Chapter 8- The Project and Family get Together

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Thank you for reading. Constructive criticism is welcomed! Please vote and comment. The cliff hanger from last chapter will be completed and blah blah blah blah. I know no one reads these so I will shut up now. Here is the story. Let us resume.


Annabeth's POV

When Percy drew the subject for our project out of the cup and froze I became nervous.

"Um. Excuse me Mrs. Grady. Can we please redraw," Percy asked our teacher.

"No Mr. Jackson. You may not. I made that clear earlier. What did you get anyways?" Mrs. Grady asked.

"Tarterus," Percy whispered barely audible. I froze. I can't do something on that... that place. No.

"Please speak up," Mrs Grady replied.

"Tarterus! I said Tarterus!" PERCY snapped back. "I'm sorry. We've had some bad experiences with projects about Tarterus."

"Mr. Jackson! Do not yell at me. I understand, but you still have to do it. It couldn't of been that bad. Tarterus is fake. It is just a myth. You will be fine."

"If only you knew," I said under my breath.

"What is it Miss Chase?" My teacher questioned me.

"Nothing Mrs. Grady." I lied.

"Tell me now!"

"I said, 'αν ήξερες μοναχά'" I replied.

"Say what now?" Mrs. Grady asked.

"Its Greek," Percy answered.

"Well what does it mean then!" Mrs. Grady squealed. You could tell we were getting on her nerves.

"If only you knew," Percy replied.

"Well. You are now forced to do Tarterus," Mrs. Grady snapped back.

All of a sudden there was a bright flash and 12 other people ended up in the room.

"What in the world!" Mrs. Grady Screeched.

"Mom!" I squealed. At the same time that Percy squealed "Dad!"

"What are you doing here!" Percy and I asked at the same time.

"Miss Chase and Mr. Jackson! Your files said that your mom, for you Miss Chase, and dad, for you Mr. Jackson, we're dead!" Mrs. Grady scolded use.

"Don't you scold my Faviorte cuz like that, Elizabeth!" Apollo said sternly, "Those two have been through more than you can even imagine and crushed it with flying colors!"

"APOLLO! I told you not to have Faviortes!" Zeus bellowed at the god of the sun, music, medicine, and poetry.

"Haha," Artemis laughed, "Apollo is in trouble."

"Shut up Arti!" Apollo complained.

"I side with Apollo!" Hermes yelled.

"Of course you do! And give me my Bow back NOW!" Artemis yelled at him.

"Did you guys forget what we came here for! We are here to help out my OTP! They don't want to have to think about there experience down there. I mean, Percy chose down there, to a place we all fear to go," Artemis lectured while Percy and I blushed. "OH and Athena, stop glaring at Perseus and just give him your blessing."

Percy and I blushed even harder.

"Who knew getting the whole family together could be such a pain!" Apollo whisperedto Hermes, and me. I was trying so hard not to laugh.

Then there was something flying towards me. I caught it and saw it was an apple. I froze. "Ummmm... Perce. You know what this means right?" I said. I really hoped he did.

"Yep. My brain isn't completely full of Seaweed," he replied.

"Ehhhhhhhhh! Let's go back to a better place for this! Ehhhhhhhh!" Aphrodite squealed and suddenly we were in one of the best gardens I created.

Percy then got down on one knee and said, "Annabeth Chase, I've known you five, almost six, years and we have been best friends since. We've gone through so much together and I don't want to lose you again. I love you, Wise Girl, and always want to be with you. Will you marry me Beth?" He said, showing me a very pretty ring with two diamonds on its silver ring, one gray and one sea green.

"Yes, Percy. I will merry you." I smiled and he stood up. I jumped into his arms and kissed him.

"I call planning the wedding! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! And babysitting!" Aphrodite squealed.

I forgot that the Olympians were even there. Oh well. I was now going to be Annabeth Jackson. I can't wait to tell Piper! And Thalia! And the rest of my friends!

Percy's POV

When Aphrodite said the part about Athena giving me her blessing I was extremely nervous. I had asked last week and she said no. I was very upset but decided I would try again. Mr. Chase said that that would be fine as long as Athena agreed.

After a lot of persuasion from Posidon and Aphrodite, Athena agreed. Aphrodite had an apple in her pocket and handed it to me. I then threw it to Annabeth and you all know what happened next. I was so excited.

I then realized that we just left class in the middle of the lesson. The students must be very confused. Oh well. I now had my Wise Girl forever.

The End!

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