Chapter 3- The Long, Long, Long First Day of School

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Percy's POV

Today was a long day. I was excited to have Annabeth back but knew nobody would like it if we skipped school. I really want to talk to my Wise Girl. We need to discuss the after affects of tarterus with each other.

During English, Annabeth whispered to me that she would be staying with me. I yelled out YES!!! And my English teacher and step dad scolded me and then continued with the goals this year. BORING!

I kept on messing with Annabeth's hair and it ends up in a fish tale braid. I guess anything involving fish and water I can do because of my father.

Next were our electives for second period. I sat in the corner beside the big fish tank and an old friend of mine from our freshman year. I didn't really py attention in class, but had an amazing conversation with the fish about my father and pollution of the water.

During third period I had a class with Annabeth. It was amazing, except for the fact that Clara was in that class as well it was our history class and I was like why would we need to know this. It is literally called history.

Next we had PE. It was awesome. Grover, one of my bast friends, was the coach. He was there because he was on the search for new demigods. Annabeth and I got weird looks when we called a teacher G-man and Goat Boy. We didn't care though. The first day for Goode High School was always a fitness test. Annabeth and I demolished everyone easily. That was my favorite class so far today.

Next was Lunch! Annabeth and I can now sort of talk without getting into trouble. Kara decided to sit with us. She is extremely nice and loves building things. I am pretty sure she has ADHD and maybe Dyslexia. I told grover earlier and we are going to watch out for her, just in case. Lunch was a typical school lunch, gross, loud, and crowded. Bleh!

Fith was Science/Health. Boring! Even Annabeth had to admit that. The teacher drone on and on in a monotone voice. Thus is going to be the most annoying class. One girl beside me looked almost like an exact copy of me, but female. I told Annabeth and she agreed. We might have two new demigods on our hands on the first day. Aye yi yi!

Sixth Period was math. The letters and numbers didn't want to be seen correctly by me. Arghh! I'll just have Annabeth help with that tonight at our apartment. I know she is just here for a year and technically it is my parents but oh well.

Next was our foreign language. We chose Greek, obviously. The teacher asked who can speak Greek and we started talking. The teacher understood so we changed to ancient Greek. She was definitely surprised. Finally the bell rang signaling the end of the day. Annabeth and I had no Greek homework which was awesome.

We decided to go get Annabeth's stuff and then go home. Senior year has started as a semi-success.

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Kara- The amazing SS...

Annabeth- She's not that amazing Kara.


*starts arguing with Annabeth*

Kara- before I got RUDE KY interrupted I was saying that the amazing SS doesn't own PJO or HOO. All of those charters belong to Rick Riordan. SS is not Rick Riordan or else why would she be on this. I, on the other hand, am owned by her. The plot is original to her as well.

Me- thanks Kara. You are very nice unlike someone
*cough* Annabeth *cough*

Annabeth- well thanks

Kara- Well, here we go again. I'm leaving.

*Me and Annabeth argue some more*

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