7| Getting Close.

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(A/N: So are you guys liking this story so far, like should i continue this and update more often??)

**********************************VIOLENCE WARNING***********************************

*Ricky's POV*

         My body had a nonstop searing pain lashing through my limbs. I don't remember what i had done to deserve this but it must have been bad. I remember apologizing over and over again to the man who stood above me . His face was burned into my brain yet i can't remember his name. Dark brown stubble grew where a beard and mustache might have been in the past and his brown eyes glared at me furiously.  

                 "You're mine now." His deep voice haunted me ever since then as he brought down something thin and inflexible against my back. That's where i got my scar from and now i can't forget it. I could still feel the pain burning through my skin as i flinched away when he raised his hand once more.

                "Ricky, are you okay?"I jumped at Devin's voice when i woke up  to him in my face. "Woah, it's okay... You were having a nightmare..." He looked completely calm, meanwhile i was freaking out. My heart was thudding and i couldn't stop my mind from racing with a million thoughts. I slowly began to calm down, the adrenaline draining from my bloodstream as Devin rubbed my arm lovingly. 

                "I don't want to be here anymore." I began to sob, only some tears leaking from my eyes because even that hurt horribly. Heaving breath in and out and nuzzled my head into Devin's chest since he didn't seem to mind. I was shaking in dry tears and empty breaths, just murmuring about what my nightmare held, and listening to Devin hum in response. "He's scary." I was talking about Master Motionless.

                 "He's not too bad, he's just scary to look at." Devin chuckled and i couldn't help but smile slightly. 

                 "What if he tries to hurt me again tomorrow..." 

                  "Let's make a deal, okay?" I nodded. "Tomorrow Chris is probably going to take me into his room like he always does so we can do our thing, and you'll probably be cleaning the house again... but if after that he starts to come at you like he's going to hurt you, just say 'apples' and i will come and try to distract him. " 

                     "You'd really do that?" I was shocked that he would even come up with that idea in the first place. It was kind of just common law in the slave world that it's every man for themselves. You can make friends and you can think you know someone but if it ever comes to picking and choosing who gets punished or who gets beaten within an inch of their lives, you learn really fast that no one has your back. So this surprised me that Ghost would offer me something like this.


                         After a few hours of Devin holding me tightly in my arms because the flashbacks kept haunting my mind every time i closed my eyes, The door swung open like it did every morning. I missed Devin's warmth and protection as soon as he let me go to pad over to his separate cot and begin raking his hair into the correct position like he has done every day since i met him, murmuring his regular chant of reminders. Devin gave me a quick side-ward glance, with a wink before looking straight ahead as Master Motionless descended the stairs. I looked down at the floor, afraid to look him directly in the eyes after that night. 

                 Once in front of the bars of Devin and I's cell, Master only gazed us over. It was a horrible feeling that balled in my gut, afraid that he was going to hurt me again but i thought back to what Ghost said. He was probably only going to take Devin away and leave me chores. "Ricky, follow me." What? This wasn't part of the plan.  I froze in my place, but before he could repeat himself i stood up with a pain-filled groan. Everything hurt and i don;t suspect that was going to go away any time soon. I mumbled a quick "yes, master." before sneaking a scared look at Ghost. He didn't look at me, only pouted at the ground. 

                I was lead upstairs and immediately Master brought me to a large door that i had seen before. His bedroom. I stepped in cautiously, eyes wide with curiosity and fear. I debated whether i should scream out 'Apples' because of how mortified i was to be alone in a room with Master Motionless after what he did, but ghost couldn't do anything to help me now. "I trust you aren't too sore from earlier, you can make my bed...." He ordered, looking me over through squinted eyes. I nodded and moved over to his bed, flattening out the covers and making it as neatly as possible though it was hard through all the pain i was feeling. I heard my master sigh behind me then the creaking of the floor boards. I didn't dare turn around. 

               A second later Master Motionless's large hand was held gently against my hip as his body found it's way behind mine. I don't know what he was doing but i felt very uncomfortable. "I didn't mean to hurt you like that earlier..." Was he apologizing? No, that can't be right. His rough hand moved ever so carefully up my waist and underneath my shirt , fingertips grazing ever so softly against my skin. I stiffened up immediately, body tensing until i could barely breath. 

               "Um, master..." I shifted uncomfortably. 

                "Your pants are untied." He chuckled darkly before tying the knot again then moving away.


Ohhhh maybe it's a Ghorror story afterall lol jk but who ships Ghorror (ghost and Ricky)?

30 reads, 5 votes or 2 comments= i update...


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