Love For a Friend

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-Your POV-

I heard a knock on the front door and I slowly started to stretch while I rolled out of bed. I glanced over at Misaki who was still peacefully asleep.

I tried not to wake him as I made my way to the front door. I tripped over my bottoms from the night before causing me to fumble into the back of the couch. Smooth (y/n). Who's is even here anyways, it's so early. I opened the door to see Saru who was looking at his phone until he realized that I had opened the door. He put his phone in his pocket and looked directly into my eyes, I could feel an awkward tension between us and it seemed to linger until Saru said, "Good throw." My eyes widened and I froze instantly, how did he know I threw the last knife?

"I heard that you ended up in the hospital", he continued ignoring the fact that I was still in shock, "you should've stayed in your position that was given to you, you could've died." I just stood there. I didn't know what to do, or what to say. After a moment of silence I gestured him to come inside and he headed for the couch, "You know I was skeptical when I heard rumors that you had gotten out already", he said a little more quietly. He must of known Misaki was here. "I'm glad you care so much about me, Saru", I leaned over to hug him but he stood up and picked me up to bear hugged me. I started laughing and tried to quiet myself for I didn't wake up Misaki.

"Look who's up." Fushimi slowly set me down and my eyes met with Misaki's, his eyes showed tiredness and confusion. "Morning love", I said playfully. He smirked and begun to blush a little. He covered his blush with his hand and walked into kitchen, which I figured was because Saru was here. Saru sat down and I caught myself in awe; gently smiling at Misaki, my head watching him as he walked into the kitchen. That wasn't creepy. I felt Saru's gaze and heard him starting to chuckle, I quickly sat down, "You guys are something else", said trying to stop himself from laughing to loudly. I looked him straight in the eye glaring at him, he just smirked back at me.

"What? You both are like lovesick school kids." I just rolled my eyes, "Well I'd rather be a 'lovesick school kid' than being alone." He just smirked at me, "Well at least when your alone you can keep your path partially clear of distractions." I smirked.

"Well I enjoy my distractions." Misaki sat next to me on the couch, handing me and Fushimi a glass of water then quickly went back into the kitchen to grab his. When he sat back down we found ourselves completely quiet until Fushimi reached into his pocket and pulled out a black PSP, "Happy late birthday, Misaki."

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