Don't Kiss And Tell

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After the kiss with Jimmy, I walked three steps before fainting.

"Hey Mickey! Wake Up. It's been about twenty minutes now." Someone said.

"Shh, let her be. The doc said she needed to rest..... Something about her fainting from panic." Another voice said.

"PANIC my ass! MICKEY GET THE HELL UP" The first voice said.

"Bro, what's your problem? You better sit down, or I'm gonna snatch that tank top right off your body." The second voice said.

Then, I heard footsteps, water running, then more footsteps.

"Hey, what are you doing with that cup? Oh your n-" The second voice stopped as I felt something cold run down my neck.

I shot up, and slapped the person next to me, not knowing it was Dean. There sat Roman in the chair across from the trainers bed I was on, with a smirk stuck on his face.

"Oh my god! Dean, what in the world caused you to do that?" I shouted at him. He was holding his face, and he was laughing.

"Roman why am I here? Lord knows I can't trust anything Ambrose says." I was trying to warm my neck up, again after what had just happened.

"Oh, okay. So we were walking down the hall when Dean saw an arm on the floor. Him being the coward he is sent me to check it out. Seeing it was you, I picked you up, and put you over my shoulder. Then, we brought you here. The doc said that your heart beat was racing and that your blood levels were up. Probably had a panic attack. I thought it might be because..... you know........ Maxine." Roman explained to me.

When I thought about Maxine, I almost cried again. Then I thought about how I fainted and I smiled.

I got up, and walked out. Leaving Roman and Dean completely confused.

In my locker room I fell on the couch, and thought about how sweet the kiss was.

Then Naomi came in and I felt really bad.

She came over and hugged me, and told me everything would be fine. I told her I was fine, and that everyone would eventually find out.

Jimmy walked in and stared at me awkwardly. He gave me a quick wave and sat on the love seat at the the other side of the room.

"Jimmy! Get over here and hug her. Obviously she is upset!" Naomi nagged at Jimmy.

"Uh, no thanks Naomi. I think I'm fine. I'm a big girl. There is nothing in that story that I kissed- I mean missed." I stuttered out the last part, and looked over at Jimmy, who looked back at me, and at the floor.

"Well, Uh... erm... guys I'll be at my hotel room. See you tomorrow Naomi. Jimmy." I said while grabbing my duffel bag.

I hugged Naomi, and shook Jimmy's hand.

When I got to my hotel room I plopped on my bed, and sighed.

No one knows how bad I feel about kissing Jimmy, but how good it felt.

I started thinking about his long hair that I would love to grab, and when he took his shirt off his chest, glistening with sweat.

The way he smelled just like pinecones and apples. He is just so......  woah, woah, woah, what am I thinking?

I have never even thought about Jimmy in that way. Now after that kiss. The thought of him electrifies me.


I ran up behind Jimmy and jumped on his back.

"Guess who?" I said while covering his eyes.

"Hmm.. how about my favorite Samoan chick?" He said while I got off his back.

"Correct!" I said while hugging him.

"Well.. now that you have jumped on me, I have to get revenge." Then he started to tickle me.

Now I know what your thinking, what happened with the kiss? We both decided to put that behind us.

And yes, we do act like two, three year olds.

Anyway when he was tickling me, we didn't realize that someone had walked up behind us.

"Hey...guys." Naomi said while shooting me a dirty look.

Jimmy stopped tickling me and hugged her.

"Hey babe, what's up?" He was holding her at the waist.

Looking at what they had, I thought about how I longed for that.

"Ugh..... I have a lumber Jill match with thirteen other divas. Rosa, Emma, Summer, Kaitlyn, Aj, Alicia, Brie, Nicki, Paige, Layla, Aksana, and of course the dreaded Maxine." She was still giving me death glares. I wonder why.....

"Hey, Mick how come your not in there?" Jimmy said while Naomi seemed more agitated.

"Oh, because whoever wins this match goes against me for Number One Contender for Charlotte's title. I already told you this, were you not paying attention?" I asked pretending to be sad.

"I was paying attention, but I uh..... Just....never..... You know, well uhm-" he was cutoff by my laughter.

It was cute watching him trying to make me feel better. I mean that in the friendliest way possible or do I?........ I do!

"Uce, calm down! I literally just found out before I jumped on your back." He frowned at me and then began to laugh.

Naomi walked off, to get ready for her match.

"See ya, babe! Have a great match!" Jimmy hollered down the the hallway.

Then he devilishly smiled at me.

"Jimmy.... I know what your thinking..... Don't you dare Jimmy!" It was too late, because I was already thrown over his shoulder and he was running down the hall.

We gained several... Strange looks as he ran, and a few devious smiles.

And one flirty wink.

That damn Ambrose.

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