I looked at her through the corner of my eye, "Long night?"

"Exactly," she sighed. "Heading home now and taking a long ass nap after three bowls of ramen."

"You know that's not good for you, right?" Kazuki chuckled.

Mina looked at him, "Then how about you buy us breakfast, then?"

The small blush on Kazuki's cheek did not go unnoticed by me as he shuttered, "R-really?"

Of course, Mina cluelessly nodded, "Nothing better than a free meal."

Lucky for the dorky doctor, the elevator sounded announcing our arrival. I bid them farewell since the employee parking lot was in the complete opposite direction from the main lobby and main entrance. I watched them, Kazuki walking a little ahead then turning his head; he said something probably stupid which earned him a smack on the back then his comrade pushed him forward the rest of the way.

I sighed. Someday; we'll get Mina to realize that he's worth everything in this world. 


"Dr. Hyuga?" a nurse walked up to me, holding a clipboard. 

I nodded, "What is it?"

"There's a man in the parking lot waiting for you," then in a lowered voice she murmured. "He looks a little down, too."


She replied, "Yeah."

Well there goes the hope for good news or that my visitor is either Sakura or Ino complaining about my son.

Patting the nurse softly on the shoulder, I made my way towards the front parking lot. I greeted the valet men as well as some of the patients entering and their families. The parking lot didn't hold more than maybe twenty-five cars but my eyes couldn't make out any familiar faces...or any faces at that.

Hm, I stuffed my hands in my lab coat. Is this some kind of practical joke? Karin has been up to her stupid pranks ever since she found out about Naruto and me so this could just be another one of them.

When I get my hands on her -

"Hinata?" the strained voice stopped me half-turn. 

Once more, I scanned every car and ever inch of the parking lot.

Only this time there was for sure the man the nurse promised coming out of a small silver Nissan car. But this man -

"S-Sasuke-kun?!" I rushed over to the deputy to help him the rest of the way. One of his arms was wrapped in bandages. The other -

I gasped making him stumble a bit.

"W-what happened?" I demanded as he leaned against his own car for support. He grunted once and sighed loudly. "What happened to our arm?"

Or better question: where is his arm? 

I leaned against the red trunk behind me; waiting for him to speak. I'll be lying if I said I wasn't nervous as hell. I've seen Sasuke hand-train the soldiers back in Eskon and I'll admit that he's one hella of a good fighter. 

And for him to end up in this condition.

I can't imagine what Naruto looks like.

"There were bombs," Sasuke let a raspy breath out. "Gunshots. A-and I had no idea what was going on. I just lost this arm so I think I might've fainted form all the pain so I can't remember everything clearly."

He moved his dark eyes away from me. Not like he was looking me in the eye in the first place.

I have to be calm. I have to be calm. Just because Sasuke is in this state; doesn't mean Naruto is. He might just be writing a report back at the military base as healthy as ever. 

Peppermint Stone {Peppermint Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now