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(A/N: the gif will make sense in a second when you get to reading lol but uh i need more people (like band people) to use in my stories because i end up using the same people XD ENJOY)

*Ricky's POV*

           I remember shaking when i was getting taken up to the main floor of my master's house. It's needless to say that when your master tells you that 'you have a long day ahead of you', it's probably not a good thing. That's just common sense. 

            Master was dressed in a fancy black suit that hid a silk red lining. Hanging around his neck was a thin silver chain that i recognized as a necklace that i've seen him wear many times before, but i couldn't see the medallion at the bottom because it was hidden underneath his shirt.

           "Did you eat all your food?" He said after moments of complete silence while walking down hallways and past large corridors. I recognized some of them from the house work i did yesterday, but others were unfamiliar and odd looking, but i didn't dare take a second look at them.

            "Yes." My voice was meek and i made sure to keep my eyes focused on the floor. I felt a harsh slap against my back which made my scar sting and cover me in immense pain, leaving me trying to suppress a scream and cry. "Yes, sir." I corrected myself quickly, afraid of being hit again by Master Motionless. 

                 He didn't say anything else to me until we finally reached a largely extravagant room shadowed my large curtains that smothered the light from the room. He was an odd man. He preferred the dark and liked the colors black and red, that's what i managed to gather at least. He stopped so abruptly in front of me that i nearly ran right into his back. I stood straight at attention under his scrutiny, trying my best not to tremble even the slightest, but that's kind of hard when you have a man who is taller than six feet looking down upon you and criticizing your every move. "We have guests coming today, you're going to be waiting on them." 

                 "But , sir, isn't that what the servants are for?" I dared to ask.

                  "They'll be busy preparing the food. And besides, you'll do whatever i have you do because you're my slave." I flinched at the word 'slave'. I was used to being called that, because that's what i am and always have been, but the way he said it made my insides crumble and melt. "For now i need you to make sure this room is spotless until my guests arrive and don't talk to anyone." He ordered.

                       After maybe about an hour of cleaning the room once and then going over it again to make sure it was clean enough, i heard a knock upon the large wooden front doors that stood menacingly in the wall, nearly touching the ceiling. They looked Victorian, with engravings carving up the dark wood in intricate patters that mirrored on the opposite door. I watched as a maid swiftly yanked open the door with all her body wait and greeted the guest kindly. Her eyes looked tired like she hadn't slept in a week (which is possible) but she had just enough energy to pull open the door without falling over.  A man that was even taller than my master, but was smaller in build, stepped through the door frame with a smile that lit up the room and bright blue eyes that pierced through the darkness. And then i noticed a small girl, just a bit shorter than myself follow in the man's shadow. For some reason, i thought i recognized her with her highly pronounced cheek bones and short hair. But i couldn't place a name to her face. 

                 "Ah, Andy, you're here!" Master Motionless smiled like the Cheshire cat as he stalked into the room, but this man didn't seem intimidated. 

                  "Aren't i always on time, Chris?" Andy chuckled. I could't help but watch the interaction cautiously when the girl came up beside me and kept looking over at me. I shrunk in on myself but remembered to keep pulling up my baggy sweat pants so they wouldn't fall around my ankles. 

                "Where have i seen you before?" She whispered to me. At first i kind of jumped at her words because i hadn't expected her to talk to me. I was just a slave and, by the looks of it, so was she. She wore a black and purple dress that came up to her knees and didn't have much form to it, but underneath i could see that she wasn't skin and bones like me, she must have been well fed. Now i'm jealous. "Ricky..."

                 "I'm not allowed to speak to people." I dropped my head low and caught a glimpse of my master who was talking impatiently with Andy and not paying attention to me at all. Every once in a while i could catch bits of their conversation. 'no, you can't have her.'  Andy would say, earning a glare from my master. 

               "I'm Juliet, do you remember me?" She insisted. Where did i remember that name from? It sounded so familiar like I've heard it a billion times but couldn't remember how to say it. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. This was the girl who was betrayed by the servants in my old master's house. This was the girl that had been pulled out of the cell by her hair before having it shaved completely off. 

                "Juliet..." I spoke softly then looked at her in amazement. I don't remember much about her but it was nice to see a familiar face instead of being surrounded by cruel strangers. "You were sold too?" Although i may have looked innocent and naive, Juliet had quite the opposite personality. She looked older and wiser like she had seen the world twice. Did she get to keep her memories? That's not fair!

            "Yeah, Master Worsnop sold all of his slaves right after he sold Jaime." She shrugged, not seeming to care much. "Now i'm with Andy."

              "He lets you call him that?" 

                 "Yeah, he's not too strict with his rules." I don't know how she could be so calm and casual about everything. I freak out over the littlest things in fear of punishment, which any slave would. 

                   I looked up from the floor just in time that my master wasn't in my line of sight anymore. "Shit, where'd he go?" I murmured, almost low enough not to be audible.

                   "What did i say about talking?" A deep, thick voice came up from behind me just as i was met by the intimidating shadow of my master that loomed over me like a monster in a horror movie. I instantly froze and my flesh erupted in goosebumps as my breath hitched. Shit. I felt his fist snatch around the collar of my shirt and yank me back, knocking the air right from my lungs. 

                      "Please, sir, i'm sorry." I whimpered and cowered away, afraid of being hurt further. 

                       "You need to be punished for breaking the rules."


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