16| Oops.

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(A/N: Chris shaved his head again and i'm screaming i love it i can't find a good picture of it but believe me... ENJOY)

*Ricky's POV*

             I was all sweaty and out of breath from the previous events. I was still tense and uncomfortable about everything but eventually i just rolled with it and let him do his thing, pleasuring me beyond expectation. My cheeks burned hot and my eyes were lidded, too tired to open them up fully as i lay against his silky sheets.

             I tried sitting up a bit but my ass was still sore. I blushed just at the thought again. "Don't move." Master Motionless murmured, not nearly as out of breath as i was, probably from all of the times he had done this with Devin or his previous slaves if he had any. "I'm going to take those though." He smirked, gesturing to the sweat pants i had recently put on because i was too uncomfortable to lay on his king size bed butt naked. So he slipped the comfortable fabric off my legs, leaving me bare once again. "I'll wash these and give you new ones." I could have sworn a genuine smile flashed over his lips for a millisecond.

             He walked out of the room, sweatpants draped over the crook of his arm like a servers napkin as he finsihed buttoning up his pants. I glanced around his room for the first time without fear. I didn't fear what was in the closet, though it was still unnerving. He hadn't used any of the whips or chains or ropes on me, luckily, but i knew that he could in the future. I was torn between liking the new attention and regretting the change in activities he had me doing. I didn't want to be thrown back in the cold cement cell down stairs again with Devin who would probably kill me to be honest, but i wasn't completely comfortable with becoming the slave who he came to every day for rough sex. That just wasn't me.

            Stretching my limbs and back, i scanned the room out of boredom, only briefly looking at the minimal amount of items and decoration in his bedroom. My eyes landed on something of interest and i examined it. It had this metallic look to it, reflecting the beams of light from the lamp it sat under. I recognized it immediately. It was the key necklace that Master always wears nonstop, but i guess he had taken it off before the previous activities. There was some sort of pull to it that lured me nearer and nearer  no matter how sore i was. The closer i got, i reaized that there were two key necklaces instead of only one , one more worn and the other pretty new. I reached my arm out until i ran my fingers over the worn key's  surface, picking it up. It was still warm from his body heat.

               "Sir Motionless requests that you get dressed in the infirmary room." A doe eyed servant boy startled me. He peered past me and to the key in my palm and his eyes widened more. "That's Master Motionless's key." He murmured.

               "I'm sorry, please don't tell him." I begged desperately. The boy's gaping mouth closed slightly and his jaw tensed when he nodded. I let out a sigh of relief. "Why does he always wear this?" I dared to ask, curiousity getting the better of me.

                  "It's the key to the basement cells." He glanced around nervously to make sure no one heard him. "We should really hurry. Master said to make it quick."  I nodded and threw on an old pair of my boxers that were strewn on the floor so that i wouldn't have to parade around the mansion naked once again. But i kept the keys in both of my hands accidentally.

                  So i followed the doe-eyed servant boy through the halls, warm metal pressed tight against the skin of my palms. We were nearly to my spot in the infirmary when i was caught off guard by two bodies pressed to eachother against the wall. The butterflies in my stomach were now bees and my heart refused to beat. I recognized immediately that it was Master Motionless holding Devin against the wall, back to red wall paper, their lips locked together. I would have been as silent as a mime and ran away as fast as i could , but when Devin opened his eyes and gave me a sly look, i lost it. I clenched my fist hard against the sharp edges of the old-fashioned key and glared.

                   "What the fuck!" I immediately regretted what i said but it was too late and i was enflamed with rage.

                      Chris snapped his head around and composed himself slight. "Ricky..." He spoke. I knew he had the ability to do whatever he wanted because this was his mansion, i was his slave, and he had no connection or obligation to me whatsoever, but it still hurt. I went to fling my hand up and run my hand through my hair out of nervous habit, but i forgot that one of the keys laid in that hand, i sent it tumbling to the floor, the other still caged in my hand. I looked up at him with wide eyes, hoping that he didn't see anything but obviously he did. His eyes changed from formal to pissed off within less than a second. "Where did you get that?" His voiced boiled with anger.

                    "I-I..." I stuttered.

                    "You stole it." He finished my sentence. He snatched the key off the ground and took me by my neck, fingers wrapped tightly around my exposed throat.

                      "I-I'm sorry." I repeated, voice ragged and painful.

                       "I'm sure you are." He switched to holding me tightly by my arm instead because i couldn't breathe and almost passed out in his grip. I'd like to think it was out of kindness and that he still sort of had a soft spot for me, but i didn't know if it was true.

                     Soon i was being dragged down the creaking stairs that lead to the cells in the basement. I flinched everytime Master took another step and cowered when he opened the caged door to the cell adjacent to Devin's. I'm thankful that he didn't put me in the same cell as Devin, but i was still upset.

                     "Please..." I begged even though i knew it wouldn't do me any good. He looked at me and his look softened ever so slightly then he closed and locked the cell leaving me in the darkness.


Dun Dunnnn hope you liked it! Comment feedback

ALSO, i am beginning to write a completely original story (not a fanfiction) that i hope to one day get published but for now I have published the story on wattpad! Please check it out its called "Raven heart"

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