destiny."

"Well go wouldn't want to keep her waiting." I remarked, he didn't way another word because the next second he was gone. I slowly sat up and rushed over to my car and drove towards S.T.A.R Labs.


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