While thinking of something to say to convince Sakura more, he saw Sasuke came out from the bathroom, a small towel on his wet hair. The bastard just came from the bath. He saw the raven-haired Uchiha looked at them for a mere second, gave him a very slight smirked then went straight to the kitchen. Naruto narrowed his eyes, frowned and almost gave him a dirty finger, but choose to pout instead. Sasuke still has that aura where when he looked at you, he seemed to scoff at you.

Then he saw Ryuna, just came out from the room, still rubbing her eyes. The little girl didn't see them, but he was sure that the girl saw Sasuke who went to the kitchen. Sakura's daughter followed the Uchiha.

That made Naruto smile.

"What was with the face Naruto, you freaked me out y'know," Sakura said, "are you seeing something?" she asked then turned around, but failed to see the people behind her. They already went to the kitchen which was hidden where they stood.

"Oh it's nothing," Naruto whistled, "maybe there is a miracle after all. And I don't have to do anything about it," his smiled was genuine. And he hopes something good will happen.

Sakura looked at him suspiciously. Naruto gave her a boyish smile and a giggle. He seemed really happy, so she didn't push further. "How was the mission?"


After Sasuke took a very cold bath (he used the bathroom located near the kitchen which was for guest's use), he saw Naruto and Sakura talked at the balcony. Naruto saw him and gave him a squinted look. He almost rolled his eyes for the blond's childishness. It's like when they were Genins. Naruto's overly protective attitude towards Sakura was still there. And it was like those times came back suddenly. Team Seven is whole again.

After giving Naruto a smirk, he went straight to the kitchen. He needs his tea. While he was preparing, he heard the little footsteps, soft and silent like a cat's.


Sasuke turned around upon hearing the small voice. He saw the little girl standing at the kitchen's entry, the same little girl he helped yesterday at the Hokage tower.

Sakura's daughter.

She's wearing her PJ's and clutching a frog doll. Her hair was a bit mess with strands sticking out everywhere on her head. Her eyes were wide upon seeing him standing there...and her eyes...

As beautiful as a polished peridot.

Something or some part of him was hurting. He didn't know where, and he couldn't point it out but looking at the little girl, thinking she's Sakura's daughter, and that the father was some bastard where Sakura could have possible love...

....everything makes him irritated. Annoying. When in the world did he started being curious with kids? Was it probably because the little girl in front of him was Sakura's daughter?

So he gave that sharp glare to the little girl. What was her name again? Ryuna. Naruto called her Ryu-chan.

Somehow, the little girl had the same eyes as Sakura's. Not in the same shade as hers but both have the same intensity and vibrant. And he can't help but to think, they're mysterious and mesmerizing.

Which annoyed him more. Good thing, the kid got her mother's eyes. He grunted and glower at the little girl. Somehow, she really reminds him of something. But what?

"Hn," he snorted, almost flaring his nose all over the place. Just wondering who the girl's father makes him want to punch someone. Somehow, he can't get-over on the fact that Sakura had a daughter, some bastard's daughter!

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