12| I'm Ready.

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(A/N: this picture gives me heart palpitations... ENJOY SOME CRICKY)

Music: Evil King (by NateWantsToBattle) *for those of you who are new to my writing, the music doesn't always go with the chapter, its just what song i like while writing this or whatever i'm listening to while writing*

*Ricky's POV*

           I couldn't stop the butterflies from tickling my belly as i spoke with Master Motionless. Well, he talked mostly, I was too afraid and nervous to say anything at all. Although he kept the talking on a more professional level, leaving most of his personal life out of the conversation and his contact with me at a minimum,  i knew more about him then i would have imagined knowing when i first go here. I felt he was being a little too nice to me but maybe he really did like me.

             I learned that he was nearly obsessed with chicken wings, making the servants cook them for him at least once a day,  and that he insisted they were delicious since i've never had them. He asked me what my favorite food was too but my variety of eaten foods only ranged from burnt bread to maybe a fresh strawberry that was dropped on the floor if i was lucky enough to sneak it. He looked kind of saddened at that.

          Most of the topics were short lived because i either wasn't responding or didn't know what to say. But do you really blame me? He could snap at me any moment for what i might say and then i'm back at the top of his shit list. At one point, i went to move the clear tubing attached to the IV in my arm so that it would stop stinging me at this angle but instead, I accidentally put my hand on the upper part of Master Motionless's thigh. Instantly i froze up and looked up at him to apologize. He only gave me a faint smile after he tensed up, all his muscles under his suit contracting.

            "I should get going... this is around the time i take Devin out..." He almost sounded reluctant to be leaving me, but he wouldn't be. 

              "I'm really s-sorry." I flinched away from him, afraid he'd hit me, but he didn't. I was afraid that i made him leave because of what i did accidentally. My hands clenched into fists around the sheets that were tangled over me. 

                "Don't be sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for." I saw a little glimmer of something in his eye before he outstretched his hand to tuck a piece of stray hair behind my ear. I couldn't help but feel the heat rise to my cheeks, painting them a faint pink color. 

              "I shouldn't have done that," I didn't look directly at him.

               "It's okay, i have to wake Devin up eventually anyways." I nearly snarled at the mere mention of Devin. What he did was unforgivable, i probably won't ever get over it. "I don't want to do anything rash with you." He tugged at the chain hung loosely around his neck , pulling it out from underneath his shirt and rubbing it subconsciously in his hand. I just noticed that the medallion at the bottom of the chain was actually a key. It was ancient looking, painted black at one point but faded and chipped so much from use that it was a rusted silver color. I wasn't sure whether it was just a prop or actually a key but i didn't pay much attention to it. 

                "Whatever you plan on doing with Devin you can do with me..." I blurted out, even knowing that he planned on having sex with Devin and the last time he did that with me i passed out. I shouldn't have just blurted that out, it wasn't my place, but i wasn't thinking about the consequences, i was thinking about being Master's favorite.

               "Ricky, don't be foolish, you're clearly not ready..." 

              "I am ready! I mean," I quieted my voice so that i wouldn't get in trouble. "I really am ready..." I lied. "You've already done it with me once, this time i'm ready." I was more assuring myself than anyone else. I'd do anything if it meant that he wouldn't be with Devin.

              "No, Ricky." He gritted his teeth but i was still going to be persistent.

              "I'm ready, i swear, sir!"

                "THAT'S ENOUGH, SLAVE." he roared and i jumped back in true fear. I felt my heart shatter to a million pieces as if it were made of the most fragile glass, just at the small word 'slave'. He took a deep breath in and closed his eyes. "You weren't ready last time and you're not ready now, i'm not going to make that mistake again." 

                I didn't dare speak or pester him after that again. I may be innocent but i'm not stupid, i know when enough is enough. "I'm sorry, Master."

                 "Now get some rest. I'll see you later for dinner." He said before leaving.


( sorry this was short but... )For Pete's sake, Chris, Give Ricky some Cricky loving !!!

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