A New Issue?

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-Yata's POV-

I felt something get thrown over me and then heard stomping that echoed into the bathroom, I lifted the other half of the blanket that was thrown on me then waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, I looked to the wall clock, it was 1:30 am. "(Y/N) you alright?" I asked trying to get myself to get out of bed. I heard the toilet flush then (y/n) walked back into the room, "Yeah I'm fine, I probably just ate something my stomach didn't agree with. I'm going to go get a glass of water, you want anything?" I just laid back down and answered, "No I'm good."

-Your POV-

I walk into the kitchen and I couldn't help but worry about why I threw up, could I be- no there's no way I could be we always use protection. It has to just be a small stomach flu. I got my glass of water and walked back into the bedroom taking a drink of my glass of water then setting it onto the night stand. I slowly slipped my way back into the blanket snuggling my way into Misaki's arms.

"You're sure you're fine?" He said pulling my body closer to him. I put my head next to his chest and replied, "Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing." I felt his hand creep down from my waist to my thigh, I grabbed his hand and put it back onto my waist, "Not right now, Misaki." He looked at me and put his forehead to mine, I smiled and I heard him whispered, "Alright kitten." I felt him kiss my forehead and squeeze me a bit tighter, "I love you", I said looking up at him. He was half asleep and he managed to get the words," Lo-ve you t-oo", part of me wanted to ask him if he drank to much but I figured he needed some rest.

-Yata's POV-

How did she ever choose me over all the other guys.... I must be the luckiest guy in the world.

-Your POV-

I laid there trying to go to sleep, all I could think about was the slight possibility that I could be pregnant. All "the what if's" and all "the could be's" where running throughout my head and I couldn't stop thinking about the possible things that could happen. The number one thought was, what would Misaki say, what would he say. Would he be disappointed or be happy to start a family. I'll just go to the pharmacy down the street and then get some sleep. I slipped out of bed then got on clothes that didn't look like pajamas. I walked to the front door and slowly closed it behind me, making sure to lock it before walking down the hallway. I got into the elevator and tried blocking out my thoughts by listening to the elevator music.

When I got to the pharmacy I was relieved to see that no one was around, I quickly grabbed a box and went to the self check out. After paying for the box I quickly walked my way back to the apartment. I quietly made my way into our apartment and walked directly into the bathroom and took out the test. Let's get this over with. I took the test and slowly looked at it.

Yata Misaki x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt