Family Day

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"Jimmy! Get up!  We gotta go!" I screamed while waking him up.

I was already dressed in my sweats, and had my bag, and everything ready.

His beautiful brown fluttered open, and looked at me like I was crazy.

"What's wrong?" He was pretty much still sleep.

"Today is the day I fight for the title, and its uh..... family day, too." I was so excited, but family day made me think of what Maxine told everyone.

"Oh yeah, let's go. I'll shower at the arena." He sleepily grabbed his things.

He wouldn't drive, so I had to. I may have broken a few laws, almost hit one person, and almost caused three crashes, but we got there twenty minutes early than we would have with Jimmy.

I usually love the way Jimmy drives, it gives me time to sleep, but today I needed to get there earlier.

I grabbed my things and opened Jimmy's door, causing him to fall out.

"What the hell Mickey?" He was definitely awake now.

I laughed at him, and walked.... no..... ran to the Divas locker room.

The only person there was Charlotte.

" You'll never get my Woman's Championship. I am and will always be champion, and no little girl will change that." Her breath stunk like her body.

I scoffed and looked her dead in the face.

"Well, honey! This little girl is part of one of the most powerful tag teams in history. Just because your dad is the Nature Boy Ric Flair doesn't mean crap. I mean, I wonder what type of nature he was showing the Divas back then? While you watched Raw and Smack Down from home." Cameron and Paige both came in and saw Charlotte and I eyeing each other.

" Everything okay here, Mick?" Paige asked.

I nodded my head, and walked off to the shower.

The hot water released the knots that I had in my stomach from talking to Charlotte.

I came out, and got dressed in my new, custom made outfit.
(With straight hair, and red lips.)

It was the best outfit I have ever seen.

Jimmy, and Jey didn't even know I had it.

"Paige, can you paint my face? It needs to look like the side of Jimmy's face." I was going to surprise him, during his match against Sheamus, but only when I knew he had the upper hand.

When Paige finished my face, it looked rad!

I tied my hair in a pony tail, and waited.

I watched his match, and towards the middle he super kicked Sheamus, knocking him out.

My theme song hit, and I came out.

Jimmy had the biggest smile on his face, and he got out of the ring, and gave me a kiss, earning 'oooohs' from the crowd.

He got back in the ring, and I sat down at the announce table.

"So, Mickey. I see your dressed as Jimmy." Michael Cole annoyed the shit out of me, but I had to answer him.

"Actually Cole, I'm not dressed as Jimmy, I just have his face paint. This outfit is for my new team." I proudly answered.

"Wait, so that your... apart of team Uso?" JLB was my favorite announcer. He's so funny, and doesn't over use the word 'vintage'.

"Yep, and thats my baby out there. I love him so much!" I realized what and said and followed it up with something inspiration.

"Kick some Great White Ass baby!" I yelled, and Jimmy shot me his award smile.

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