Chapter 54

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I got home and Shannon carried me inside. Brad was on the couch with Rob, Phi, and Joe. Jason and Anna were on the loveseat next to the couch.

"Where's Mike and Chester?" Jared questioned Jason.

"In their room. What happened to you, Ty?"

"I fell while skateboarding and I got some bruises," I told him our rehearsed excuse. He believed me and we continued to go to my dads' bedroom. Jared knocked on the door and Mike opened it.

"Tyler! What happened?" Mike took me out of Shannon's arms and cradled me to him.

"I fell and got hurt while Jared and I were skateboarding," I told him. He set me down next to Chester, who looked worried.

"Can we see?" he asked. I nodded. Dad sat on the other side of me and lifted my shirt enough to see some of the bruises.

"Oh, baby girl." Dad sighed. I looked down, my dad was disappointed in me.

"Tyler. We will be back tomorrow. Shannon is going to stay here if it is ok with you guys?" Jared said. They nodded.

"Of course! You know you guys are always welcome." Chester told them. Tomo hugged me before leaving for the car. Jared hugged me and kissed my ear.

"Be careful around her, sweetheart," he whispered.

"I will." he pulled away and left with Tomo. I sighed and looked between my dads and Shannon.

"I know it is really early but I'm going to bed," I said.

"Alright, Ty. I love you." Dad hugged me.

"I love you too." I hugged Chester and then went to my room. I changed into Batman pajama pants and a shirt.

When I lay down, the door opened, and Jason was standing there. I sat up and didn't meet eye contact with him.

"What really happened, Tyler?" he asked.

"I told you, I fell-."

"You didn't. I know you were lying." he sat next to me.

"But I can't explain to you without you hating me," I told him.

"What are you talking about?" he looked confused. Shannon walked in and answered,

"If she tells you, you can't tell anyone and you will have to break up with Anna." Jason laughs in disbelief.

"What about Anna?"

"Did you know that she used to date Dad? And she bullied him ever since he got with Chester?" he shook his head.

"B- but she said she changed. That doesn't mean anything."

"It does if your niece is getting hurt." he looked at me in shock.

"She is hurting you?" I nodded.

"For hanging out with you." Shannon pulled me in his lap.

"It's alright, Tyler," he whispered.

"That's it. I'm done with her. I knew there was something off with her, but I chose to ignore it." Jason stood up and left the room before I could say another word.

"Lay down, you need rest." Shannon looked at me.

"S- Shannon, can you lay with me? At least until I fall asleep?" he nodded and laid next to me. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

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