Chapter 6-Reliving

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So sorry I didn't update recently. I will try to update more. Here comes a fun chapter.

Sally's POV

I went into Annabeth's room to make sure she was ok. I saw her and Percy cuddled up and asleep. They looked peaceful, unlike their usual sleeping expression, scared.

I went downstairs and talked to Paul. We decided to just tell the school that they were sick. I wrote a note and taped it to Percy's forehead. Why not have a little fun?

Frederick Chase's POV

It was around seven in the morning when my phone rang. I was just about to leave the house. I saw the caller ID and it was Sally Jackson. I got worried, hoping Ammie (don't tell her I called her that) is ok. I picked up my phone immediately.

(Bold letters are Sally and regular letters are Frederick and italicized letters are Fredericks thoughts.)

Hey Sally. Is there something wrong?

Um. Well I have a quick question. Do you know what happened to Annabeth and Percy last year?

No. She won't tell me. Did she have a nightmare again last night? Is she ok?

She did and she is fine. Her and Percy are asleep. Paul and I decided to force them to tell us tonight, so we decided that they could skip school to prepare.

WAIT! Percy and Annabeth are asleep? Hopefully not in the same bed!

I have one question for you now. Pls tell me they are in separate rooms.

Ummmm. I didn't want either of them to have another... attack. After Percy calmed her down, she didn't want him to leave


Would it be fine if I fly in for percy and Annabeth's talk?

Of course! I will text them. See you later then?

Yes. Thanks. Bye.

(End of call. Sorry if that was confusing)

I need to have a serious talk with Percy once I get there. And a slightly less serious talk with Annabeth. I will wait til after there "confession" though

Percy's POV

I woke up in the guest room or what is now Annabeth's room.I realized that she was asleep beside me, using me as a pillow. I didn't want to wake her, so I just decided to lie there and think. It was the second day of school today, but I couldn't see my clock without disturbing Annabeth, so I decided it would be fine if we were a little late.

I laid in bed for what felt like no time at all and then Annabeth woke up. She was a little startled when she saw I was right next to her, and then started to blush. I chuckled. She looked at me and laughed. She then tore something off my forehead.

"Owwwww!" I exclaimed.

I realized Annabeth was holding a sticky note that was on my forehead. She read it and then became extremely pale. For a demigod, Annabeth is pretty good at reading English. She handed it to me and I read it.

It said:

Dear Annabeth and Percy,

Beacause if the episode last night, Paul and I decided that yall two can stay at home to day and today onlt. I know you two went through something extreme last year and don't want to talk about it but you need to. We will talk tonight after dinner, and please tell the truth. Paul and I can handle it.


Oh no. Tonight is not going to be fun.

(::) (::) (::) Time Lapse (::) (::) (::)
(::)(::)(::)To after dinner(::)(::)(::)

Annabeth's POV

Percy and I were worried about tonight. We didn't wake up until around noon and that was the most rest I have had in a while. Percy and I decided that our parents deserved to know the truth. Sally texted me saying that my dad was coming in for this. I was surprised but really happy to see him again.

We had just finished dinner and were going into the living room to discuss. I hadn't talked about what happened to anyone but Percy because he had the same problems.

"What happened to yall two? You aren't the same," Sally said to us. I was leaning up against Percy, shaking. I knew he was nervous to but was trying not to show it.

"Well. I got the mark of Athena and had to complete a deadly course to receive it. I accomplished it, or almost did. Where we were lead straight into to tar-Tarterus. There was a hole in the ground where the giant spider (forgot name) feel down there. I tricked her. We, the Argo II crew, were about to go back onto the ship. I realized some of the silk was wrapped around my leg. I started to fall into the hole," I said this all while crying. "Then Percy 'dove' in to try and save me. I told him to let go and save himself. But he wouldn't. We fell.

Percy and I completed the rest of the story. Afterwards we were so shaken up it was horrible. Our parents were crying. It was a restless night. Thankfully, they let us sleep in the same room which helped a little.

Frederick's POV

After the story I understood why they needed each other. They didn't get yelled at by me... tonight.

Thank you for reading. Thus chapter is dedicated to my first vote Annemariehartnett. Please vote and comment. Thanks for reading.


Me-I can't believe I made someone who hates Percabeth!

Clara- I'm just glad rick riordan owns them and the story line and you own me.

Me-Thanks for doing the disclaimer. But still! Why?!?!😭😭😭

Clara Percabeth stinks.

Me- I hate you. Jk. I don't but HOW?!?!

Clara- IDK but you created me. You figure it out.

Me- ok. But this isn't over. You will learn to love Percabeth like a normal character. It is my duty to the world!

Clara- Fine. Bye and thanks for letting me do the disclaimer.

Me- Welcome. Bye.

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