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(A/N: JSYK this chapter is going to be so uncomfortable for me to write because you'll see why but i want this story to go the way i planned it, so just bare with me. And yes i once again know chris would never do anything like this in real life and it's never acceptable but for this story go with it or skip the chapter)

Music: Paranoia (by A Day To Remember)

*****************WARNINGS: violence , a lot of rough smut, cursing ***************************

*Ricky's POV*

              I kind of blacked out from the the top of the steps all the way to Master's room. All i could remember were glimpses of servants staring at me with wide eyes but all of those were snuffed out by the blinding pain in my head. I probably  begged Master Motionless to let me go or apologized ceaselessly but all of that was a blur. 

             I was knocked back into reality when my head slammed against the hard wood of Master's headboard after he must have thrown me onto his bed, careless about whether i got hurt or not. My vision started spinning and i felt like i was going to throw up from the concoction of nerves and fear mixing in my stomach but i had to stay conscious. Who knows what he would do to me if i passed out.

             "It wasn't my f-fault..." I begged for him to listen to me but i knew the odds were high that he was deafened by rage. I felt my chest tighten harshly as he tore the large shirt from my torso leaving my chest bare as i cowered away. All the scars that he had given me were out in the open and for the first time, i was uncomfortable with being naked. "P-please." I tried to scramble as far away from him as possible but he only grabbed me by my hips- definitely leaving purple and black bruises in his wake- and pulled me back to him. 

             I couldn't stop the tears that leaked from my eyes and swam down my red cheeks, but none of this stopped him from yanking off my sweatpants next. "You want to f.uck something, i'll give you something to f.uck." He snarled, face contorted with what i could only explain as lust and anger. He lowered his head down to my ear until i could feel his breath against my skin. "I'll try not to be too rough." There was no way i was going to get him to stop and i no longer could use the safe word that Ghost and I created because we weren't on the same side anymore. It was just me. And that wasn't even the worst part. I don't know if it was like a Stockholm Syndrome kind of thing from being in this situation for so long (all my life, really) but after a while of freaking out and crying my eyes out, i found that i actually didn't mind the idea of doing these things with Master. Don't get me wrong, i was uncomfortable in so many ways and i was in so much pain all over my body because i hadn't quite healed fully from the last time Master punished me. 

                I was caught off guard when he ran his long fingers down my stomach just like Ghost had but this time, he didn't stop to ask permission or even give me time to think. His hand continued down to my unmentionable parts whether i liked it or not. Flicking his wrist quickly on purpose, i tensed up, sighing out a breathy moan. I've never felt this way before and i'm not sure if it was a good or a bad thing.  "Not squirming now, are you?" He said tauntingly but that pleasure came to a sudden end when he thrusted into my very unprepared hole. I screamed out in pain but that only egged him on. "Scream again for me." He smirked.  Those words, something about them triggered a flashback. Those were the same words that my old master said to me before he lashed me across the back leaving the hideous scar to haunt me forever. 

              I couldn't help but feel kind of woozy and lightheaded right before my vision went black from lack of oxygen to my brain (because i was hyperventilating). I don't know why i thought Master would treat me any kinder than anyone else but something told me that if i had been anyone else he would have been a whole lot rougher. 

*Chris's POV* (ohhh new perspective for once)

             When i was angry there would be nothing that stopped me from acting on my instincts. I hate to admit it, because i've never been this way before, but for the first time i think it was jealousy that boiled like a furnace in my stomach. I was jealous of what Ghost had with Ricky. I was jealous of what Ghost did to Ricky so i had no one else to take it out on but Ricky. Sure, i could have done all of this with Ghost but he'd be so used to it. I've never f.ucked Ghost so much in my life until i bought Ricky. I just was never satisfied with Ghost, but i used to be.  Maybe it was just because i've never had a slave as innocent as Ricky before, whenever i bought a slave they'd be well weathered from their old owners, but Ricky... it's like he's never seen another person's body in his entire life!

             So, yeah, i took it out on him. I was lost in my own mind, fulfilling whatever I desired. I was so caught up in the moment and the lust that drove my body to this point that i barely noticed that Ricky had passed out underneath me.

              Oh, no. What have i done?


Ohhh so it is a Cricky story after all awwww !

COmment your reactions or questions i'd be happy to answer them!

35 reads, 10 votes, or 5 comments= i update...

*PS i'll be updating a few of the previous chapters to add a minor detail that i forgot to add so if you want to reread them to see that detail you can, it wont have much affect on the story line but it does connect to something in the future chapters...***

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