When she looked up, our eyes met for a few seconds but she looked away quickly towards her dad.

"Dad please!" It looked like they were having some kind of silent conversation.

"You don't owe me anything Mr. Ellison! I wish I could do more."

"The name is Christian, and You have done enough; I will always be indebted to you." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Now you know the truth. Everything will be as always. Nothing will change my appreciation towards you or your mother, who I might say was my Gaby's best friend till the end."

After that, We remained in silence, no one daring to talk first. That was, until Martha asked,"You guys want some pie?" Making us laughed.

After eating the pie I went with Danielle to her room. I was so comfortable by now in this house that I went to her sofa and laying down without being asked.

Danielle stood in front of me, arms crossed over her chest. Smirking she said " A little too comfortable are we?"

"I can't help it! I feel at home here." I was trying really hard to keep my eyes on her face. But her arms crossed over her chest was making her boobies look really nice in the shirt she is wearing.

I was having a huge battle. I kept repeating in my head, "look her in the eyes! Don't look like a sick pervert Cam. Eyes, beautiful eyes. Concentrate!"

"So, you like my eyes?"

"What?" Busted! I tried to play dumb. How could I be such an idiot, saying that out loud?

She pointed at my face and laughed, "You are hilarious! I know we had this conversation before but your acting skills my dear, Suck."

My phone went off at that moment. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was my mother. I didn't wanted to talk to her, not yet.

I ignored the call and was putting it back inside my pocket, when it goes off again.

"Someone is a little persistent, don't you think?"

I ran my hand through my hair letting it rest on the back of my neck. "It's my mother. I don't want to talk to her. It may be childish, avoiding the call, but I need space and I need to cool down. I already got slapped by Charles. If I go back now Who knows I may get punched!"

Dani's eyes went wide,"Your dad slapped you Camden?What did you say? Was it the first time? Has he done it before? And your mom? Oh my god Camden. Does he hits your mom too?

I wanted to laughed, she was spitting question after question, concerned about me. That felt good.

I explained to her how the conversation went and the things that were said. "Maybe I was out of line but I just needed to let it out. It has been years of frustrations after frustrations. It was bound happened at some point."

"Regardless of what you said, I think that it's completely unacceptable that he ended up resorting to violence against his own son! I'm sorry, but he is a jerk."

She looked so cute defending me. At that moment, all I wanted to do was to hold her in my arms and kiss those beautiful lips. Lips that were calling my name. "Lord help me!"

"No need to say sorry! I know he is a jerk. He wasn't always like that, but I guess ambition can get the best of you and turn you into a different person."

My phone went off again. I almost ignored it without looking thinking that it was mom again. But it was Matt.


"Dude, where are you? Your mom has called me like seven times! Let me tell you, she interrupted me while I was taking care of a serious blueberry case, and that my brother is not cool!"

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