Saru's Birthday

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—Real quick before you read this chapter I would like to give credit to Tomboy-for-life-06 who came up with the idea for this chapter!! :) —


It's been around 7 months since you've gone to the beach and its around the time of year where it's Fushimi's birthday. You want to try to make his birthday the best birthday ever but you don't know what he really wants nowadays. You decide to text him when you woke up to see what his plans are, you want to spent the whole day with him, but you woke up really late from staying out with some members from HOMRA.

-Texting Saru-

You: Hey do you have any plans today?

Saru: I don't have anything in mind, why?

You: I just wanted to ask you if you were going to be busy

You: Just wanted to hang out...

Saru: I don't plan on being busy today, I'm just exhausted from a whole week of late-nighters

You: If you want we can just hang out at my place and watch movies or something

Saru: Yeah that sounds better than sitting at home alone, I'll come over around 8 (pm)

You: Ok! :) :) That sounds good I'll be ready, I guess I'll talk to you later than

Saru: Yeah see you later

-Your POV-

I look at the time, it's almost 6:30pm, That will be enough time to get some food together. I rolled out of bed, not bothering to get dressed. I made my way over to my kitchen while sluggishly slide my feet. Let's see what snacks we've got, I look in my pantry and find a whole bunch of chips and some other snacks. What would be a good meal for dinner? I think (type of food) for dinner would be good. I get all of the food out and put it on the counter next to the stove. I'm gonna need bowls, I reach up into one of the cabinets by the fridge and get on my tippy-toes to try to reach the large plastic (or glass, what ever you have/want) bowls. When I finally I reached some and put out three bowls on the counter and filled them all up with (different/same chips or popcorn, or what ever you like). I placed them all on the coffee table in front of the TV, what movies should we watch though? I looked at my bookcase full of DVD's (I know so ancient! >.<). Ooohh.. These ones are good, I put three on the coffee table next to the bowls of chips. I should probably ask Saru to get some drinks...

-Texting Saru-

You: Hey can you get some drinks on your way over??

Saru: Yeah I'll be sure to get some

-Fushimi POV-

I should probably get ready. I got a little less than a hour until 8, I slowly got out of bed and got in a hoodie and got on some pants. I left to head to a nearby convenient store to get some drinks when I got another text from (y/n).

-Texting (Y/N)-

You: Hey, quick question, what drinks are you planning on getting?

Saru: I was going to grab some drinks that would give the rest of the day some fun.

You: What do you mean??

Saru: You'll see. I'll be over in a while

You: Um, ok then... I'll see you later then

-Your POV-

I put down my phone on my bathroom counter and jumped in the shower to rinse off. I wonder what the heck Saru-chan is going to get, it better be worth all the curiosity. When I got out of the shower I put on some more casual looking clothes and put on a bra, (It's sad I know lol) I fixed up my hair before he got there. As I was walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water I heard a knock on the door, that must be Saru, I opened the door to see him standing there with two brown bags both with glass bottles inside. "What the heck did you get to drink?" I asked as he walked in heading to the couch, "Just enough to get this night by with some fun", he handed me one of the brown bags with the top of the bottle open. "Are you going to drink it?", he teased. I glared at him playfully as I took a small sip, "I didn't know which one to get you so I just picked one I thought you'd like", Fushimi said as he watched me take another drink out of the bottle.

"I guessed right, huh?" I looked back at him and I nodded yes. "You did guess right, Saru, thank you for picking up something to drink.

-Later Around Midnight When Both of  Your Bottles Are Almost Empty-( Still Your POV )-

I sat on the couch with Saru, my feet laying on his lap and his legs stretched out on the coffee table.

"You know that girl we went to school with", I asked at Saru, "the little brunette you liked who sat in front of me in class." Fushimi rolled you his eyes, "I've told you many times before and I'll tell you again, I didn't like her", he looked down at the floor.

"Sure you didn't, you stared at her like she was the most beautiful girl on the planet." He looked back at me, "Jealous?" I rolled my eyes at him and put my arms around his neck playfully.

"Yes my beloved Saru-chan. I am completely and utterly jealous." I say as dramatically as possible. He froze for a second then turned toward me, "I didn't like her", he paused for a couple seconds.

"I liked another girl, she didn't like me back though." I looked at him with a frown.

"Really? Who was it?" Fushimi looked up at the ceiling, "She was always happy and smiling even when she had no reason to"- I interrupted him, "Was it Emiko? OR what about Midori?" Fushimi looked at me a little nervous, "What no, I don't even remember half of those kids that were in our class." I leaned in closer, "Who was it then?" Fushimi leaned over next to my ear, "Keep on guessing, maybe you'll get it right." I sat there for a second and thought about it, did he like me, my face turned red when that thought come into my mind.
"Was it-", I thought about it for a moment, "Was it me?" Fushimi smirked.

"Well it only took fourteen years to finally figure it out", his smirked disappeared as he drank the last sip of his bottle.

"But that was before you left to America." He got up and hugged me, "thanks for a good birthday, I'll talk to you tomorrow." He walked out the door and I sat on my couch completely dumbfounded.

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