The Date

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Jimmy walked to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for me. Once I was in he closed it.

Such a gentleman!

The first place he took me was a movie theater.

At first I thought I was a little under-dressed, but then I realized that Jimmy was wearing regular clothes too.

I was practically forcing myself not to sweat, which was hard. But there was nothing to be nervous with. Right?

We didn't say anything the whole ride, but once we got to the movie theater, I realized how special it was.

He some how managed to get my favorite movie, Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery, to play.

I squealed and ran to the popcorn area.

"Omigosh! Your Mickey! From WWE! Ohmigod! You can have whatever you want. Omigosh, can I have a picture?" The chick who was squealing was white, about 5'3 and she had blue hair.

I took a picture with her, and grabbed some M&M's, sour patch kids, Hershey kisses, and a jumbo sized soda. With two straws.

Because I'm a cliche bitch.

Jimmy walked over, and put his hand on my lower back.

My butt was a nice size, and looked even better in those jeans, so I knew he was getting closer.

Then when the chick who's name tag said Lucy, saw Jimmy she twirled her hair around her finger, batted her eyes, and poked her, undersized, breasts out.

Mine were bigger than hers. Obviously.

She grabbed a pen and wrote down her number, then she said to Jimmy "If your ever back in Miami, call me, and we can hang."

When she finished, I snatched the paper up, and she looked frightened.

"Come on Jimmy. Let's get back to our date." I growled as we walked away.

"Hmm, jealous much?" He was teasing me.

"Psh, you know if a guy gave me his number you would have done the same thing." I said as we walked to our seats.

Upon arriving I realised that we didn't have any napkins.

"Oh shoot, Jimmy. I forgot to get napkins." I started to go back.

I would have let Jimmy go, but I wasn't taking any chances with that slut out there.

But, a guy with jet black hair, and pale skin stopped me.

"Hey... your Mickey, right? From WWE? Well, I have some extra napkins. You can have them, along with my number. I'm Jared." He said while handing me some napkins, and using one to write his number.

Before I could grab it, Jimmy took it.

This ought to be good. I thought as Jimmy glared at Jared.

"She doesn't need your number, because I'm here. Now why don't you get your skinny, paper looking, ass back in that seat. Before I put it in there." Jimmy snarled at Jared.

Jared hurriedly ran back to his seat, before the movie started.

"Jealous much?" I said as Jimmy walked back over to me.

"Oh shut up!" He said wrapping his arm around me.

After the movie.

I giggled as Jimmy talked about Jared, and Lucy.

"Jimmy, I had so much fun." I walked beside him.

"Oh, well its not over." I looked confused but let Jimmy take control.

We arrived at a club called The Spotlight!

Jimmy grabbed my hand and walked over to the host.

He whispered something in his ear before, taking me over to a booth next to the dance floor.

The waitress came over and saw Jimmy. She pulled her top down a little to show off her fake breasts.

I ordered first, glaring at her.

I ordered a grilled chicken breast, with garlic and herbs. It came with mashed potatoes and gravy.

"I would like a sirloin steak, with corn on the cob, and broccoli. I think my date, and I would both like for you to pull up your shirt, too. Thanks. You can go now!" Jimmy said pointedly.

My mouth hung open, and the waitress pulled up her top and stomped away.

"Close your mouth before a bug flies in there." I closed my mouth and stared at Jimmy.

Before we both laughed it up like crazy.

About twenty minutes later the waitress brought us our food, while glaring at  Jimmy who, I might add, smiled right back.

The food was divine, and Jimmy and I barely talked during our dinner.

When we finished he put a hundred and thirty dollars on the table.

He grabbed my hand, and pulled me to the dance floor.

A fast song was on, and I noticed a few woman eye him. 

What is it with these skanks today? I thought as one chick switched her way past Jimmy.

He didn't even notice.

Thank God.

I put my arms around his kneck, and his put his arms around my waist.

I slowly started grinding my hips against his.

The girls who were staring at him immediately turned away.

After dancing, Jimmy took me back into the hotel.

Inside the elevator we sang a song from Austin Powers.

"I want chicken, I want liver." we stopped as someone came in and looked at us as if we were crazy, because we were giggling.

When they left we continued.

"Meow mix, meow mix, please deliver." We sang in unison.

When we got into the hallway Jimmy spun me around.

Then he whispered in my ear "You weren't dancing like that earlier."

"You and your pet rock seemed to like it." I said while nudging his arm.

He pushed me up against the wall, and we started to kiss.

I had my arms around his kneck, and his hands somehow found my ass.

"Get a room you two!" I heard Paige giggle.

Apparently, she and Dean were going back to her room, and they saw our little make out session.

I blushed and, hand in hand, we walked to my room.

"I'm going to go change my clothes, you can wait right here. That does not mean we are doing anything." I teased him.

I ran into the bathroom, and kicked off my Chuck's, threw my previous clothes on the floor, and put on my lilac night gown from a few weeks ago.

I knew it would drive Jimmy crazy.

I walked out and saw Jimmy in nothing but his briefs.

I led him over to my bed, and we laid down together.

I turned out the light, and turned over to Jimmy.

I laid my head on his chest, and he played in my hair.

"Goodnight, Jimbo." I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Good night, Mickey Mouse." Then he kissed my forehead.



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