7) Part Four: Vent

Start from the beginning

Error cleared his throat, moving towards the bed. He would break this silence. "What's up with y-your face?" He asked pointing to his own cheek bones. Ink's hands instantly flew up to his own, grazing the boney surface. "Oh, it's nothing." Ink said approaching the bathroom, carrying his laundry with him. Error didn't believe it. If they were "friends" they were suppose to tell each other things, right? Ink began to rinse his face off with a rag, the acrylic tears started to fade off of his cheekbones. Error gave a sigh, "If something's w-wrong you can t-tell me. Look, I may n-not seem like the most friendliest p-person but I'm here for y-you."

Ink stopped washing his face. He didn't want to tell Error. He didn't want to admit his brother had hurt him. Called Error lashful names. Threatened him and Ink. He didn't want to admit that he was willing go betray his brother to befriend Error, his mortal opposite. The person he was suppose to despise... Ink felt the tears forming in his eyesockets again. That was a stupid choice and he knew it. Ink leaned against the counter and began to sob. His tears hit the sink and counter, splashing them in an array bright colors. Error heard his wailing. He didn't know what to do. Tension swept over Error like a wave. He had to do something.

He got up and walked to the bathroom, standing next to Ink near the sink. "P-Please tell me. You don't look so happy." Error said placing his hand on Ink's shoulder. Ink looked up at Error's gaze, "I don't know if I can." Ink looked away, wiping his face with the rag. Error gave a laugh, "Y-you can tell me. I ain't that much of a bully." (Ink noticed his grammar choice decided to present that back up later...)

Ink sighed. He didn't want to tell Error, but it wasn't like he had a choice either. Ink walked over to the bed sitting down. Error followed behind him, sitting to his right. Error really didn't know what to think in this situation. He'd never consoled anyone before, or befriended. This was a first for him and he didn't want to mess this up like he had previously. Error looked at him from the corner of his eyesockets. Ink gave a shuddered breath, not looking at Error.

"My brother doesn't really like you. He said he didn't want me to see you or even mention you." Error gave a glitchy laugh. "I already knew he would. Do you r-really think that will stop me?" Error looked at him, humor in his eyes. Ink shook his head, "No, that's not the reason. He threatened you... Well kinda, but that's not why I'm worried." Error looked at him puzzled. "O-okay? And how would that hurt m-me?" Ink shut his sockets. "My brother doesn't really fight but the way he was talking...," Ink paused momentarily. "He could hurt you. Possibly kill you." Error froze. He felt a sarcastic remark start to crawl up his spine. He decided to ignore it this time.

What was he suppose to say? He'd let himself get hurt by his brother. Not defend himself? Error wasn't going to admit that, but he had to give Ink reassurance of some sort. "Look, I-I won't hurt your brother." Error said flately. Ink knew in his soul Error couldn't promise that. He had too much he had to do to be set back by another person, defiantly another glitch in the multiverse. Hopefully Paint would change his mind so nothing would escalade to the extreme. He still didn't know if Paint would remember or not. They we're probably safe for now.

Ink gave a weak smile, "G-Good." Ink didn't know what to say either. All the names his brother yelled at Ink had lingered in his head again. It didn't matter he guessed. He was just happy Error was here, listening. Ink never was one to vent, he mainly let all the emotions be expressed through his art. Getting to vent and having Error's company was calming. Ink turned facing Error, "Thanks for...," He didn't know how to finish his sentence. "For... Listening, and keeping me company." Error gave a smile. "H-Heh, that's what friends are for afterall."

Ink returned a smile. Guess they were friends after this. Ink gave a giggle, his eyes gleaming. "W-what now?" Error asked as a smirk formed on his face. Ink playfully nudged Error in the shoulder. "Funny how you're my opposite and you have already became my friend." Error gave a shrug. "W-well someone being so open as y-you. Who wouldn't be your friend?" Ink tilted his head. He didn't consider himself open to people. "I'm not open to people." Ink denied. Error leaned against Ink invisible eyebrows wiggling, "Says the guy that let me sleep with him..."

《 Error Code 588: Inked Out 》(Error X Ink)Where stories live. Discover now